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Filepath for official Alias and Physical_Part? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Filepath for official Alias and Physical_Part? (/thread-5303.html)

Filepath for official Alias and Physical_Part? - Willy Tschager - 2012-06-28


what are the filepaths for Alias and Physical_Color under:

http://www.ldraw.org/library/official/<filepath> ?

Thx, w.

Re: Filepath for official Alias and Physical_Part? - Chris Dee - 2012-06-28

Aliases and Physical_Colour (note spelling) files are part of the official library, so they are in http://www.ldraw.org/library/official/parts, e.g. http://www.ldraw.org/library/official/parts/30071.dat.