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  4460 Slope 75 2 x 1 x 3
Posted by: Christoph Mierowski - 2013-12-15, 22:54 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (6)

Are there two versions?

right now only one is in the part library

bricklink list two:

4460a Slope 75 2 x 1 x 3 - Completely Open Stud
4460b Slope 75 2 x 1 x 3 - Hollow Stud

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  Brick problems
Posted by: Max Martin Richter - 2013-12-15, 20:25 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (3)

Hej everybody,
the things getting more and more complex...Therefore I'll write a list for the different brick versions.

  • 2x2 Brick
    - without DesignID: thick sidewalls. (Interesting detail: there is a variable number in one the the inner anti studs)
    - with DesignID 3003: like the version without DesignID OR with thin sidewalls + thickening
  • 2x3 Brick
    - without DesignID:thick sidewalls
    - with DesignID 3002: thin sidewalls + thickening + reinforcements for each underside stud
  • 2x4 Brick
    - without DesignID: thick sidewalls OR thin sidewalls + thickening + all three underside studs have a 2.4 mm depth slot
    - with DesignID 3001: thin sidewalls + thickening + reinforcement for the underside stud in brick center
  • 2x6 Brick
    - with DesignID 2456: thick sidewalls + reinforcements for the 2nd and 4th underside stud
    - with DesignID 44237: thin sidewalls + thickening + reinforcements for the 2nd and 4th underside stud
  • 2x8 Brick
    - without DesignID: thick sidewalls + reinforcements for the 2nd, 4th and 6th underside stud
    - with DesignID 3007: like the version without DesignID
    - with DesignID 93888: thin sidewalls + thickening + reinforcements for the 2nd, 4th and 6th underside stud
  • 2x10 Brick
    - without DesignID: thick sidewalls + reinforcements for the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th underside stud
    - with DesignID 3006: like the version without DesignID
    - with DesignID 92538: thin sidewalls + thickening + reinforcements for the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th underside stud

I would like to continue this list with the 4 wide and 8 wide bricks, but I only own 4x6 and 4x12 (2356 and 4202). Therefore I would happily add these information, when I got them from someone else.


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Thumbs Up Crane Grab Jaws Open
Posted by: Michael Heidemann - 2013-12-15, 17:58 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (2)

I just saw at http://www.digital-bricks.de/en/index.ph...ddp&mg=299
that our part 3493.dat should be maybe 3489 and 3492.dat maybe 3490.

I do not believe that the shape from 3489 is correct, because I am wonderin how this should be put to 3490 if both holes are closed!

Any ideas?

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  74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
Posted by: Michael Heidemann - 2013-12-15, 14:57 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (6)

The number 74880 from http://www.digital-bricks.de/en/index.ph...ddp&mg=293 (please see also http://www.brickset.com/parts/search/?query=74880) seems to me to be an alias of:
Electric Light & Sound Brick 1 x 2 with Single Side Light
Name: 6035.dat

What do you think?

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  Request for Track System parts
Posted by: Michael Heidemann - 2013-12-15, 13:28 - Forum: Part Requests - No Replies

I just discovered that we have the shape of the Track System parts (http://www.digital-bricks.de/en/index.ph...ddp&mg=218).

I would very much like to see the parts 42938 and 42941 and 42942 on the PT, so I can build at least set 4588-1 that I own. Smile

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  41881 vs. 94531
Posted by: Michael Heidemann - 2013-12-15, 12:02 - Forum: Part Requests - No Replies

At page http://www.digital-bricks.de/en/index.ph...ddp&mg=208 I found the part 94531 that looks very much like 41881.dat (official).
But in the data for 94531 there are many details different to 41881. So it might be a new part.
I looked further at http://www.brickset.com/parts/search/?query=94531 and found two times a transparent version with different numbers. I looked at both instructions and found that only the new set 70709 is using 94531.
So it is a new part. The 3D-Data are here http://www.digital-bricks.de/en/file.php?part=94531

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  List of models used?
Posted by: Michael Horvath - 2013-12-15, 6:03 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - Replies (5)

Is there a quick way to list which models are being used in Datsville? I want to compare this with the contents of my working directory. That way I can find out which models *aren't* being used, which is what I really want to know.

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Thumbs Up Part# 62711
Posted by: Mike Napolitan - 2013-12-14, 21:53 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (3)


Was wondering if anyone had made this part or could make it. It's a woman's page haircut hair piece.

Thanks so much!

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  Alan Gerber?
Posted by: Michael Horvath - 2013-12-13, 0:00 - Forum: Off-Topic - No Replies

Is anyone in touch with Alan Gerber? He submitted some items to Datsville in 2000 but disappeared shortly afterward. The models he submitted are missing all their sub-models. Thanks!


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  cant render 16 tooth clucth gear with pov ray 3.7
Posted by: Jono - 2013-12-12, 23:10 - Forum: Help - Replies (14)

Does any one know why Pov Ray wont render the Technic Gear 16 Tooth with Clutch Smooth/ and not smooth.
It will get to this point and stop
object {
LDX_48_slash_4_dash_4ri100_dot_dat_in_part (this line highlighted in yellow)
matrix <0.17,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0.17,0,0,0,10>
I have updated the part list and also tried updating just this part. LDview shows it just fine.
Cheers Jono

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