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  forum notification e-mail
Posted by: Steffen - 2011-12-01, 14:44 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (4)

Currently, the forum notifications via e-mail have "[email protected]" as sender.
I'd like to ask if this could be changed to something more specific/simpler, like e.g.
ldraw.org Forums Notification
LDraw.org Forums
LDraw.org Forum Notificator Script
LDraw.org Forum Notificator

That would allow me to better sort my e-mails.

The general sender [email protected] should IMHO not be used for this specific task.

(Of course, the "From" text setting can be configured independently from its associated mail address,
so of course the mail address behind the From: text can stay as it is now.
I just want the displayed text in the notification mails changed to something more specific.)

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  Applescript droplet to generate png previews using LDView
Posted by: Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-12-01, 10:01 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - No Replies


The following saved as an application from the AppleScript Editor generates png previews:

property ldview : "/Applications/LDView/LDView.app/Contents/MacOS/LDView"

on run
    set root to choose folder with prompt "Please select folder."
end run

on open root
    if folder of (info for root without size) is true then
    end if
end open

on generatepreview(root)
    set suffix to "\\( -iname \"*.ldr\" -o -iname \"*.mpd\" -o -iname \"*.dat\" \\)"
    set root to (POSIX path of root) as string
    set root to quoted form of ((characters 1 through -2 of root) as string)
    set ldrs to do shell script "find " & root & " -type f " & suffix
    repeat with ldr in paragraphs of ldrs
            set dirname to do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of ldr
            set png to ((characters 1 through -5 of ldr) as string) & ".png"
            do shell script "cd " & dirname & "; " & ldview & " " & quoted form of ldr & " -SaveSnapshot " & quoted form of png
        end try
    end repeat
end generatepreview

It assumes that LDview is in the application folder. Modify the "ldview" property otherwise.


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  How do I use LDView form the command line in OSX?
Posted by: Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-12-01, 7:11 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (1)


How do I use LDView form the command line in OSX?



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  Feature request for Bricksmith: Quicklook plugin
Posted by: Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-12-01, 6:54 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - No Replies


It would be very cool to have a quicklook plugin for ldraw files in OSX. Perhaps to be bundled with Bricksmith, or by itself.



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  Streamlining the exchange of models that use unofficial parts
Posted by: Jim DeVona - 2011-12-01, 2:41 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - Replies (14)

A common issue with sharing LDraw models seems to be unofficial parts usage. To recap the problem, since unofficial parts are subject to changes in origin, orientation, filename, etc., models built with unofficial parts may appear incorrectly or incomplete to users with different (or no) versions of that part. The recommended solution (see recent examples) is to include needed unofficial parts as MPD submodels, so the version used will always be available to others viewing the file. This is a good solution, but I don't think it is an obvious solution to the larger community of casual users. Plus, if you use certain unofficial parts frequently (or have downloaded all of them), I find it easy to forget that they are even unofficial - and there may be prerequisite unofficial subparts or primitives needed as well.


  1. Are there any editors or utilities that currently support saving models with unofficial parts (and dependencies) included as sub models? For example, a save dialog option or insert menu command to "Include unofficial parts as sub models", or a single-purpose utility to do the same for existing files. I suppose unofficial parts would be identified by looking for "Unofficial_" in the !LDRAW_ORG header line (or any non-compliance with the official library header specs, for that matter), or also, obviously, if they are housed in the "Unofficial/" subdirectory of the LDraw library.
  2. Imagine if the Part Tracker kept a version history of the actual part files (like source code version control), not just an event log. (Does it?) Conceivably, this could then be used to retrieve the unofficial parts used to create models found in the wild - perhaps even programmatically, based on file creation date. I can imagine a number of cases where this strategy might break down, but maintaining a full version history seems like it might be useful anyway. (Moving forward, it could probably even be implemented as a third party mirror that monitors the main part tracker's activity log and commits copies of each new change...)

Thoughts and comments?

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  My models...
Posted by: Oh-Seong KWON - 2011-11-30, 15:01 - Forum: Official Models - Replies (2)


Here are a lot of models that I have made since 2009.

It' over 350 models including many big models, especially Technic, Starwars and Modular Buildings.

Anybody want to use it, you can download it at above link.

Note that I want to give it 'Free for NON-Commercial Use ONLY' right Smile

I hope that these models make someone happy.

I have made some serious decision to leave MLCAD, SR3D Builder for 8 months because of personal reason.


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  [SR 3D Builder] Install request
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-11-30, 14:42 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (7)

I'm a computer control freak and as such I hate install programs. I'd much prefer to have a zip file to unzip wherever I want. I realize that most users like install programs but I'd like to request a zip distro of SR 3D Builder.

I'd also like to request the unbundling of the Conns folder with the rest of the parts library. I keep my parts distro up to date myself and, frankly, the installer you use to add the parts library is extremely slow. I'd rather not have to sit through the entire install every time I want to update the program.

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  Description Length still constrained to 64 characters?
Posted by: Greg Teft - 2011-11-30, 6:28 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (7)

I noticed about a half dozen parts with longer descriptions in an 'unofficial' download from September, but no comments regarding that as an issue in the parts tracker.
Is there still a constraint on the description length as per the header spec?
Just wondering if the code I'm working for my Java project should prevent this.
I came across it while running a test across all dat files I had.

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  [Bricksmith] More feature requests
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-11-30, 2:39 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (5)

Ok, I read actaully read the Help file this time so if I ask for something that's in there then I guess my short term memory sucks Wink

- I like show/hide but it only works if the actual parts are selected. Request that if a step is selected, all the parts in that step are hidden/shown
- Request an easy way to set the zoom level for all the viewports, all at the same time. Sometimes I zoom to various levels depending on the view (e.g. front, left, etc...) and then when I'm done I'd like to just reset them all back to the same view level. - Jim's suggestion is good enough for me
- A keyboard shortcut for changing grid granularity - These exist and I am apparently blind
- I like pinch to zoom but for some reason it sometimes switches the viewport to the 3D view while I am pinching.
- OMR stuff for the file header.

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  Unintentional emoticons
Posted by: Jean-Philippe Ouellet - 2011-11-30, 1:35 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (6)

Emoticon replacement is occurring where it is not called for.

When I type ") it is converted to Wink

This is quite unfortunate when you just want to put strings inside parentheses. See this post as an example. (just try to quote-reply to the message to clearly see what I intended for it to look like)

When you click on the smiley face on top of the message input box and click Wink, it adds ;) so why should ") also be the same face.

Also, I would like to propose that we disable emoticon replacement inside code blocks so that we don't run into things like

foreach $n (0..($segs-1)) {
as found here.

print("Hello World!");
should not read
print("Hello World!");

Note: I am inserting [b][/b] in-between the two characters that make up the emoticon in order to prevent it from being converted to a face.

Edit: This post may not make a whole lot of sense anymore to those who were not here earlier and thus don't know what I'm referring to. Just trust me, there were little yellow smiley faces everywhere... just trust me Tongue

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