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Announcing mklist2 |
Posted by: Tim Gould - 2012-05-10, 11:43 - Forum: All Other Programs.
- Replies (27)
Hi all,
Following recent discussion on changes to the parts library (specifically new leading characters for aliases and longer filenames) I've written a new version of mklist to ensure that backwards compatibility can be maintained, while also giving a little more power to the users.
Features not appearing in mklist are: - Ensure <=64 character titles using a shortening technique
- Ignore parts with user supplied leading characters (eg. =, _)
- Strip off leading characters (eg. ~)
- Remove parts with duplicate names (experimental feature)
The code is also open source so it can easily be modified in future.
Find it here with a pre-compiled Windows executable. The code itself is exceedingly basic C++ so should compile on any OS using a gnu (or compatible) compiler with minimal changes.
Bricksmith ... "missing parts" message |
Posted by: Tim Howell - 2012-05-09, 2:11 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers
- Replies (11)
I have just installed the Ldraw parts library (most recent version) and Bricksmith on my new Mac. I can open Bricksmith, and it finds the parts library. But when I open a file, it comes up with a list of "parts not found." This happens both with the sample model files that came with Bricksmith, and with .ldr files that I previously (last week) used with MLCad on my old PC. When this list is short, I can click "OK" at the bottom and the file still opens, with empty spaces for the missing pieces. When the list is long, it extends below the extent of the screen and I cannot click "OK," meaning Bricksmith is locked up and I have to go through Utilities to force it to quit.
I don't understand why Bricksmith finds the parts library, but not some of the parts. All of the parts were available when I used Ldraw with MLCad. Secondly, if I get that long list, is there a way to continue on to Bricksmith without having to force it to quit?
LPub: Torsos and Legs |
Posted by: Daniel Goerner - 2012-05-07, 12:46 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion
- Replies (5)
Is there a way to "group" Torsos (Torso + 2 Arms + 2 Hands) and Legs (Hips and 2 Legs), so LPub counts them as 1 Part (and shows them as that in the part window) instead of 5 or 2 separate parts? I tried the "group" function in MLCad without knowing what it really does but that didn't work in LPub. I don't like using shortcuts, because I want to be able to modify the parts without editing the dat. And I would have to add the modified dat to my model so others can see it.
let's drop the 64 chars part title limit, please |
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-05-03, 18:12 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (36)
I'd like to ask if we could drop the 64 chars par title limit, please.
Which ancient software relies on that?
The current force of this limit leads to the effect that important keywords
of the title must be abbreviated, so they cannot be grepped properly anymore,
or left out completely.
All modern software should be able to treat a first line in the file of arbitrary length, IMHO.
I'd like to ask the LSC for a drop of this limit, please.
LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.4 |
Posted by: Nils Schmidt - 2012-05-02, 17:18 - Forum: Parts Author Tools
- Replies (14)
Here is the new LPC 1.3.4.
Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.
Your configuration won't be deleted if you have already version greater than 1.3.1 installed on your machine.
Change log:
New features: - The program imports subfiles of primitives
- The projection data import now parses linetype 2 and 5
- DAT filenames with spaces are supported
- You can press the Ctrl+C/X/V or Del key to change the text displayed in on-screen textboxes
- It is impossible to group triangles which are adjacent to an existing group
- The subfile import does inline all required subparts/primitives of the subfile
- The highlight around a selected triangle that exactly match a template triangle is shown
- Vertices from projection data remain locked
Fixed Bugs from 1.3.X:- LPC crashes if the user sets a custom colour in the toolbar which is not defined in LDConfig.ldr
- LPC crashes if the user makes excessive use of the "Merge to nearest line" functions.
- The undo/redo functions crash the application under certain circumstances and deform a pattern.
- It is possible to group triangles which are adjacent to an existing group (misfeature).
(see full list of tickets for 1.3.4)
I included a short README.pdf in the installation directory.
Cheers & Leg Godt
"normal" vs. "Mursten" vs. "Minitalia" |
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-05-02, 11:26 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (29)
We currently have a numbering problem on the PT, and the more I think over it, the more complicated it gets.
Can we find a solution together?
LEGO itself has produced variants of their own bricks: "Mursten" and "Minitalia".
"Mursten" predates the bricks of today. For example, the 2x4 Brick existed in several "slotted" variants, e.g.
The word "Mursten" is composed of the 2 danish words "mur" (meaning "wall") and "sten" (has the same origin as "stone",
but of course means "brick" here). Thus "mur sten" are "bricks to build a wall".
"Minitalia", as I learned today, was a variant of LEGO in the 1970's, which they had created to circumvent
importing rules of Italy at that time:
Both variants have differences in the appearance of the parts.
No problem for us, we can model them:
We already also have "Minitalia" primitives - no problem so far.
However, we currently _have_ a problem with the part numbers:
For the "mursten" variant, the current status quo on the PT is to take the "normal" part number, append an "m" and then
"something else". Example: for the normal 2x4 brick (3001.dat), the parts tracker currently carries the mursten variants
, cf. http://www.ldraw.org/cgi-bin/ptscan.cgi?q=3001m
But for the "minitalia" variant, just an "a" gets appended:
, cf. http://www.ldraw.org/cgi-bin/ptscan.cgi?q=minitalia
That's reasonable, because the "minitalia" variant 3001a.dat in fact is just a moulding variant of the 3001.dat.
If you see it this way, things could just stay as they are now.
But on the other hand, for LEGO most probably these parts never carried the number 3001,
because both required completely separate moulds.
I now see the numberings
clashing. The "m" for example could mean "mursten" or "minitalia". I don't understand why "mursten" gets its "m",
and "minitalia" does not.
We have several opportunities here, as
- we have u.....dat numbers
- we don't have a 8.3 filename restriction anymore.
Thus, we have several solution alternatives:
leave things as they are now, i.e.:
"mursten" is "normal part number plus m plus something else"
"minitalia" is "normal part number plus a,b,c,d,e, ... moulding variant suffix"
use separate, new u.......dat numbers for "mursten" and "minitalia" parts
use long filenames and make e.g.
My problem is: each day I think this over, I favor a different solution :-(((((
solution A is very simple
solution B is very systematic
solution C is very easy to understand
what should we do?
Is there a solution D which I forgot? Which one do you favor?