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Posted by: Ronald Vallenduuk - 2013-09-07, 8:53 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (2)

Hi all,

Been away for a while but have started on another part. In the primitive reference for box3-7a.dat it says "... and 1LDu in the {y} dimension". However the box is 2LDU tall (as you can see in the image). It's already being used in official parts so it may be a little late to change the part but the description in the primitive page should be changed.
It made me wonder though. Why are most cuboid primitives 2x1x2 while some (like the box3- ones) are 2x2x2?


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  custom LDConfig.ldr
Posted by: Santeri Piippo - 2013-09-06, 17:39 - Forum: MOCs (My Own Creations) - Replies (2)

Not sure where else to post this but I've been using an edited LDConfig.ldr for a good while now and figured to share it. I altered it to have colors more closer to what I percieve as the real colors of the parts (the black for instance felt way too blue to me). Also the bricks have black edges, aside from the pearlescent and some bright colors. Also I removed the LEGOID stuff because it made it quite unreadable IMO and Peeron-esque names since they're nice and short.

Yeah I meant this for personal usage but I figured to share it.

[Image: bricks-ldconfig-custom.png]

[Image: bricks-ldconfig-original.png]

from left to right: black, blue, green, teal, red, pink (..?), brown,
gray, dark gray, yellow, white, tan, lime, dark tan (or sand as I call it),
pearlescent gray, pearlescent gold

Link here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6605...Config.ldr

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  dead links
Posted by: Steffen - 2013-09-06, 17:25 - Forum: Website Suggestions/Requests/Discussion - Replies (9)

there are still some links online on ldraw.org, dating from the server transition.

they contain the URL "new.ldraw.org", pointing to nowhere now.


can we grep for those somehow and replace?

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  tool for converting DAT files into WebGL / three.js
Posted by: Jan Jirout - 2013-09-01, 22:37 - Forum: LDraw File Processing and Conversion - No Replies


I started to create java library for parsing LDraw model into Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). It should allows perform various task with produced AST. For example model validation, converting to other formats and so on. LDraw parsing is based on antlr4 library. Project is in Java.

To prove that parsing works fine there is tool that convert DAT files into three.js JSON format. Three.js JSON could easily displayed in WebGL page. Simple example is at http://cubiculus.sourceforge.net/threejs-viewer.html.

You can download package with linux convertor to three.js JSON from here. Or whole project is at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cubiculus/

Could be this library useful for you? Do you see any errors, problems? I personally thought about 3D building instructions. Please let me know.



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  Texture files for EV3 stickers
Posted by: Philippe Hurbain - 2013-09-01, 9:01 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (3)

Because of the complexity of the pattern ("ageing effect"), I made stickers for EV3 using TEXMAP extension. Since the parts tracker doesn't yet allow submitting texture files, I place them here.
- download and save the attached file
- rename it to .zip instead of .txt
- open it and place the "texture" folder of the zip in the parts folder where you placed the sticker files.

You will be then able to see EV3 stickers using software that support TEXMAP extension: LDView, LDCad, Bricksmith and LeoCAD. Other ones will only show a white sticker, as I haven't created any fallback texture.

Attached Files
.txt   EV3_stickers_textures.txt (Size: 692.42 KB / Downloads: 21)
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  Problems with Windows 8
Posted by: warwick holden - 2013-08-31, 18:38 - Forum: Help - Replies (16)

Hi! I have tried searching the forums for this problem, but without success! If I've missed a post - I apologise. I tried to install L Draw All-in-One installer onto a laptop running Windows 8. The laptop is a Sony Vaio with Win 8 Professional 64 bit installed. The install went OK, but towards the end of the install there were a number of error messages along the lines of "Can't find file". At the end the final install a message said that Pov-Ray had failed to install. The main programs were installed in the 'Program (x86)' folder. Should I have installed elsewhere?? Such as direct onto the C drive?? Any help appreciated. By the way - all other programs worked fine!

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  Clips and Minifig Radio
Posted by: Roland Melkert - 2013-08-31, 16:23 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (1)

I was playing around and noticed that the Minifig Radio parts (e.g. 3962a) don't fit onto clips (or minifig hands).

Also the 61252 clip seems to have a bfc problem.

Just reporting in hopes somebody picks this up.

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  smoothing algorithm without quads
Posted by: Nicola - 2013-08-30, 14:07 - Forum: Rendering Techniques - Replies (5)

I'm upgrading my webgl renderer program Brigl to work with the latest version of Three.js (the 3d engine i use).
I've found a bitter suprise: they deprecated the Quad primitive (Face4). Now the whole library only deals with triangles (Face3).
I relied to quads for my smoothing algorithm, and everything broke Smile

So my algorithm worked like this: if two faces have a conditional line on the common edge, that means the faces should be smoothed. Smoothing means averaging all normals (per-vertex face normals) at each end of the conditional lines.

I've adjusted for the Face4 removal in the simplest way: by adding two Face3 composing the quad. But now it happends that if i have two quad connected by a condline, only two of the four triangles are affected, the other two staying unsmoothed, effectively creating a zigzag pattern. You can see it here:

[Image: zigzag.jpg]

Do you have any idea on how i could correct this issue? I tried to keep track of triangle pairs forming quads, but i couldn't manage to restore a working solution.
Eventually i could move all smoothing code to BEFORE generating the 3d mesh, that is while still working with plain ldraw objects (quads and tri), but it looks like an huge amount of work..

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Thumbs Up request about 11291 Front 4X3X2/3 W. Bow
Posted by: Anonymous User - 2013-08-29, 17:14 - Forum: Part Requests - Replies (11)

Hi all lego fan

I search in data base about this part 11291 Front 4X3X2/3 W. Bow , and i did not found complete part into.

I would share two Moc using it, but without this part you should understand it's not right...
So if a modeler can help us by creating it, it's will to be very great!

appologies about my vocabulary, i'm a french guy.

See you

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  Aligning Categories to user expectations
Posted by: Allen Smith - 2013-08-28, 21:34 - Forum: Parts Authoring - Replies (25)

Someone just posted the following to a local LUG mailing list I'm subscribed to (emphasis added):

Quote:Thinking about it, I can remember what derailed my learning LDraw/Mcad/ et al... it was the parts management system… [T]he hundreds of variations with a surface graphic made the whole stack completely unmanageable.

While I don't know the author, I really have to agree with the sentiment. Regular bread-and-butter categories one uses all the time for building are clogged with enormous numbers of decorated parts which are almost never used. Over the years, the single most-requested feature for Bricksmith was to add a "Favorite" category, and I can't help bust suspect this was part of the reason.

A couple years ago when I was adding !CATEGORY support to Bricksmith, I came to the conclusion the situation was actually getting worse. Notably, Duplo elements were being piled into the regular categories like "Brick". The !CATEGORY keyword was also inconsistently applied, so some bricks fell into defined categories, and some fell into implicit categories based on the first word of their description. Some logical first-word categories were being exterminated for inexplicable reasons, but only in a piecemeal fashion. Since it was all inconsistent, it was insanely difficult to find anything. I actually gave up and intentionally ignored !CATEGORY for any single-word category name.

I would like to take a cue from Bricklink here. Separate decorated elements out of the most commonly-used categories of Brick, Tile, and Slope. I think this would be a huge win for regular users.

I would also like to see !CATEGORY be dependable. When I last checked in on the situation (at least a year ago), every Categorization was potentially subject to a review squabble (and endless limbo) on the part tracker. That was the point at which I gave up on implementing the feature and went back to using the description for almost everything.

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