
hello me want othrographic front view of this piece 😂

.jpg   s-l400.jpg (Size: 14.46 KB / Downloads: 213)

bye 😂
RE: pattern😂
There are like 40 heads using the Clone Wars cartoony style.

I would like these to be somewhat uniform in regards to eye height and size.

Maybe it's even possible to sub-file and reuse some assets?

I might have overlooked something, but are there any headpieces which must match certain areas of the face?
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-11, 21:32)Chris Böhnke Wrote: There are like 40 heads using the Clone Wars cartoony style.

I would like these to be somewhat uniform in regards to eye height and size.

Maybe it's even possible to sub-file and reuse some assets?

I might have overlooked something, but are there any headpieces which must match certain areas of the face?

speaking of subfile
there are 2 versions of this funny looking head for 3626b and 3626c

obi wan's and anakin with scar print seemed like they would fit but are too big based on comparing the official renders
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-11, 21:32)Chris Böhnke Wrote: There are like 40 heads using the Clone Wars cartoony style.

I would like these to be somewhat uniform in regards to eye height and size.

Maybe it's even possible to sub-file and reuse some assets?

I might have overlooked something, but are there any headpieces which must match certain areas of the face?

Here's a collection of my CW-heads
RE: pattern😂
Ah, yes - many are alien species not matching the general shape anyways.
RE: pattern😂

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RE: pattern😂
why does everytime i try to do a pattern for a curved pattern it turns out that the geometry doesnt line up with the base mesh geometry
and when i try to correct and export it it ends up corrupted and i try to import it using obj2dat and it ends up many missing polygons

can someone convert it correctly to fit on 3626.dat so i dont pull my hair out trying to do the same

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.zip (Size: 218.71 KB / Downloads: 1)
RE: pattern😂
i assume this snafu would be fixed using slicerpro

but how do i use it
enter is to close the program then how do i enter in a command?
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-12, 18:10)Jeff Jones Wrote: i assume this snafu would be fixed using slicerpro

but how do i use it
enter is to close the program then how do i enter in a command?
As the original author of slicerpro I can tell you: don't use it, it does a pretty bad job for most patterns (very poor triangulation). You should instead try to use ldpattern creator. Tedious, but works...
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-12, 19:04)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: As the original author of slicerpro I can tell you: don't use it, it does a pretty bad job for most patterns (very poor triangulation). You should instead try to use ldpattern creator. Tedious, but works...

RE: pattern😂
I'll give it a try.
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-12, 16:49)Jeff Jones Wrote: why does everytime i try to do a pattern for a curved pattern it turns out that the geometry doesnt line up with the base mesh geometry
and when i try to correct and export it it ends up corrupted and i try to import it using obj2dat and it ends up many missing polygons

The trick is to never draw a triangle across the mesh lines in your templet.


Here the 3 green will be exported well, but the red one will be out of position.
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-12, 22:05)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: The trick is to never draw a triangle across the mesh lines in your templet.

Here the 3 green will be exported well, but the red one will be out of position.


when i export from ldpc it is flat no formed
is there a option to make it 3d?
RE: pattern😂
You need to use a template:

RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-12, 22:05)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: The trick is to never draw a triangle across the mesh lines in your templet.

Here the 3 green will be exported well, but the red one will be out of position.

It is always better to keep to the guiding lines.

However: If you need to cross one of these lines do the following to slice a triangle along these lines, do this only TEMPORARILY
-> Select the SLICERPRO.EXE
-> Click OK

When you now export the surface will be cut along the guideing lines and the resulting triangles iwll be projected onto the template:

This looks faily nice in this example, but it might require some clean up afterwards to reduce extra vertices.

Therefore you can draw closely to the guiding lines, select the vertex and press CTRL-T to snap the vertex to the guiding line

REMEMBER to disable SlicerPro again
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-13, 10:59)Gerald Lasser Wrote: It is always better to keep to the guiding lines.

However: If you need to cross one of these lines do the following to slice a triangle along these lines, do this only TEMPORARILY
-> Select the SLICERPRO.EXE
-> Click OK

When you now export the surface will be cut along the guideing lines and the resulting triangles iwll be projected onto the template:

This looks faily nice in this example, but it might require some clean up afterwards to reduce extra vertices.

Therefore you can draw closely to the guiding lines, select the vertex and press CTRL-T to snap the vertex to the guiding line

REMEMBER to disable SlicerPro again

is there a way to import a dat file as the geometry
if i know then i could finally finalize the patrick legs thats been on hold for like a month
RE: pattern😂
(2025-02-13, 11:21)Jeff Jones Wrote: is there a way to import a dat file as the geometry

Make a dat-file, using all the formed surface you want to print.
Make sure all vertices are unified. No rounding errors.

Use File/Import from DAT. Choose an appropriate direction to suit the image you have of the pattern.

Choose Import a DAT File / Overwrite and import projection data

Select your file of surfaces.

Draw your pattern.
RE: pattern😂
tried to make a template😂
0 // Subfile<br>1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\3626cs01.dat
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
3 17 0 13 4 0 12.0107 4 -4.9751 12.0107 17 -4.9751
12.0107 17 -4.9751 12.0107 4 -4.9751 9.1923 4 -9.1923 9.1923 17 -9.1923
0 17 -13 0 4 -13 -4.9751 4 -12.0107 -4.9751 17 -12.0107
-4.9751 17 -12.0107 -4.9751 4 -12.0107 -9.1923 4 -9.1923 -9.1923 17 -9.1923
9.1923 17 -9.1923 9.1923 4 -9.1923 4.9751 4 -12.0107 4.9751 17 -12.0107
4.9751 17 -12.0107 4.9751 4 -12.0107 0 4 -13 0 17 -13
-9.1923 17 -9.1923 -9.1923 4 -9.1923 -12.0107 4 -4.9751 -12.0107 17 -4.9751
-12.0107 17 -4.9751 -12.0107 4 -4.9751 -13 4 0 -13 17 0
-3.7936 .30464 -9.1592 -7.0096 .30464 -7.0096 -8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568 -4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576
-3.0616 0 -7.3912 -5.6568 0 -5.6568 -7.0096 .30464 -7.0096 -3.7936 .30464 -9.1592
-4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592 -8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232 -9.192 4 -9.192 -4.9752 4 -12.0104
-4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576 -8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568 -8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232 -4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592
0 .30464 -9.9136 -3.7936 .30464 -9.1592 -4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576 0 1.17184 -11.5352
0 0 -8 -3.0616 0 -7.3912 -3.7936 .30464 -9.1592 0 .30464 -9.9136
0 2.46912 -12.6192 -4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592 -4.9752 4 -12.0104 0 4 -13
0 1.17184 -11.5352 -4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576 -4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592 0 2.46912 -12.6192
-9.1592 .30464 -3.7936 -9.9136 .30464 0 -11.5352 1.17184 0 -10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144
-7.3912 0 -3.0616 -8 0 0 -9.9136 .30464 0 -9.1592 .30464 -3.7936
-11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296 -12.6192 2.46912 0 -13 4 0 -12.0104 4 -4.9752
-10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144 -11.5352 1.17184 0 -12.6192 2.46912 0 -11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296
-7.0096 .30464 -7.0096 -9.1592 .30464 -3.7936 -10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144 -8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568
-5.6568 0 -5.6568 -7.3912 0 -3.0616 -9.1592 .30464 -3.7936 -7.0096 .30464 -7.0096
-8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232 -11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296 -12.0104 4 -4.9752 -9.192 4 -9.192
-8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568 -10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144 -11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296 -8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232
8 0 0 7.3912 0 -3.0616 9.1592 .30464 -3.7936 9.9136 .30464 0
0.6576 1.17184 -4.4144 8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568 8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232 11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296
9.1592 .30464 -3.7936 7.0096 .30464 -7.0096 8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568 10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144
5.6568 0 -5.6568 3.0616 0 -7.3912 3.7936 .30464 -9.1592 7.0096 .30464 -7.0096
11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296 8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232 9.192 4 -9.192 12.0104 4 -4.9752
11.5352 1.17184 0 10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144 11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296 12.6192 2.46912 0
9.9136 .30464 0 9.1592 .30464 -3.7936 10.6576 1.17184 -4.4144 11.5352 1.17184 0
7.3912 0 -3.0616 5.6568 0 -5.6568 7.0096 .30464 -7.0096 9.1592 .30464 -3.7936
12.6192 2.46912 0 11.6592 2.46912 -4.8296 12.0104 4 -4.9752 13 4 0
4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576 0 1.17184 -11.5352 0 2.46912 -12.6192 4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592
3.7936 .30464 -9.1592 0 .30464 -9.9136 0 1.17184 -11.5352 4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576
4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592 0 2.46912 -12.6192 0 4 -13 4.9752 4 -12.0104
8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568 4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576 4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592 8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232
7.0096 .30464 -7.0096 3.7936 .30464 -9.1592 4.4144 1.17184 -10.6576 8.1568 1.17184 -8.1568
3.0616 0 -7.3912 0 0 -8 0 .30464 -9.9136 3.7936 .30464 -9.1592
8.9232 2.46912 -8.9232 4.8296 2.46912 -11.6592 4.9752 4 -12.0104 9.192 4 -9.192
0 20.69536 -9.9136 3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592 4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576 0 19.82816 -11.5352
0 21 -8 3.0616 21 -7.3912 3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592 0 20.69536 -9.9136
4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592 8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232 9.192 17 -9.192 4.9752 17 -12.0104
4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576 8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568 8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232 4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592
7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096 9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936 10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144 8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568
5.6568 21 -5.6568 7.3912 21 -3.0616 9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936 7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096
0 18.53088 -12.6192 4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592 4.9752 17 -12.0104 0 17 -13
0 19.82816 -11.5352 4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576 4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592 0 18.53088 -12.6192
3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592 7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096 8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568 4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576
3.0616 21 -7.3912 5.6568 21 -5.6568 7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096 3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592
11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296 12.6192 18.53088 0 13 17 0 12.0104 17 -4.9752
10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144 11.5352 19.82816 0 12.6192 18.53088 0 11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296
8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232 11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296 12.0104 17 -4.9752 9.192 17 -9.192
8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568 10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144 11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296 8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232
9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936 9.9136 20.69536 0 11.5352 19.82816 0 10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144
7.3912 21 -3.0616 8 21 0 9.9136 20.69536 0 9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936
-8 21 0 -7.3912 21 -3.0616 -9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936 -9.9136 20.69536 0
-11.5352 19.82816 0 -10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144 -11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296 -12.6192 18.53088 0
-9.9136 20.69536 0 -9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936 -10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144 -11.5352 19.82816 0
-5.6568 21 -5.6568 -3.0616 21 -7.3912 -3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592 -7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096
-11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296 -8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232 -9.192 17 -9.192 -12.0104 17 -4.9752
-8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568 -4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576 -4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592 -8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232
-7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096 -3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592 -4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576 -8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568
-7.3912 21 -3.0616 -5.6568 21 -5.6568 -7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096 -9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936
-12.6192 18.53088 0 -11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296 -12.0104 17 -4.9752 -13 17 0
-10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144 -8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568 -8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232 -11.6592 18.53088 -4.8296
-9.1592 20.69536 -3.7936 -7.0096 20.69536 -7.0096 -8.1568 19.82816 -8.1568 -10.6576 19.82816 -4.4144
-4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592 0 18.53088 -12.6192 0 17 -13 -4.9752 17 -12.0104
-3.0616 21 -7.3912 0 21 -8 0 20.69536 -9.9136 -3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592
-8.9232 18.53088 -8.9232 -4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592 -4.9752 17 -12.0104 -9.192 17 -9.192
-4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576 0 19.82816 -11.5352 0 18.53088 -12.6192 -4.8296 18.53088 -11.6592
-3.7936 20.69536 -9.1592 0 20.69536 -9.9136 0 19.82816 -11.5352 -4.4144 19.82816 -10.6576
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