Quote:To avoid matrix arithmetic problems in some renderers, the third dimension ({y} in the default orientation) of two-dimensional primitives must be given a scaling factor of 1.
Quote:To avoid matrix arithmetic problems in some renderers, the third dimension ({y} in the default orientation) of two-dimensional primitives must be given a non-zero scaling factor.
There is no reason to restrict this value to 1, the only point is to avoid a non-degenerated transformation matrix.
This change should avoid sterile discussions such as this one: http://www.ldraw.org/cgi-bin/ptdetail.cg.../u9228.dat
Quote:Unofficial parts are allowed to be used, but must be included in the MPD as referenced subfiles. The filename of the unofficial part is subject to the following naming rules:
Quote:Appendix VI
Programs relying on the parts.lst file rather then the LDRAW_ORG meta-statement use special characters to prevent the parts being included in the list:
The descriptions of all subparts (i.e. line 4 = '0 !LDRAW_ORG Subpart') must start with '~'.
The description of all obsolete parts, maintained for backwards compatibility must start with '~'.
The descriptions of all aliases (i.e. line 4 = '0 !LDRAW_ORG Part Alias') must start with '='.
The descriptions of all physical colour parts (i.e. line 4 = '0 !LDRAW_ORG Part Physical_Colour') should start with '_' .
The use of '~' for non "s\" part files is at the author's discretion, to hide mouldings that are not released independently. This is one case where merely reading the LDRAW_ORG line is insufficient for tools to know how to treat the file.
While working on VEX parts (I know, boo; hiss, that's not LEGO) , I finally had a real-world reason to map spherically.
The HEXBUG folks have a VEX IQ compatible set called Orbit, which is a built-it-yourself Orrery, and it includes three spheres that would need the texture mapping treatment (our Sun, the Earth and its moon).
I have mapped the latter two.
Congratulations, Roland. This was easy for me to get working, and it looks fantastic in LDCad!
[I did a half-mapping of each half-sphere, top and bottom -- was able to use the same image in either case, didn't have to slice or dice that at all]
I'm surprised I didn't find them in official or unofficial parts in LDraw.
I tried many strings search, but no result. Isn't there anyone who made them or do I not find them ?
I have a texture issue when rendering certain base plates. I use SR3D Builder for construction, then LDView and POV-Ray 3.7 for the rendering.
As you can see in the image attached I get a weird texture problem with the baseplates. Note the white/green "noise" around the edges of the pave and in the middle "island", and how the lines doesn't follow the edge of the green areas like it should, or bend at the end of the road in a correct way. It's like the actual road pattern has been mirrored or something... It is not supposed to look like this. Anyone who has experienced the same thing or has any ideas?
In this release i will have you opinion about measurement functionality.
You find option in MODEL menu, called as "Model Bounding Box" /A/ and "Measure Final Result" /B/.
Activated by CTRL + B shortcut. Work in this same as is in LDView. Applied to main model and submodels too
Applied only to main model. This is it estimated data but, give the point of view how big and how heavy will be in real world.
Would it be possible to locally set the page orientation in LPub3D?
Sometimes I find it is better to start portrait (in the early stages of building) and then later move to landscape orientation (because the model gets to big)
Or on a specific multistep page it turns out better to temporally switch orientation of the page.
Tevor: are you still working on LPub3D? The last message and post is that from this thread http://forums.ldraw.org/showthread.php?t...9#pid17509
Since then I have not heard from you. I know we all are busy and this LDraw thing is pure hobby and done in our precious free time, but since you showed such promising screenshots I hoped you would have released a new build for your great adaptation of LPub!