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  User Avatars now available
Posted by: Orion Pobursky - 2013-08-10, 13:49 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements - Replies (1)

I've enable the use of user avatars. You can upload a 100px by 100px image of your choices at Control Center -> Avatars. As always, avatars must conform to the usage guidelines (i.e. be in good taste). You can also turn off the viewing of avatars at the same location list above.

Side notes:
- I think 100 by 100 might be to big for my taste but I go with it for now.
- Don't ask me to enable gif images. I turned them off on purpose to preclude animated images.

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  Display an Arrow only in one step...
Posted by: Fabrice Vion - 2013-08-10, 10:37 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (3)

Does someone know, if it's possible, how to display an MLCad arrow only in one step and to hide it in the following steps ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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  forum search does not find old articles anymore
Posted by: Steffen - 2013-08-10, 2:34 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (4)


I just noticed that old articles are no longer properly found when searching for keywords in them.
In my case, I was looking for the old "which color to use for silver" thread.

Reason was that the default of the search function currently adds a constraint
"only search posts which are not older than 1 year".

I find this silent default addition confusing and would like to ask to drop it.

A user wanting to add a time constraint can still do that in the "advanced search" function.

- Steffen

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  Parts Tracker now supports long descriptions
Posted by: Chris Dee - 2013-08-08, 16:49 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements - Replies (4)

The LDraw Parts Tracker has been updated to allow up to 200 characters in the line 1 part description.

There may be some knock-on impact on the display of the Parts List and Activity pages and I'll deal with those if they become a problem. If anyone sees any other problems, please let me know by posting here.

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  Misunderstanding transform (line type 1)
Posted by: Robert Baruch - 2013-08-07, 0:53 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - Replies (2)

I think I'm misunderstanding something about the transform matrix for line type 1. Long story short, I've written a program to convert LDRAW files into something that threejs (3D library for JavaScript) can use, but I'm getting surfaces with the wrong normals, and it's not obvious what's going on.

So take a look at this line in p/stud.dat:

1 16 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 6 4-4cyli.dat

And now p/4-4cyli, just the first quad:

4 16 1 1 0 0.9239 1 0.3827 0.9239 0 0.3827 1 0 0

So the vertices are (1,1,0) (0.9239,1,0.3827) (0.9239,0,0.3827) and (1,0,0). Plotting these out and assuming CCW winding shows that the normal faces outwards, as expected.

Proof for those who care: the first two vectors formed by the first three vertices are (-0.0761,0,0.3827) and (0,-1,0). Crossing the first vector by the second yields (0.3827,0,0.0761), a vector pointing positive along x and z.

Now, the transformation matrix in stud.dat transforms the vertices in 4-4cyli by scaling the x-axis by 6, the y-axis by -4, and the z-axis by 6. Unfortunately, scaling the y-axis by -4 reverses the sense of the face, and now its normal points inward.

Again, proof for those who care: the transformation matrix is
6  0 0 0
0 -4 0 0
0  0 6 0
0  0 0 1

Applying this to the first vertex:
6  0 0 0    1    6
0 -4 0 0 x  1 = -4 = (6,-4,0)
0  0 6 0    0    0
0  0 0 1    1    1

So the first three vertices transformed are (6,-4,0) (5.5434,-4,2.2962) and (5.5434,0,2.2962).

The vectors formed by these vertices are (-0.4566,0,2.2962) and (0,4,0). Crossing the first by the second yields (-9.1848,0,-1.8264): a vector pointing along the negative x and z axes.

The order of the vertices has not changed, but since y was inverted, the orientation of the face has changed. This means that stud.dat has an inward-facing cylinder, but a disc pointing in the -y direction, which is weird. But is this correct? If so, I'm not sure how stud.dat is supposed to display anything properly...

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  Error with the official parts restrictions spec?
Posted by: Santeri Piippo - 2013-08-06, 20:39 - Forum: Parts Authoring - No Replies


' Wrote:Currently, all official parts are issued with upper-case only names.


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  LDview and batch processing ldraw parts
Posted by: Petter Lerdahl - 2013-08-05, 20:32 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - Replies (4)

I trying to create some part pictures with a batch file i found on holly-wood.it
This is my second attept and it got a bit better. First i did not get any result but now i got a few pictures before it poped up with an old friend "Ldview need to close". This on my best computer (12 GB memory 3,2 quad core Intel running win 7 64 bit, ATI radon HD 68xx ) with the setting in Ldview on memory usage to low.
The batch was all parts from 3001.dat to 3089.dat. Since i got the same problem with Ldview need to close on my first attemt also, so i shorted the number off parts it needed to process. When it had processed 3004pt6.dat it stopped with the message and pressing cansel let it go on but did not create any pictures and it poped up on and on.

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Thumbs Up Is anybody working on part 32489?
Posted by: Fyodor Kolov - 2013-08-04, 7:40 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (3)

Is anybody working on this part? If not, then i am trying to improve this part.

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  first created part
Posted by: Remco Canten - 2013-08-03, 21:54 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (3)

im just figuring out how to build things and keeping how to build as a guide line.
Just finished a 1*1 block and just showing my first creation. always start something small and simple before going for a complex one. can anyone add comment and know how to get rid of:
0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom"

it keeps getting there after i save in MLCad.

Attached Files
.dat   blokje.dat (Size: 569 bytes / Downloads: 0)
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  BrickPad 2.2.4 is available...
Posted by: Ken Drew - 2013-08-03, 1:25 - Forum: LDraw Editors and Viewers - No Replies

BrickPad 2.2.4 is available...

It has been a long time coming but:

- Handle LDraw COLOUR commands in models.
- Handle incoming files with the same name as an existing file differently.
- Ability to not display edge lines.
- When not displaying lines, use seams between parts.
- LDraw parts library is now in zipped format.
- Gallery view of models.
- Dropbox folder support.
- Updated 3rd party tools/code/frameworks.
- Fixed a bug where color codes 75, 76, 132, 133 had 0 alpha values
- Fixed a bug where parts using direct colors didn't have the image displayed in the parts list
- Other various bug fixes.

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