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Rubber DBG missing from L...
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[LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (b...
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  theJude's Most Wanted Parts
Posted by: Jude Parrill - 2011-08-03, 22:48 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (16)

As a follow-up to this thread, I decided to create a list of parts I think are important and would like to see released officially. I intend to update this over time, removing parts that are released and adding new parts as need/want arises. I'd like to encourage others to add their own lists as well, as I'm bound to miss/forget parts and it's always good to add other perspectives to the discussion.

As a side note to the question, "Why don't you build/perfect/review them yourself?" I lack the tools and technical know-how to do this myself. I know, given enough time, I could probably figure it out, but, for me, time is always an issue. In the time it would take me to become proficient enough to be of any real use, these parts could probably have been developed, from scratch, 10 times over. It's not that I wouldn't like to contribute to the community, it's just I don't think I'll be doing it in the area of parts development.

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  Official location of ldconfig.ldr file
Posted by: Don Heyse - 2011-08-03, 21:55 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (9)

Is there a documented official standard location or search strategy for the ldconfig.ldr file? I just skimmed the specs and couldn't find this written down anywhere. There's plenty of documentation on the contents of the file though.

I'm asking because I just updated ldglite to look for it in the ldraw directory, which is not normally in the search path for part files, so I want to be absolutely sure this is correct before I build any release executables.



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  Duplicated or overlapping surfaces checker
Posted by: Damien Roux - 2011-08-03, 0:11 - Forum: All Other Programs. - Replies (5)

I'm currently trying to model a huge patterned part (2552 serie) using automatic vectorization to avoid a long and boring time working with quad2dat or other patterning programs.

In order to complete that I would like to know if there is any program that can check if triangles have been duplicated, or if some surfaces are overlapping, partially covering each other. Usually, this can be done using the random colorization of LDview, and by carefully searching for the blinking areas while rotating the part ; but in my particular case, this method is not really achievable 'cause of the number of triangles involved.

If no program exists, does someone has an idea on how this can be checked?

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  LEGO Classic Town
Posted by: Steffen - 2011-08-02, 19:23 - Forum: Official Models - Replies (18)

parent topic for set postings

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  L3P and unofficial parts
Posted by: Damien Roux - 2011-08-02, 15:53 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - Replies (5)

Hi there!

I've recently decided to use the ldraw\unofficial folders to put all the unofficial parts I'm using (instead of copying everyting in the standard ldraw\parts folder).

The problem I have is the following: when using L3Padd-On to export the model into Pov-Ray, it simply ignores the unofficial parts. It's like it is only using the ldraw\parts folder.

Does someone know how I can tell L3P or L3PAdd-On to use also the ldraw\unofficial path? I'm using lastest version of L3P and L3PAdd-On.

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  Officials models in the LDRaw Library
Posted by: Alban Nanty - 2011-08-01, 20:53 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (8)


I think many contributor would love to see all the official models inside the official LDraw library.
Currently the library contains a folder named "MODELS" which contains a car and a pyramid (nothing official here).
I think these two models are a legacy from the original author of LDraw, but now I would like to see this folder being used and being populated by official models.

I think the official models could follow the same process has the new parts, meaning, models contributors should agree and sign the part author agreement, and the models could be uploaded to the part tracker in the "MODELS" folder (sub folder could be created according to the will of the steering comitee) for pair review.

Then the reviewers could review the models by checking that:
1) The number of steps are respected according to the official Building Instruction
2) The same exact parts are added at each steps according to the official BI
3) The correct sub-models are created according to the BI
4) The correct rotation steps are inserted
5) The set number could follow the bricklink/peeron naming convention

I think a lot of models contributor are ready to sign the part author agreement, and could already upload their models right now! IMHO, nothing need to be changed in the LDraw website to welcome the models.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

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  Standard: Official Model Repository (OMR) Filenames and Headers
Posted by: Willy Tschager - 2011-08-01, 20:13 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (6)

Hi folks,

before the OMR starts to grow I'd like to discuss this comment by Orion:


reading through the specs and I also think they need to rewritten. Especially the "Filenames for the Official Model Repository files are restricted to the MS-DOS compatible 8.3 name length" is ridiculous.



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  ldconfig.ldr chrome colors and parts tracker.
Posted by: Don Heyse - 2011-08-01, 20:12 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (16)

I'm not quite sure how you sneaky guys on the LSC got this one by me. Wink

Apparently while I was sleeping somebody managed to define a few chrome colors in the ldconfig.ldr file in positions 60-63, which have been reserved for almost forever by ldlite as transparent colors in the range 32 to 63. Now, ldglite inherits the colors from the ldlite code so these display as transparent instead of chrome, and will do so on the parts tracker if you're still using ldglite to render the parts. It's not a big deal to change the ldglite code, but if you want to fix these chrome colors on parts tracker you're gonna need a recompile of ldglite, or else switch to ldview. Or you could redefine the chrome colors in ldconfig.ldr to occur above color 63. Chrome_black, gold, and silver are defined above 63, so they're ok already.

Any thoughts on this?

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  10019 - Rebel Blockade Runner
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-08-01, 14:58 - Forum: Official Models - Replies (1)

10019 - Rebel Blockade Runner
OMR Compliant
Missing: Stickers

- Due to the size and complexity of this model, mirroring is used
- The hatch tile hasn't been modeled yet.

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.mpd   10019 - Rebel Blockade Runner - UCS.mpd (Size: 92.25 KB / Downloads: 15)
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  10026 - Naboo Fighter Special Edition
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2011-08-01, 14:21 - Forum: Official Models - No Replies

The chrome in this model makes rendering take forever.

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.mpd   10026.mpd (Size: 125.52 KB / Downloads: 16)
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