Part 44136 Requst

Part 44136 Requst

I'm looking for these part

I hope that someone will create these parts

Re: Part 44136 Requst
As far as I can see we do not have the shape of this part in LDD. So it has to be build in old fashion. This may take a while if someone like to start this task. It is not a very common part!
Re: Part 44136 Requst
I've been meaning to do this one, I guess I got an excuse to do that. Tongue

Now to find one of these in my part bins...

edit: found one, let's see here..
Re: Part 44136 Requst
for fellow parts authors: I got this much done on this part and now am trying to put the base for the curve section:
[Image: 44136-1.png]

Right now that's just 4 48/4-8edge.dat's. You guys got any better ideas on how to do this or is this my best bet? Curves like this still get me baffled from time to time.
Re: Part 44136 Requst
If possible put this part on your scanner. So you get the curve better i think.

If you use primitive, please be sure to use the same circlepoint for each curve primitive.
This way I have done it on 32218.dat. A lot of try and error, but the result works great Smile
Re: Part 44136 Requst
I don't have a scanner so I just use a camera and try to get as perpendicular a picture as possible. It actually works well most of the time but it tends to leave my back hurting. It's also quite time consuming so I thought if there was some faster way to do it. I guess I'll experiment with the circles a bit more and if I can't do it that way, resort to the camera approach..
Re: Part 44136 Requst
Indeed, I try first to fit a primitive, but it's not always possible... in that case, I take a photo and use LDPC - or I guess you could use your own LDForge Wink
Re: Part 44136 Requst
Try this.

0 test
1 16 0 0 60 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 connhole.dat
1 16 0 20 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 connhole.dat
1 4 10 -55.025 9 0 -20 0 66.025 0 0 0 0 66.025 48\5-48cyli.dat
1 24 10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 66.025 0 0 0 0 66.025 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 -10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 66.025 0 0 0 0 66.025 48\5-48edge.dat
1 6 10 -55.025 9 0 -8 0 68.661 0 0 0 0 68.661 48\5-48cyli.dat
1 6 -10 -55.025 9 0 8 0 68.661 0 0 0 0 68.661 48\5-48cyli.dat
1 24 10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 68.661 0 0 0 0 68.661 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 2 -55.025 9 0 1 0 68.661 0 0 0 0 68.661 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 -2 -55.025 9 0 1 0 68.661 0 0 0 0 68.661 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 -10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 68.661 0 0 0 0 68.661 48\5-48edge.dat
1 6 10 -55.025 9 0 -8 0 81.389 0 0 0 0 81.389 48\5-48cyli.dat
1 6 -10 -55.025 9 0 8 0 81.389 0 0 0 0 81.389 48\5-48cyli.dat
1 24 10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 81.389 0 0 0 0 81.389 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 2 -55.025 9 0 1 0 81.389 0 0 0 0 81.389 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 -2 -55.025 9 0 1 0 81.389 0 0 0 0 81.389 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 -10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 81.389 0 0 0 0 81.389 48\5-48edge.dat
1 4 10 -55.025 9 0 -20 0 84.025 0 0 0 0 84.025 48\5-48cyli.dat
1 24 10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 84.025 0 0 0 0 84.025 48\5-48edge.dat
1 24 -10 -55.025 9 0 1 0 84.025 0 0 0 0 84.025 48\5-48edge.dat
4 16 10 11 9 10 13.636 9 10 13.0455 17.9603 10 10.4322 17.6163
4 16 10 10.4322 17.6163 10 13.0455 17.9603 10 11.2947 26.7695 10 8.74855 26.0873
4 16 10 8.74855 26.0873 10 11.2947 26.7695 10 8.4109 35.2766 10 5.9755 34.2678
4 16 10 5.9755 34.2678 10 8.4109 35.2766 10 4.43543 43.3305 10 2.15265 42.0125
4 16 10 2.15265 42.0125 10 4.43543 43.3305 10 -0.550932 50.7995 10 -2.64229 49.1947
4 16 -10 10.4322 17.6163 -10 13.0455 17.9603 -10 13.636 9 -10 11 9
4 16 -10 8.74855 26.0873 -10 11.2947 26.7695 -10 13.0455 17.9603 -10 10.4322 17.6163
4 4 -10 5.9755 34.2678 -10 8.4109 35.2766 -10 11.2947 26.7695 -10 8.74855 26.0873
4 16 -10 2.15265 42.0125 -10 4.43543 43.3305 -10 8.4109 35.2766 -10 5.9755 34.2678
4 16 -10 -2.64229 49.1947 -10 -0.550932 50.7995 -10 4.43543 43.3305 -10 2.15265 42.0125
4 16 2 13.0455 17.9603 2 13.636 9 2 26.364 9 2 25.6641 19.6213
4 16 2 11.2947 26.7695 2 13.0455 17.9603 2 25.6641 19.6213 2 23.5886 30.0635
4 16 2 8.4109 35.2766 2 11.2947 26.7695 2 23.5886 30.0635 2 20.1703 40.1476
4 16 2 4.43543 43.3305 2 8.4109 35.2766 2 20.1703 40.1476 2 15.4579 49.6945
4 16 2 -0.549363 50.8008 2 4.43543 43.3305 2 15.4579 49.6945 2 9.54903 58.5496
4 16 -2 25.6641 19.6213 -2 26.364 9 -2 13.636 9 -2 13.0455 17.9603
4 16 -2 23.5886 30.0635 -2 25.6641 19.6213 -2 13.0455 17.9603 -2 11.2947 26.7695
4 4 -2 20.1703 40.1476 -2 23.5886 30.0635 -2 11.2947 26.7695 -2 8.4109 35.2766
4 16 -2 15.4579 49.6945 -2 20.1703 40.1476 -2 8.4109 35.2766 -2 4.43543 43.3305
4 16 -2 9.54903 58.5496 -2 15.4579 49.6945 -2 4.43543 43.3305 -2 -0.549363 50.8008
4 16 10 26.364 9 10 29 9 10 28.2774 19.9653 10 25.6641 19.6213
4 16 10 25.6641 19.6213 10 28.2774 19.9653 10 26.1348 30.7457 10 23.5886 30.0635
4 16 10 23.5886 30.0635 10 26.1348 30.7457 10 22.6057 41.1564 10 20.1703 40.1476
4 16 10 20.1703 40.1476 10 22.6057 41.1564 10 17.7406 51.0125 10 15.4579 49.6945
4 16 10 15.4579 49.6945 10 17.7406 51.0125 10 11.6385 60.1528 10 9.54711 58.5481
1 16 0 11 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 2-4ndis.dat
1 16 0 29 0 -9 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 9 2-4ndis.dat
4 16 -10 25.6641 19.6213 -10 28.2774 19.9653 -10 29 9 -10 26.364 9
4 16 -10 23.5886 30.0635 -10 26.1348 30.7457 -10 28.2774 19.9653 -10 25.6641 19.6213
4 4 -10 20.1703 40.1476 -10 22.6057 41.1564 -10 26.1348 30.7457 -10 23.5886 30.0635
4 16 -10 15.4579 49.6945 -10 17.7406 51.0125 -10 22.6057 41.1564 -10 20.1703 40.1476
4 16 -10 9.54711 58.5481 -10 11.6385 60.1528 -10 17.7406 51.0125 -10 15.4579 49.6945
4 6 10 -2.64229 49.1947 10 -4.2281 51 -10 -4.2281 51 -10 -2.64229 49.1947
4 5 -10 11.6385 60.1528 -10 8.9193 63.2495 10 8.9193 63.2495 10 11.6385 60.1528
4 4 10 -4.2281 51 10 -20 51 -10 -20 51 -10 -4.2281 51
4 24 -10 -0.550932 50.7995 -10 -0.8837 51.1758 10 -0.8837 51.1758 10 -0.550932 50.7995
4 24 10 9.54711 58.5481 10 9 59.1681 -10 9 59.1681 -10 9.54711 58.5481
4 24 10 9 100 10 9 63.1575 -10 9 63.1575 -10 9 100
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