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32068 + 32069 (technic steering arm/beam) |
Posted by: Roland Melkert - 2012-07-05, 20:09 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (10)
There seems to be something wrong with ether 32068 or 32069 (i'm using them in set 5533), they won't fit together (latest lib).
The beam seems to be 4 units to small.
The header of 32068.dat states "reduce size 20 to 18 LDU" so that might be the cause of the problem (reduction instead of inc) ?
Changed Part Number Database |
Posted by: Eric Albrecht - 2012-07-02, 23:19 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion
- Replies (5)
I've recently obtained a new computer and therefore reinstalled all my LDraw programs and library from scratch. It is a good thing to clean house now and then. However, I've run into a serious problem caused by progress. I'm very happy to see that so many unofficial parts have finally been moved to official in the many recent library updates. However, many parts have changed part numbers over the course of many updates. I have hundreds and hundreds of LDraw models archived on my computer, and I find that a great many of them are now broken. I don't mind updating them, the problem is that there is no easy way to find out what happened to an old part. When an old part doesn't load, it doesn't show up in the parts tracker and it doesn't show up in the official library either. I am left scouring the Internet trying to find out what 30039.dat was (for example) so that I can replace it with the current part. Is there any kind of database which tracks old part nnumbers when they change? This would be really useful. I've got my own table now with about 30 parts in it.
parts tracker history |
Posted by: Steffen - 2012-06-30, 14:44 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (2)
I just wanted to mention that something simply great is happening on the PT this year:
A major breakthrough in bringing down the huge backlog of parts to get out has been achieved:
the first big flush of parts happened around Christmas last year. It brought many, many parts out officially.
Then, quite quickly following, again over 1000 files were released with the next release.
And now, despite all the server problems etc., again over 800 files are Admin-certified:
This will again bring a huge parts release with the next coming update.
The - for me - most interesting fact is that the parts waiting for Admin-certify are down to just 2 files right now
(not counting subfiles, ~ files and primitives) - see here:
This can also be seen by the now dramatically shrinked portion of todos for Chris in this graph (blue portion):
What I find so important about this is that I in the past found the queue of parts waiting for an Admin review
to be the bottleneck of parts releases. This no longer is true now. In fact, we as reviewers are not even able
to bring up so many parts for Admin cert as Chris "consumes" them. So the bottleneck is finally gone,
thanks to Chris' permanent and close-tracked reviews.
The sequence of the upcoming parts release together with its 2 recent predecessors marks
a true milestone in our library.
My hope is that at some point in the future, the parts tracker will only contain a handful of parts,
leading to the effect that a newly submitted part will have a much faster way through it than in the last years,
where it took eons for it to get through. With not so many old parts waiting anymore, "younger" parts
will have a better chance being seen.
Just wanted to share these thoughts with you.
Sphere primitive |
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2012-06-30, 6:31 - Forum: Parts Authoring
- Replies (4)
I copy here a discussion between Travis and myself about sphere primitive. Question is - should we change this primitive?
Travis Cobbs Wrote:I don't think it would have mattered in this case, but please be aware that LDView's sphere primitive substitution produces a sphere with geometry significantly different from the LDraw sphere file's internal geometry. (Enable and disable primitive substitution with this file loaded and wireframe mode enabled to see what I mean.) The three "edges" of the eighth sphere that is the basic sphere primitive sub-unit are the same in LDView's version and LDraw's version, but the geometry between the edges is very different, so will produce different results when viewed with primitive substitution on vs. off if geometry is intersecting the middle of the sphere. (Note that the 48/ version of the sphere was actually produced by me using LDView's algorithm, so that one exactly matches LDView's substitution when the substitution is kicked up two notches.) Philippe Hurbain Wrote:About sphe primitive - wouldn't it be best to change primitive to match LDView primitive substitution version? I have always been annoyed by the warped quads in present primitive. Granted, a few parts would get weird edge lines at junctions with other elements, but at least it would no longer change with primitive substitution (16x resoluton at least).
Webmaster request for missing article info |
Posted by: Tim Gould - 2012-06-28, 23:19 - Forum: LDraw.org Announcements
- Replies (12)
Hi all,
Given the unexpected transition to the new site, and the limited time of the webmasters I've started this thread for people to post any glaring holes they notice on the new site. If you go to find some important information (eg. the colour config files) and find it absent please leave a note here so we can prioritise transition.
We do have the original articles handy but reformatting for the new site takes time so obviously we should ensure that vital information goes up first.
PS. I think some things (like software lists) should be moved over to the wiki where corrections can be made by anyone. These will need to be linked to or embedded on the main site. But such decisions can be made on an ad hoc basis for now.