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  Batman Minifigure with Jetpack
Posted by: Reuben Pearse - 2012-04-19, 21:19 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (10)

Hi there,

Following a few sales of my Star Wars Minifigures 3D collection on TurboSquid, I'm now working on a Batman model. The model is based on the minifigure featured in set 6858.

Using the following Flickr photos as a reference...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/

....I've modeled and rendered the following images:

The only missing parts on the model are:
1) The grey "cap" piece on the top of the jetpack - this is referenced as part 4655241 in the Lego instructions.
2) The "batman claw" - referenced as part 4636105

Is anyone working on these?

I've also created some other resources based on this model:

You can find a copy of the LDraw file here:

You can find the Star Wars Minifigures here:

Bye for now


Download 3D Lego models and other resources from:

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  Early Simple Machines parts need
Posted by: Michal Gardziejewski - 2012-04-19, 9:14 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (3)

I'm Michal. I'm 35 years old. I have a wife and two kids. I live in Poland.
I need virtual bricks of Early Simple Mahines set (9656 or 9654). I can't find it in LDraw.
Only few bricks are in .dat format. Mayby someone have others parts to use in LDraw.


ps. sorry for my English

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  Patterns on transparent parts: To BFC or not to BFC?
Posted by: Daniel Goerner - 2012-04-18, 7:17 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (10)

After talking to Philo, he said I should ask on the Forum about this matter.

Should I BFC a pattern on a transparent part? If it's not BFC'd and you hit BFC in LDView (with red/green turned off) the pattern stays visible on the backside of the part, if it's BFC's the Pattern is not visible. Anyway, POV-Ray doesn't make any difference. The pattern is visible on the bottom, if BFC'd or not. So from my point of view it doesn't make any difference.

But what do you experts think about it? I'll do as you say.

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  LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.3
Posted by: Nils Schmidt - 2012-04-17, 18:03 - Forum: Parts Author Tools - Replies (5)


Here is the new LPC 1.3.3.

Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.
Your configuration won't be deleted if you have already version 1.3.2 installed on your machine.

Change log:

New features:

  • You can use three new shortkeys to access the primitive menu (F7), the “Merge/Split..” menu (F8) and the CSG menu (F9).
  • You can customize the colour toolbar by clicking on a colour with your right mouse button (except colour 16).
  • You can import/load PNG images.
  • Colour 16 triangles are rendered as white-dotted triangles.
  • The precision of the projector is improved.
Fixed Bugs from 1.3.X:
  • Minor language translation bugs
  • The selection rectangle does not disappear in some cases
  • The vertex does not instantly follow the mouse cursor when “Add Vertex” is active

(see full list of tickets for 1.3.3)

I included a short README.pdf in the installation directory.

Cheers & Leg Godt


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  Convertng Ldraw files into Solidworks or Famos or Step format
Posted by: aaburouss - 2012-04-17, 13:33 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - Replies (2)

Hi guys,

Is it possible to convert the Ldraw data into step format t be opened with Solidworks or eventually in Famos (robotics software, supports *.prt,*.asm,*.neu,*.des,*.g,*.igs, *.iges,*.catia-iges,*.sat,*.stp,*.step,*.x_t,*.vda,*.igp,*.stl).

I've tried converting the Ldraw to .dxf with the ldr. to dxf converter, to open it in Solidworks, but that didn't work.

I wouldappreciate any suggestions.

Thaks a lot


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  LDraw at Brickworld Chicago 2012
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2012-04-16, 12:12 - Forum: General LDraw.org Discussion - Replies (1)

Sadly the needs of the Navy have trumped my desire to attend this year. Please disregard this post.

I am officially representing LDraw Brickworld Chicago this year. As in past years I'm going to give my Intro to LDraw presentation but are there any other topics that you might like to see? Also, If you're attending let me know and if we have enough people I'll request a community roundtable discussion.

Also, I'm going to have an LDraw display for public day. I'd like to have some fresh renderings for use instead of rehashing the old MOTM/SOTM images.

Any other thoughts?

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  POVRay 3.7 beta is out
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-04-15, 10:23 - Forum: All Other Programs. - Replies (3)

Sometimes I myself don't notice new versions of programs which appear,
so I'd like to share some news here:

I just spotted that

POVRay 3.7 beta


is out. My previous version was 3.62.

The most important thing about it is that it runs on multiple (all) CPU cores now,
giving you a huge speed boost. It is definetely worth a try.

For people who not yet had used povray with LDraw: just open any *.ldr (or *.dat or *.mpd) file you like
in LDView, and choose File/Export to save it as a *.pov file.
You can then simply open that file in povray, hit the "run" button and will see a nice 3D raytracing rendering
of your scene.

Things to mention:

From this version on, povray suggests to put a #version statement to the very beginning of each file,
telling of which version the syntax in that file is. This allows newer versions to read files for older versions
and behave that way. If you don't do that, you get a warning. I'm just trying to figure out if for me
#version 3.5;
#version 3.6;
#version 3.7;
works best.
see also http://news.povray.org/povray.beta-test/...ay.org%3E/

A similar thing is with the gamma setting. The povray people seem to want to change their default
which previously appeared too bright for some platforms, and too dark for others. (That's also my experience.)
However, changing that default would have broken existing scenes, this is why they probably introduced the #version
requirement described in (a). Read the povray documentation to find out more. For me,
global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
on the PC works quite well.
see also http://wiki.povray.org/content/HowTo:Fix...mma_system

I found some of the new messageboxes quite nagging - YMMV

Have fun!

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  Re: line endings in LDRAW files (CRLF vs. LF vs. CR)
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-04-14, 16:04 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (21)

I just wanted to reply to http://forums.ldraw.org/showthread.php?tid=4401,4401
, but couldn't, so I am forced to post here.

I think that that voting is on a good way, but I think that the Mac users have been forgotten.
The currently suggested new text says
"it is recommended that applications understand CRLF and LF as line endings".
I think that that should be instead
"it is recommended that applications understand CRLF and LF and CR as line endings".

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  Second call for votes: CRLF as official line ending
Posted by: Willy Tschager - 2012-04-14, 15:54 - Forum: Standards Board - Replies (8)

Please vote on the proposal below. Please modify the Subject to include your name and vote, in addition to giving your vote in the text.


Quote:Line Termination

All lines in the file must use the standard DOS/Windows line termination of <CR><LF> (carriage return/line feed). The last two bytes of the file must be <CR><LF>. (In other words, there must be a <CR><LF> line terminator at the end of the last line in the file.)


LDraw.org File Format Restrictions for the Official Library

and add:

Quote:Line Termination

All lines in the file must use the standard DOS/Windows line termination of <CR><LF> (carriage return/line feed). The file is permitted (but not required) to end with a <CR><LF>. It is recommended that all LDraw-compliant programs also be capable of reading files with the standard Unix line termination of <LF> (line feed).

to the :

LDraw.org File Format Version 1.0.1 page.

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  VisualLDConfig update 2012-01-06
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2012-04-13, 12:05 - Forum: General LDraw.org Discussion - Replies (3)

Here is an update of my VisualLDconfig mpd, including colours defined in LDconfig.ldr update 2012-01-06.
[Image: visualldconfig.png]
Brickshelf folder with more renderings (after validation)

Attached Files
.mpd   visualLDconfig.mpd (Size: 384.45 KB / Downloads: 0)
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