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The LDraw "Community" |
Posted by: Martin James - 2012-09-24, 8:37 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion
- Replies (13)
Help! I'm lost, confused, and not sure what to do first/next/last.
Somewhere in the great rewrite of this site I seem to have disappeared, as do most of the things I used to recognize under the umbrella of "Community". I used to have an account ("Emjay") but it doesn't work any more. I managed to create a new one, with exactly the same user name and details, to give me access to the Forums so I can at least get this far.
But my main problem is this:
My "Virtual Minibrix" parts library survived the rewrite, and now appears under "Parts" then "Other Parts Libraries". This is fine -- it is still very popular, and has a large and still-growing user base. However, somehow I need to get the entry on that page changed, as the site is moving to a new URL.
So how do the "Community" pages now get updated? And does the concept of user contributions still exist?
Martin James
Lego Lord of the Rings |
Posted by: Reuben Pearse - 2012-09-22, 20:46 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (2)
Hi guys,
Has anyone started creating parts for the new Lego Lord of the Rings sets? Some of the new minifigures are really cool!
I recently got my son set 9471 (Uruk-Hai Army). The Uruk-Hai swords and shields are really neat!
Some of the new LOTR sets feature a new version of the 1x2 brick that has indentations in the piece. See here for more details.
It looks like some of the minifig patterns will be fun to create. Any takers?
I look forward to seeing some LOTR parts on parts tracker soon.
Bye for now
Download 3D Lego models and other resources from:
LDPatternCreator - Release 1.4.3 |
Posted by: Nils Schmidt - 2012-09-22, 16:50 - Forum: Parts Author Tools
- Replies (2)
Here is the new LPC 1.4.3!
Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.
Your configuration won't be deleted if you have already version greater than 1.3.1 installed on your machine.
Change log:
New features: - The DAT file header parser is improved.
- The T-junction detector is improved.
Fixed bugs from 1.4.2 and older:- LPC crashes when a subfile gets imported as part and then exported as DAT (only for non-standard subfile names like XXXpXX[a-z].dat).
- Blank lines in part metadata are not deleted.
- The object mode (tringle, vertex, primitive) is not restored after closing the preview mode.
(see full list of tickets for 1.4.3)
I included a short readme.htm in the installation directory.
Cheers & Leg Godt
Have any giant POV files you want rendered? |
Posted by: Jean-Philippe Ouellet - 2012-09-19, 7:58 - Forum: Rendering Techniques
- Replies (1)
I'm currently doing research in distributed raytracing on HPC clusters using a self-modified version of pov-ray inspired by (but not at all derived from) the now dead MPI-POV. There's certainly no shortage of computationally intensive things to do in POV-Ray, but I was wondering if any of you had anything giant you wanted rendered.
Datsville, the largest ldraw model I am aware of, took just over 3 seconds to render (not counting parsing time, and there was no photon mapping to be done) at full quality (l3p -q4) at my native background resolution (1440x900), and it's pretty borring to shave milliseconds instead of hours off render time, especially when the bulk of the time was spent parsing the scene (60 something seconds).
If nobody has anything, I'm probably going to end up sticking to non-LDraw-origin scenes, as much more can be done with pov-ray than what the various ldraw->povray exporters are capable of, but I figured I'd ask. It doesn't even need to be LDraw related, but does anyone have something cool they want rendered? Possibly at some massive resolution, and/or an animation of the camera flying through the model, etc.
I can certainly write something my self that takes forever to render, but since lots of wall time is going to be spent rendering things anyway, I figured I might as well ask if somebody has something worthwhile.
The only thing I ask is that I be granted permission to include the media produced in any relevant publications (think academic paper, etc.).