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Bold "New Posts" flag |
Posted by: Jean-Philippe Ouellet - 2011-12-24, 3:48 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion
- Replies (2)
I am referring to the little
(1 new)
that shows up on the front page when there are unread messages.
I would prefer if that text were bold, like so:
(1 new)
because then it would stand out more when quickly scrolling the page as well as not require me to zoom in on my phone to just quickly check if there is anything new.
That text is in a span with class "new-flag" and just adding
to the css would be great.
Having the text slightly larger would do the trick too, but I think it would look somewhat odd.
MIT Media Lab: TinyProjector |
Posted by: Steffen - 2011-12-22, 0:41 - Forum: Off-Topic
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What happens if you mix a 3D printer with LEGO and some electronics in the MIT Media Lab?
You get this:
Having looked at the awesome 3D printer results,
I think the next 10 years will be the "years of 3D printing".
Simply everybody will 3D print at home - I cannot even imagine in full
what this will mean to creativity... Amazing...
Get flex out there |
Posted by: Tim Gould - 2011-12-20, 21:08 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (22)
I'm firmly of the opinion that we need to get the flex parts out there. I don't care how but we need part numbers and parts and every length that has appeared in a set. In my opinion it is quite terrible for users of LDraw to have no easy access to usable parts that could be auto-generated in seconds by some of us.
So far the release has been held because of technical issues with the library. This is no reason to not have the parts out there as we can always replace them if a decision is made.
So my proposal:
1) We quickly come up with a naming system
2) We auto-generate self-contained parts in all appropriate lengths (I already have perl code for this)
3) We submit one of these to the Part Tracker
4) Once it is certified we adjust the others to take into account comments and put them up
4) If the system is changed in the future we auto-generate again
Syntax highlighting |
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-12-20, 6:57 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion
- Replies (2)
I have the ability to add syntax highlighting site wide (forums, wiki, the upcoming main site). It works for most common programming languages but there's no module for LDraw syntax. Before I waste time writing a module for LDraw syntax, is this something that would be of interest?