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Posted by: Rolf Osterthun - 2011-10-26, 21:53 - Forum: Parts Author Tools - Replies (3)


some time ago Philo described a method to convert LDD parts into LDraw parts (http://news.lugnet.com/cad/?n=17697). In the <VertexBuffer> section, Philo referred to, there is next to the <Positions> tag also a <Normals> tag. With these normals there is a calculable way to differ between normal lines (linetype 2) and optional lines (linetype 5).

I wrote a small console application based on .NET 3.5 that can make these calculations. The application is kind of simple and silly; but if you play it right it might help you a lot: you have to add the desired part in the LDD without rotating the view. Than take the 3D screenshot and extract the 3dxml file out of the 3dxml archive. Open the 3dxml file and search for the <VertexBuffer> section. Copy the <Positions> and <Normals> line into a new textfile and save it (e.g. file.txt). Call the new console application with the new file as argument and you will get an LDraw part with lines and optional lines.

Please remember: "Getting the shape is only the tip of the iceberg!". This tool is ment to help part authors to create parts. Please make them LDraw parts first before you add them to the parts tracker.

You can download the tool at http://digital-bricks.de/download/3dxml2dat.zip
The application can be downloaded as it is. I do not take charge for errors or any kind of damage to your system that is caused by this tool.

There are a few options you can play with:

Usage: 3dxml2dat.exe [Options] <inputFileName>

  [-scale <value>]: scale the mesh with factor <value> (default is 25)
  [-out <outputFileName>]: write the result in <outputFileName> (default is <inputFileName>.dat)
  [-optionalLines <true|false>]: draw optional lines (default is <true> )
  [-normals <true|false>]: draw normals (default is <false> )
  [-ymin <value>]: the lowest y will be at <value>


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  LGEO POV-Ray library and LDraw
Posted by: Reuben Pearse - 2011-10-25, 21:53 - Forum: Parts Authoring - No Replies

Hi all

Are there any parts that have been created as part of the POV-Ray LGEO library that don't exist as LDraw official/unofficial parts?

I'm interested to know as someone has just released a POV-Ray macro that enables POV-Ray objects to potentially be exported to other 3D file formats - see here for more info:

For more information on the LGEO libray see this link:

Bye for now


Download 3D Lego models and other resources from:

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  I want to put .dat files into SolidWorks
Posted by: Jason Bardis - 2011-10-24, 2:44 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - Replies (5)


I'm a die-hard SolidWorks user & wish to import LDraw .dat models into SolidWorks.

I'm having some trouble. Here's what I've tried:

I downloaded LDraw & the entire part library.

I downloaded, purchased, & registered 3DWin from TB Software.

3DWin can convert .dat files to .igs or .stl, both of which can be read by SolidWorks.

When I perform these file conversions, however, the files either won't load into SolidWorks, load but with errors/warnings & come up empty, or import and have just a few curves but no solids and the curves don't even look like the completely correct part.

I know that I'm starting with good .dat files, because MLCad opens up the .dat files just fine.

Does anybody have experience with this conversion? Or, is there already a library of parts models that can be imported into SolidWorks?

Thank you very much,

PS--Here's a little more detail on some of the trials & tribulations, if some of you are familiar with the nitty gritty of this process.

1 - STL. After I have created an .STL file with 3DWin & I open the .STL file with SolidWorks, the file opens & is empty--there is no geometry. Tested this with 3001.dat & 3002.dat. When opening an .STL file generated from 1.dat, I get some thin geometry, but no solids, & it's incomplete.

2 - IGS. After I have created an .IGS file with 3DWin & I open the .IGS file with SolidWorks, I get one of the following errors:

a) "This file contains free curves/points which are not desired according to the import options. Do you wish to import them anyway? Yes/No" After I select "Yes", the file opens with a sort of a skeleton of imported curves, but no solid geometry, & the part looks incomplete. (I get these results with file 1.dat).

b) "Unable to read IGS file. File was truncated or contains invalid data. OK". I click "OK" & the box disappears & SolidWorks gives up on opening the file. (I get these results with files 3001.dat & 3002.

During my troubleshooting, I have tried parts 1.dat, 3001.dat, & 3002.dat. All of these open fine in MLCad, so I know that the source .DAT files are OK.

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  Looking for some Spyrius parts.
Posted by: Jude Parrill - 2011-10-22, 9:56 - Forum: Parts Authoring - No Replies

I've been working on some Spyrius sets and was wondering if anybody has or could make the following parts for me:

3626bpx193 Minifig Head with Blue Headband, Red Hair and Eyebrows Pattern
3626bpx252 Minifig Head with Moustache Thin, Stubble and Sideburns Pattern
2446px14 Minifig Accessory Helmet Modern with Silver and Blue Vents Pattern
3039px2 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Horizon Pattern
3039px32 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Yellow Droid Outline on Screen Pattern
4346px15 Container Box 2 x 2 x 2 Door with Slot and Spyrius Pattern

I'd appreciate it.

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  Official Model Repositor (OMR) Specification Version 1.0.0
Posted by: Travis Cobbs - 2011-10-21, 19:54 - Forum: Standards Board - No Replies

The LSC has approved an Official Model Respository (OMR) specification.

I have now posted this specification to the LDraw.org Specifications page. I replaced the old OMR guidelines entry in that page. (I created a new document; the old one still exists on the server, but is hopefully not linked to from anywhere.)

I based my formatting for the document on the LDraw 1.0.0 specification. It's possible that I made mistakes in the process of converting the text of the specification posted on this forum into HTML for LDraw.org. Please post in the Parts Authoring and Official File Standards forum if you find any mistakes.

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  Unificator as a shape tuning tool
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2011-10-21, 12:36 - Forum: Parts Author Tools - No Replies

Unificator can be a powerful shape tuning tool...
As you know (or not Wink), the straight part at the bottom of LDraw slope parts is 4 LDU high, while LDD models this at 5 LDU. Real part are indeed closer to 5 ldu, but reworking all existing LDraw parts would be a nightmare. So, to get consistent parts, LDD or LUT parts must be tweaked.
Here is the method I used for 64225 creation.

  • Isolate the lines at y=19, using MLCad and a lot of hiding to access lines (tip: lines are much easier to select if you use a 3 line width in settings > change > rendering). Attached file 64225-isol.dat
  • Make a subpart of these lines (I tweaked them a bit more to get the proper final shape). File 64225-line2.dat
  • Include this subpart, move it down one LDU at y=20 ldu. File 64225-subpt.dat
  • Run Unificator with snap on subfiles, unification distance=3ldu. Automagically you get the result: 64225-subptout.dat
Of course more tweaking was needed, for example the same method was used with 64225-side.dat as subpart to straighten the sides... but you get the idea!

Attached Files
.dat   64225-isol.dat (Size: 50.07 KB / Downloads: 0)
.dat   64225-line2.dat (Size: 954 bytes / Downloads: 0)
.dat   64225-subpt.dat (Size: 50.15 KB / Downloads: 0)
.dat   64225-subptout.dat (Size: 49.15 KB / Downloads: 0)
.dat   64225-side.dat (Size: 879 bytes / Downloads: 0)
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  Patterning some quastions.
Posted by: Stan Isachenko - 2011-10-20, 14:12 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (1)

For me the most interesting thing in part patterning. So I am trying a lot there.
I can make pattern in Illustrator and convert it now. Sometimes I even get good results, but there are few problems.
I pattern minifig heads.
1. I use slicerpro for it, but there are few problems.
Head has cylinder half, and few t04o6250.dat in it. But when I attach pattern to it slicerpro deletes some parts of base. Is it possible, not to change base structure? Because it will be difficult, to clean condlines, and restore deleted parts.
2. Patterns to heavy.
Today I tried to pattern this minifig head. But got a lot of problems.

Attached Files
.dat   poc032.dat (Size: 216.7 KB / Downloads: 0)
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  30561 Royal Guard Helmet info
Posted by: Daniel - 2011-10-20, 3:05 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (4)

I saw on the Parts Tracker that there were some questions by angmarec on the physical piece 30561. One of the questions was whether the piece was "a bit flexible so it's able to bend away from the front of the torso when in place on a minifig"? The answer is no, it is not flexible. And, yes, there is a stud inside the top of the piece. I took some photos of the piece both on and off the figure. Let me know where to send them, if it would be of any help to finalize it.

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  iPhone/iPad app?
Posted by: Daniel - 2011-10-20, 2:26 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (5)

Just wondering if anybody has thought of making a viewer program for LDraw for the iPhone/iPad. I think it would be a handy thing to have. I'm not sure if either device would have the power/ability to be as good as, say, MLCad running on a PC to build with, but they might be acceptable for simple viewing (for showing off) or for step-by-step instructions.
I figured I just throw the idea out there......

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  Call for Votes: Official Model Repository Specification
Posted by: Travis Cobbs - 2011-10-17, 21:59 - Forum: Standards Board - Replies (7)

Since there has been nothing in the way of debate here in the LSC on this in some time, I'm calling for votes on the following wording based on the (limited) discussion that has occurred here. (Note: due to the lack of response to the inquiry about disallowing mirrored sections, I simply added text to recommend against it.)

Please vote yes or no on using the following wording as the official specification for models in the forthcoming LDraw.org Official Model Repository.


The Offical Model Repository Specification
Version: 1.0.0
Ratified: XX/XX/XXXX
Author: Orion Pobursky

The Official Model Repository (OMR) is a database of files in the LDraw File Format describing models that are released as sets by LEGO®.

For consistency between models and ease of indexing by software, a standard for the file headers, names, and hierarchy in the OMR is needed. This document will outline the extra requirements (in addition to those set forth in the current LDraw File Format specification) for a model to be included in the OMR.

Base Requirements:
All files in the model will conform to the current LDraw File Format.

Base File Naming:
Each model in the OMR will consist of several files that are packaged together into a single MPD file. For sets that include instructions for multiple models, each model will have its own MPD file. Each MPD for the set will be named in the following manner:

<Set Number> - <Set Name>[ - <Sub Model Name>]

<Set Number>: The number assigned on the container of the set.
<Set Name>: The name of the set printed on the container in English.
<Sub Model Name>: This is Optional in most cases. This is required for alternate models that are detailed in instructions (e.g. the Creator theme). In this case the naming is left to the discretion of the author but should be descriptive of the model contained in the MPD.

For playsets or other sets where there are multiple models that are part of an integral whole, all of the submodels will be contained in one MPD.

The creator set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters has 3 models in the instructions:
Set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters - Roadster.mpd
Set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters - Dragster.mpd
Set 4896 - Roaring Roadsters - SUV.mpd

MPD File Structure
The MPD will conform to the MPD File Specification.

Each filename will have the structure:
<Set Number>[ - <Optional Qualifier>] - <Individual filename>
<Set Number> is the the number printed on the model's container.
<Optional Qualifier> is a sequential number, starting with 1, added if there is more than one set that could be assigned <Set Number>.
<Individual filename> is up to the discretion of the author with the following guidance:
- A logical naming scheme is highly desired.
- Each individual model in the set (e.g. a vehicle or minifig) shall have its own separate file inside the MPD.
- Minifig file name should have the name of the character, if known.

Unofficial parts are allowed to be used. The filename of the unofficial part is subject to the naming rules above (e.g. 33056.dat would be renamed to <MPD Filename> - 33956.dat). It is highly encouraged that any parts created for use in an OMR file be submitted to the LDraw.org Parts Tracker.

If a part is unavailable either officially or on the LDraw.org Parts Tracker, a suitable substitution may be made. If the unavailable part is a patterned part with an unpatterned version available, use the unpatterned version. A comment should be inserted stating that a substitution has been made or, if no substitution is available/suitable, that a piece has been omitted. Reference the step and page number of the instructions if possible.

0 // The next piece should have the Star Wars Hatch pattern per step X on page Y
0 // Bionicle piece X should go here per step Y on page Z

File Headers
Each individual model file in the MPD that does not represent an unofficial part must have the following standard header format.

Standard Header:
0 FILE <Filename>.ldr
0 <Individual filename>
0 Name: <Filename>.ldr
0 Author: <Author Name> [Username]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Model -OR- 0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Model
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt

0 !THEME Theme name
0 !KEYWORDS words, more words, …,
0 !KEYWORDS words in second row, …, final words

0 !HISTORY YYYY-MM-DD [Username] Free text description of change. This can wrap to a
0 !HISTORY YYYY-MM-DD [Username] second row with the same date if necessary. However authors should lean toward writing longer
0 !HISTORY YYYY-MM-DD [Username] single !HISTORY lines(and not feel constrained to the historic 80-character limit on line length).

<Filename>: The name of the file using the rules specified in the MPD File Structure section
<Individual filename>: The name of the individual file using the rules specified in the MPD File Structure section
<Author Name>: The name of the author. Real full names (first and last) are required by the LDraw.org Contributor's Agreement
[Username]: The LDraw.org username of the author
Optional commands are !THEME, !KEYWORDS, and !HISTORY

0 FILE 4896 - Roadster Main.ldr
0 Roadster Main
0 Name: 4896 - Roadster Main.ldr
0 Author: Joe Smith [jsmith]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Model
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt

0 !THEME Creator
0 !KEYWORDS car, convertible

0 !HISTORY 2011-08-01 [jsmith] Initial creation

Each individual model file in the MPD that represents an unofficial part must use the standard header format of unofficial parts on the parts tracker. Its 0 FILE entry will reflect the modified MPD version of the part's filename, but the rest of the header will reflect the original filename.

META commands:
All META commands are allowed in the model file but not specifically required except as specified for the header. If included, any META commands used should enable any instructions generated to be as close to the official instructions as possible.

Mirrored geometry:
Models with bilaterally symmetric sections can often be modeled much more easily by modeling one half of the symmetric section and then including it in the model twice, with one instance mirrored around the symmetry line. Unfortunately, this mirroring produces an incorrect parts list, and also produces a mirrored LEGO logo on the model's studs when rendered with certain software, so using mirroring is strongly discouraged.

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