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LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2011-02 now available |
Posted by: Willy Tschager - 2012-01-18, 13:25 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements
- Replies (1)
The LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2011-02, in short AIOI, has now been released:
* It comes with the latest LDraw Parts Library update 2011-02 as well as MLCad.ini file.
* MLCad has been updated to 3.40
The AIOI supports Windows XP (Home and Pro), Windows Vista (all versions) and Windows 7 (all versions). On 64-Bit Operating Systems it will install in the "Program files (x86)" folder. The Installer will NOT run on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT Ver 4, 2000, or XP below SP2.
You can download the AIOI by going to the download database under the heading Critical Files and Libraries.
Up load my design |
Posted by: Kieran Metcalf - 2012-01-16, 11:13 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers
- Replies (6)
I have designed a tower crane and have used LDraw to draw it.
There are some technic brick combonations in the slew mechanism which I
have not seen in existing models and would like to record it.
Without having contest it, is there an libery that I can store it.
LDView Bug |
Posted by: Christoph Mierowski - 2012-01-15, 17:33 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers
- Replies (14)
I recognized, that if I use the primitive substitution option with models that have xxxxh.DAT baseplates in them the whole program does crash.
With xxxxh.DAT I mean the baseplate with detailed underside studs - only for the case these get renamed.....
Is this error known ?
Will it be fixed?
BETA tester searched |
Posted by: Michael Heidemann - 2012-01-15, 15:59 - Forum: All Other Programs.
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Hi all,
I am currently coding on my MPDCenter.
Aim is:
1) Open and Save MPD files.
2) Import DAT and LDR files.
3) Export DAT and LDR files including referenced files from within the MPD.
4) Delete DAT and LDR files from MPD.
5) Import DAT files if used from within the MPD that are not official.
6) Adding the License in a bunch to all files within the MPD.
7) If MPD filename is according to the current OMR Spec. keep the DAT and LDR files also conform to the OMR spec.
That sounds all simple, but in detail it is'nt.
I would be glad if there where some people that like to test it.
Written in Visual Basic Express 2008, so it might also run on Linux and MAC with MONO Enviroment (but this is not the first aim).
If you are interested in further developing this tool please leave your comment here.
Tutorial: joining studs to a non-planar surface |
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2012-01-15, 12:41 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (6)
This decribes method to create the junction between stud primitives and a non-planar surface. It is not perfect (there are some T-junctions created in the process), but it's pretty efficient. It is also the opportunity to see an example of usage of many tools...
We start with the partial part, stud4a are in position and we need to join them to dome shaped surface above.
Starting file: stb0.dat
Extract stud4a primitives -> stb1.dat
Inline (using LDDP) stb1 contents (one level), and remove everything but 4-4edges. Inline the result -> stb2.dat
Using MLCad, extract bottom surface from stb0.dat -> stb3.dat
Use Slicerpro on stb2.dat as pattern, stb3.dat as former -> stb4.dat
Generate the tubes using Ytruder. Stud4a top is at Y=44, so we use Ytruder with projection on plane Y=44 -> stb5.dat
Problem is that the orientation of the generated surface depends only on the orientation of lines in stb4.dat. If you look at the file in BFC mode, orientation is not correct. Windz should be able to do clean up, but stb5.dat has no clear interior/exterior, so Windz doesn't perform well on it. We will add the stud4a primitives (from file stb1.dat) to it to make things clear, we also remove the edge lines inserted by Ytruder on the edges of non circular paths -> stb6.dat
Windz can now find correct bfc orientation -> stb7.dat
We can now reintegrate all these elements (edge lines from stb4.dat, cylinders from stb7.dat) in stb0.dat -> stb8.dat
Now we go on with generation of walls between studs.
First step, using MLCad we create top of walls as rectangles that enter in cylinder tubes -> stb9.dat
Adjust Y value of stb1.dat so that height of stud4a be in the middle of quads in stb9 (we could have used cylinders of stb7, but since there are more cuts the result would not be as clean). Inline multilevel down to quad and lines -> stb10.dat
Now cut stb9.dat with the studs (stb10.dat) using Intersector -> stb11.dat
Create intersection lines with Isecalc ->stb12.dat
Remove the unwanted (yellow) surfaces from stb11.dat, and add edge lines from stb12.dat then restore proper colors -> stb13.dat
Generate remaining edge lines with Edger2, options "Create only unmatched edges" and "write only new lines". The result contains only side edge lines, those where we want to grow side surfaces. Change edge color to 24 -> stb14.dat
We will now use the same process as the one used for stud cylinders.
Use Slicerpro on stb14.dat as pattern, stb3.dat as former -> stb15.dat
Generate the side walls using Ytruder. Top is at Y=35, so we use Ytruder with projection on plane Y=35 -> stb16.dat
Merge stb13, stb14, stb15 and stb16 -> stb17.dat
Run Windz on stb17 to improve BFC. Unfortunately stb17 has no clear inside/outside, so Windz result is not perfect, and you still have to flip a few quads manually. It can be done relatively easily using LDView tree view with highlight to find line number of inverted elements, and change winding in LDDP. -> stb18.dat
Add it to stb8 ->stb19.dat
LEGO Themes in OMR files |
Posted by: Willy Tschager - 2012-01-13, 11:45 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (4)
Hi folks,
I've got a request from Mike Heidemann in regard of the:
0 !THEME Theme name
command in OMR files. We discussed how detailed and how "deep" we should go in the hierarchy of LEGO themes. We have therefore downloaded BL's theme list you'll find at the LDraw wiki:
Look at the list it seems reasonable to use two levels - kind of:
Adventurers / Desert
Adventurers / Dino Island
Adventurers / Jungle
but not three:
Town / Classic Town / Airport
Town / Classic Town / Building
Town / Classic Town / Cargo
for most themes, while some could stand just with the main theme such as:
Universal Building Set
However sometimes things go wired when you have:
Town / City / Police
Town / Classic Town / Police
Town / Police
Town / World City / Police
We would like to invite the community to come up with some general rules which could be used to cut town the current list.