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  Converting LDD parts to LDraw
Posted by: Stan Isachenko - 2011-08-27, 15:36 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (22)

I found this article. There described way how to convert some parts. For automatic separation this long string to groups of 9 numbers you can use text editor with function of RegEx (I used EmEditor because I had problems with them in Notepad++)
In your program you have to find

and replace to
(You have to put space-bar before first number) and you will have separated strings of 9 numbers. Then add 3 16 in front of each string using column editor.

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  Software upgrade
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-08-27, 13:15 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - No Replies

I uploaded an upgrade to Phorum 5.3.17. Let me know if there are any issues related or if it fixes any of the bugs we've noted.

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  The final hurdle for Non-CA parts
Posted by: Chris Dee - 2011-08-26, 20:15 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements - No Replies

Following the establishment of the LDraw Contributor Agreement in 2004 many authors have helped to re-develop the LDraw Parts that we did not have agreement to redistribute. Of the 90 original "Non-CA" files only 24 now remain and all except three have been re-developed, and are sitting in the Parts Tracker awaiting review.

I would like to get these into the next Parts Update to remove the need for this complication in the LDraw library. To help prioritize their review I have added a "Review Summary" page to the LDraw Parts Tracker. This includes the re-worked files and any dependents. It would be good if reviewers could take a look at this and prioritize their activities on these files.

In addition volunteers to re-develop the three remaining parts, would be most welcome.

Thanks in anticipation, Chris

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  [MLCad] List of known bugs in MLCad 3.3
Posted by: Willy Tschager - 2011-08-26, 19:49 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (30)


I'd like to put down a list of the known bugs in the current 3.3 version. Feel free to add:

  • If I go to MLCad setting, tab Rendering and choose "Background color" in that color dialog I can not browse through the colors - http://news.lugnet.com/cad/mlcad/?n=2305

  • In some cases I cannot manipulate the rotation matrix because the angle value in the vector field (which I never saw much use of anyhow) is something like -9.223372 * 10^n and MLCad does not understand it. So whenever I try to open up the rotation matrix field I get a dialog saying that the angle should be between -180 and 180 and the field remains disabled. What's worse, the same is for the vector fields and thus I cannot reset the angle! All I can do is reset the matrix manually in LDDP. *Highly* annoying - http://news.lugnet.com/cad/mlcad/?n=2307

  • There is a bug in the generated partslist when using a new color. For example when I use a part with color 81 Metalic_Green it reports as Chrome_Black. See: http://www.binarybricks.nl/test/colorerror.gif Can this be resolved with a change in ldconfig or is a real bug in MLCad 3.30? - http://news.lugnet.com/cad/mlcad/?n=2343

  • File > Scan parts generates a Parts.lst file that breaks long filenames:
    75174p01c01.daAnimal Dragon Oriental w. Chr.Gold Head and Tr.Red Wings (Comp.)

  • Copying a color to the colorbar the statusbar will always show the default color name from 1 - 16.


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  MPD Issues
Posted by: Tore Eriksson - 2011-08-26, 17:14 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (5)

Searching for the perfect place to MPD format discussions, I think here is the least inappropriate.


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  Possible error in mlcad.ini v2011-01?
Posted by: Tore Eriksson - 2011-08-26, 0:04 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (1)

I think the xyz translation of [LHand]:"Hand Hook" and [RHand]:"Hand Hook" should be "0 0 0.4" instead of "0 0.4 0".
But I could be wrong...

Try adding this (before deleting the official "Hand Hook" lines!), I think it's better(?)
"TE Hook" "2531.DAT" 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.4


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  Difference between .ldr and .mpd
Posted by: Fabrice Vion - 2011-08-25, 21:11 - Forum: Help - Replies (2)


Could someone explain me all the differences between .ldr and .mpd ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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  Get Started link leads to old AIOI
Posted by: Don Heyse - 2011-08-25, 16:39 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (1)

The Get Started link on the left side of the ldraw.org website leads to a page that sends you to the old All In One Installer for Windows.

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  OMR Spec - Updated 8/25
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-08-25, 10:41 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (9)

Here's the latest draft. Discuss!! (Note: there is a quote bug that's removing the text between <>. Be aware of that and restore the text if needed)
The Offical Model Repository Specification
Version: 0.4 (will turn 1.0.0 upon ratification by the LSC)
Author: Orion Pobursky

The Official Model Repository (OMR) is a database of file in the LDraw File Format describing models that are released as sets by LEGO®.

For consistency between models and ease of indexing by software, a standard for the file headers, names, and hierarchy in the OMR is needed. This document will outline the extra requirements (in addition to those set forth in the current LDraw File Format specification) for a model to be included in the OMR

Base Requirements:
All files in the model will conform to the current LDraw File Format

Base File Naming:
Each model in the OMR will consist of several files that are packaged together into a single MPD file. For sets that include instructions for multiple models, each model will have its own MPD file. Each MPD for the set will be named in the following manner:

<Set Number> - <Set Name> - <Sub Model Name>

<Set Number>: the number assigned on the container of the set
<Set Name>: The name of the set printed on the container in Australian English
<Sub Model Name>: This is Optional in most cases. This is required for alternate models that are detailed in instructions (e.g. the Creator theme). In this case the naming is left to the discretion of the author but should be descriptive of the model contained in the MPD.

The creator set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters has 3 models in the instructions:
Set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters - Roadster.mpd
Set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters - Dragster.mpd

For playsets or other sets where there are multiple models that are part of an integral whole, all of the submodels will be contained in one MPD.

MPD File Structure:
The MPD will conform to the MPD File Specification.

The naming of the individual files in the MPD is up to the discretion of the author with the following guidance:
- A logical naming scheme is highly desired.
- Individual models in the set (e.g. a vehicle or minifig) shall have their own separate file inside the MPD.
- Minifig file name should have the name of the character, if known
- The <MPD Filename> is required to be pre-pended to the file name of each individual file in the MPD

The unofficial parts are allowed to be used. The filename of the unofficial part is subject to the naming rules above (e.g. 33056.dat would be renamed to <MPD Filename> - 33956.dat). It is highly encouraged that any parts created for use in a OMR file be submitted to the LDraw.org Parts Tracker.

If a part is unavailable either officially or on the LDraw.org Parts Tracker, a suitable substitution may be made. If the unavailable part is a patterned part with an unpatterned version available use the unpatterned version. A comment should be inserted stating that a substitution has been made or, if no substitution is available/suitable, that a piece has been omitted. Reference the step and page number of the instructions if possible.

0 // The next piece should have the Star Wars Hatch pattern per step X on page Y
0 // Bionicle piece X should go here per step Y on page Z

File Headers:
Each individual model file in the MPD must have a standard header format.

Standard Header:
0 FILE <MPD Filename> - <Filename>.ldr
0 <MPD Filename> - <File Description>
0 Name: <MPD Filename> - <Filename>.ldr
0 Author: <Author Name>
0 !LDRAW_ORG Official Model Repository
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 3.0 : see CAreadme.txt

0 !THEME Theme name
0 !KEYWORDS words, more words,…,
0 !KEYWORDS words in second row, …, final words

0 !HISTORY YYYY-MM-DD [<Author Name>] Free text description of change. This can wrap to a
0 !HISTORY YYYY-MM-DD [<Author Name>e] second row with the same date if necessary. However authors should lean toward writing longer
0 !HISTORY YYYY-MM-DD [<Author Name>e] single !HISTORY lines(and not feel constrained to the historic 80-character limit on line length)

<MPD Filename>: The name of the containing MPD
<Filename>: The name of the file
<Author Name>: The name of the author. Real full name are highly desired but not required. If the full name is not provided, a first or last name, with or with out initials, is requested.

Optional commands are !THEME, !KEYWORDS, and !HISTORY

To Be Inserted Later

META commands:
All META commands are allowed in the model file but not specifically required except as specified for the header. If included, any META commands used should enable any instructions generated to be as close to the official instructions as possible.

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  All-In-One-Installer and parts paths
Posted by: Don Heyse - 2011-08-23, 21:24 - Forum: All Other Programs. - Replies (2)

So, this lpub/lsynth parts path issue made me realize I have Windows 7 now and can test the All In One Installer. So I did.

I picked everything but POV. That made it search in vain for some POV ini files to make lgeo happy, or something like that. Probably should give a warning that LGEO isn't much use without POV, but whatever.

Anyhow, I noticed the installer added registry entries for LDView and MLCad so they could find the official parts, and there was even a path to the lsynth parts for LDView in the registry. However the ldglite install was useless out of the box because the installer didn't create an ldraw.ini file in the Windows directory. Just to be sure, I made one like this and it worked.

C:\Windows>type ldraw.ini
BaseDirectory="C:\Program Files\LDraw"

Would it be possible to add this to the installer?

Or would it be better to update ldglite to use the LDView registry entries to find the parts? (especially considering Microsoft has made it more difficult create an ldraw.ini file in the Windows directory in in recent versions of Windows)

By the way, does LDView use the generic ldrawini code, an enhanced version, or something else?


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