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Thumbs Up 95199: Minifig, Weapon Gun, Two Barrel Pistol
Posted by: ilithyia - 2012-07-11, 17:07 - Forum: Part Requests - No Replies

I'm looking for this part.

It exists in LDD, but I can't use it in MLCAD. Would be great if someone far more knowledgeable than me could help me with the item.


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  help editing the view mode
Posted by: Morintari - 2012-07-11, 5:48 - Forum: Help - Replies (5)

Is there a way in view mode while shuttling through steps can you go to a step in your model then edit it then go back to view mode. For example I create a model using steps. Some of the steps are wrong. I then go through view mode to view my steps. Then I change my steps by going back to edit mode when the faulty step is selected in view mode. Can a user do anything like this. if not will they consider to add this feature in next release. I find myself creating a model making a mistake and having to create it over and over again hoping to make it without mistakes. Any help is greatly appricated. thanks.

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  Star Wars parts found in LDD,but not in LDraw
Posted by: Christoph Mierowski - 2012-07-10, 17:46 - Forum: Part Requests - No Replies

Panaka Hat

90538 Fedora Hat m/wide brim

87557 Clone Pilot Helmet

61189 Clone Helmet w. 1.5 hole

87555 Rebel Troper Cap

64797 Nute Gun Ray Hat

64803 Rebel Helmet Endor

64806 Guard Trooper Helmet

87556 AT AT / TIE Pilot Helmet

64802 Clone Trooper Jet Pack

90539 Cad Bane Head Gear

46304 Goggles

89974 Medical Droid

all part numbers and names are from LDD

I didn't find the clone trooper episode 3 helmet in LDD Sad

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  LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.9
Posted by: Nils Schmidt - 2012-07-09, 16:26 - Forum: Parts Author Tools - Replies (1)


Here is the fresh LPC 1.3.9 !

Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.
Your configuration won't be deleted if you have already version greater than 1.3.1 installed on your machine.

Change log:

New features:

  • You can use a spline tool for creating spline curves.
  • You can save your data in a LPC - V1.00 legacy format. This format will be read by all LPC versions, but it does not store all pattern information (e.g. metadata, primitives and groups).
  • You can switch between the selection of overlapping primitives while CTRL is pressed.
  • You can zoom with '+' and '-' too.
  • The zoom textfield shows the zoom dialog with just one click.
  • The F5/F6 toolboxes are movable.
  • Overall program stability, compatibility and performance is improved.
Fixed Bugs from 1.3.X:
  • The sticker dimensions are not correct.
  • It is impossible to select a primitive/​group, which is transformed into a straight line.

(see full list of tickets for 1.3.9)

I included a short readme.htm in the installation directory.

Cheers & Leg Godt


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  LDraw.org Official Library Standards article transferred to new site
Posted by: Willy Tschager - 2012-07-09, 14:02 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements - Replies (6)


all articles belonging to the LDraw.org Official Library Standards section have been transferred to the new CMS.

I would appreciate if someone could browse the articles under:

Home > Documentation > LDraw.org Official Library Standards

and check if there are broken links (internal and external).

Many thx,

(LDraw.org Content Manager)

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  LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Posted by: Roland Melkert - 2012-07-08, 21:31 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (14)

Hello all,

I finally finished a version of LDCad 1.1 which is 'beta' worthy imho. So after almost 7 months here's a new (semi) stable version for you to play with. You'll find it at


Do note, a uninstall of a previous version is highly recommended.

Bigest changes (compared to 1.0, not the alpha's):

  • Full support for ortho/2D/flat projection editing.
  • (unlimited) split edit views.
  • Beter 'old' OpenGL implementations support (Will even render on 1.1, no more crosses or flickering screen).
  • Menu/tool bar (i got tired of all the 'where's the menu' comments). It's fully customizable, but do note not all available toobuttons have icons yet.
  • Rotation center manipulation is now supported.
  • expert' (manual) rotation, movement and selection center dialogs.
  • 'Modern windows' friendly installer (setup will install dynamic stuff outside the program files folder). If you don't like this use the archive version or delete the LDCad.cfg file BEFORE you start LDCad for the first time.
  • A boat load of small stuff (see the changeLog.txt file for all details).

a screenshort for closure, enjoy:

[Image: 1-1-Beta-1-ForumScrShot.png]

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  minifig made of wood
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-07-08, 3:32 - Forum: Off-Topic - No Replies

again not MY-own-creation, but SOMEONE-ELSE's-own creation (SOEOC):
a minifig made of wood, carved with a CNC wood cutter. beautiful!


[Image: 3-1-lego-minifigure-cut-cnc-_dsc4762.jpg...1324224344]

[Image: 3-1-lego-minifigure-cut-cnc-_dsc4756.jpg...1324224344]

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  editing a forum post ---> unread
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-07-07, 11:43 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (1)

I think that when a forum post gets edited,
it should be shown as "unread" again to all readers.
Currently, that read/unread status doesn't seem to be affected by an edit.

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  LDD to POV-Ray™ Converter
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2012-07-07, 6:16 - Forum: General LDraw.org Discussion - Replies (6)

Looks like LDraw is loosing one of its strongest advantages over LDD...
LDD to POV-Ray™ Converter

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  Possible to stop forcing pages to reload?
Posted by: Travis Cobbs - 2012-07-06, 17:21 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (5)

While testing links in the new LDraw File Format Standards section of the web site, I noticed that every time I click on one of the links in the table of contents, it apparently reloads the page. (It definitely communicates with the site, and that communication introduces an extremely noticable delay). The same thing happens every time I hit the back button immediately after having navigated one of these in-document links.

Doing a little digging, I discovered that this is caused by the main site menu URL for the document being blahblahblah/218.html, while the table of contents links are all blahblahblah/218/#yadayada. If I point my browser directly at blahblahblah/218/, instead of blahblahblah/218.html, the problem goes away. Is there any way to use the blahblahblah/218/ version of the URL as the one from the menu, and make that the official URL, instead of the blahblahblah/218.html one?

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