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[Bricksmith] Feature requests |
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-09-29, 14:29 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers
- Replies (2)
I have a couple of feature requests for Bricksmith:
- Display of mouse pointer coordinates. MLCad has this feature. I use it a lot to align parts to a specific rotation point.
- A keyboard only way to change color. When I add a part I press Cmd-I, Tab to the part list, arrow to the part, and hit enter. The dialog closes and spits me back out to the model display with the new part selected. For color selection I press Cmd-Opt-C, Tab to the color list, arrow to the color, hit enter, and nothing happen except that the color of the part changed. The dialog stays focused. That would be fine if I could simply re-press Cmd-Opt-C to close the dialog but that doesn't work either.
[Bricksmith] MPD file handling crash |
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-09-29, 8:38 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers
- Replies (6)
I've just accidentally discovered that a circular reference in an MPD file with cause Bricksmith to crash. I know it's invalid syntax and I'm not sure how hard it is to detect but it certainly crashes the programs.
Also, how do I add a reference to a part that not in the parts list and not in the MPD itself? I thought I've done this before but for some reason I figure out how to do it.
suggestion: let's use international date format YYYY-MM-DD |
Posted by: Steffen - 2011-09-27, 18:16 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion
- Replies (7)
I just noticed that the date format of the sticky announcements at the top of the forums is in this format
(below is a snippet from http://forums.ldraw.org/index.php ):
Code: Announcements Last Post
Announcement LDraw Parts Tracker now uses LDView 09/03/2011 07:05PM
Announcement The final hurdle for Non-CA parts 08/26/2011 09:15PM
Announcement Scott Wardlaw appointed as LDraw Colormaster 08/18/2011 03:36PM
Announcement 2011/2012 LDraw.org Steering Committee: Election Results 08/01/2011 08:50AM
Announcement LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2011-01 Now Available 07/29/2011 04:41PM
Note the date format MM/DD/YYYY.
I would much better like to use the new international date format YYYY-MM-DD
which has many advantages, among them:
- cannot be misunderstood when coming from different cultures of DD.MM.YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY
- can easily be sorted
- is an ISO standard
- people start using it more and more widespread, especially in cross-cultural international companies
for more information