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  The HTML5 Gendered Advertising Remixer
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-03-30, 22:04 - Forum: Off-Topic - No Replies


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  LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.1
Posted by: Nils Schmidt - 2012-03-30, 16:26 - Forum: Parts Author Tools - Replies (2)


Here is the new LPC 1.3.1.
I do not recommend to continue using the previous version 1.3.0.

Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.

Change log:

New features:

  • You can round the coordinates of the current selection from 0 to 3 digits.
  • Select connected/touching with same colour now using the colour of the triangle which was last selected.
Fixed Bugs:
  • The vertex data group box won't refresh when selecting another single vertex with the selection box.
  • CTRL do not remove the vertices from the selection when triangle mode is activated.
  • CTRL do not remove the triangles from the selection when vertices mode is activated.
  • I include Rectifier 1.4 but it should be 1.7
  • The initial Config.cfg contains a malformed path to the language-.csv.
  • The title from the "Save as..." dialog contains a "&"
  • One i18n bug in the advanced option menu (The "Colours:" Tab)

(see full list of tickets for 1.3.1)

I included a short README.pdf in the installation directory.

Cheers & Leg Godt


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  LDraw.org 2012-01 Parts Update Now Available
Posted by: Chris Dee - 2012-03-30, 13:01 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements - Replies (6)

The 2012-01 LDraw Parts Update has been now been released.

This update includes 1148 files in the core library, including 601 new parts. Two major features of this release are the inclusion of a large selection of 12V train parts and Mindstorms NXT components, all of which had been waiting on the Parts Tracker for far too long. Many of the primitives have also been upgraded to the current expectations for (counter-clockwise) polygon winding.

This is another big step in reducing the backlog on the Parts Tracker and brings the number of files to its lowest level since April 2005. Thanks are due to the small community of part authors who created or corrected parts for this release and to those who have reviewed files in order to make this release happen.

I am really pleased with the increased momentum on the Parts Tracker this year and I am hopeful that we can continue to work at this pace to reduce the backlog as well as bringing newly issued parts into the Official Library. I'd like to recognise the pragmatism that has been exhibited in allowing functional (but not necessarily perfect) parts to be released with a "Needs Work" tag.

You can preview the new parts in 2012-01 and download the update by going to the updates page.

The 128 certified files currently on the LDraw Parts Tracker were held back from this update in keeping with our normal practice of not releasing new primitives or subparts until they are needed for an official part file.

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  LDraw.org painfully slow
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2012-03-30, 8:15 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (2)

What happens to LDraw.org website? Yesterday it was pretty sluggish all day long (CET), it worked fine early this morning (CET again, about 1 hour before this message) and now it seems completely down.

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  62712 - Brick 2 x 2 with Ball Socket and Axlehole
Posted by: Julius von Brunk - 2012-03-29, 20:24 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (1)


I'm in the process of creating a highly-anticipated instructional guide of one of my recent custom creations -- however, I searched every possible part in the LDraw library for my software, and couldn't find one particular piece which is extremely vital to making the 3-D instructions: a 2x2 brick with a socket for a ball joint:



After searching this site for information on it, I found and downloaded the DAT file from the first link, but I wasn't sure where to install it in the parts library folder (I mean, which particular folder). All I need is this piece for finishing my 3-D instructional guide; could one of the admins please review and certify this -- or at least, please instruct me how to install an unofficial DAT file of it to my library? Either or will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


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  2347 Vehicle, Digger Bucket 7 Teeth 3 x 6
Posted by: Christoph Mierowski - 2012-03-29, 19:00 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (12)

Just was assembling the '86 bulldozer and then recognized that this bucket is missing:


Hope somebody can do it in the next time.....

And it really nice too see how many parts get soon official...

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Thumbs Up need a variation of 522.DAT
Posted by: Oh-Seong KWON - 2012-03-29, 12:45 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (2)


At the moment, there is only one style cloth like 522.DAT

[Image: a0111809_4f7439e61024b.jpg]

This part is very useful for minifigure.

But when I assembled 10211 Grand Emporium, I found that some variation of this part was needed like below.

[Image: a0111809_4f7439e6ba538.jpg]

I hope someone might have a plan for this part.


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Thumbs Up 64951.DAT
Posted by: Oh-Seong KWON - 2012-03-28, 5:17 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (2)

64951.DAT is a variation of 4424.DAT with axle hole.
But it is not released yet as even unofficial LDraw part.


Please, any able man do something for this part.


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  LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0
Posted by: Nils Schmidt - 2012-03-27, 21:03 - Forum: Parts Author Tools - Replies (7)


well, my target release was planned for 2012-06-01 but.. times have changed Wink

Here is the new LPC 1.3.0.

Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.

Change log:

New features:

  • You can activate the overlap/T-junction detector by clicking on “Edit->Detect Triangle Overlaps”
  • The application is translated into three different languages (English, French, German)
  • You can create 1 or 2 triangles by selecting 3 or 4 vertices when “Add Triangle” is activated
  • Colours can be replaced after the Rectifier-post-process (click on “File->Replace Colours on Export..”)
  • You can set the center of a group/subfile
  • You can configure the zoom level (click on “View->Zoom” or double click the zoom label [“Zoom: … %”])
  • You can manipulate the transformation matrix of primitives/groups
  • You can select overlapping/covered triangles with two or more mouse clicks while pressing the CTRL key
  • You can “cut” the polygon of a template with the CUT keyword in the template definition file
  • You can deselect a selected vertex/triangle when you click on it while holding the CTRL key
  • You can move/rotate/scale selected things, one tick at a time, using keyboard up/down/right left.
  • The rotate mode is improved.
  • The colour palette is now resizable
Fixed Major Bugs:
  • The projection data import and the projected export is now ready for use

(see full list of tickets for 1.3.0)

I included a short README.pdf in the installation directory.

Cheers & Leg Godt


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  CRLF as official line ending
Posted by: Allen Smith - 2012-03-27, 15:53 - Forum: Standards Board - Replies (11)

Following up with the previous topic, I would like to propose that DOS-style CRLF line-endings be officially specified as the standard output format for LDraw editors.

While I personally believe that DOS line endings are the most ridiculous line endings known to man, they're the de facto standard in LDraw and I don't think that should change. I agree with the idea to put them in the specification as a help to any future software author.

As to the input format, I believe software must support DOS line endings, and should support all line endings.



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