New to Lpub and sub models not loading

New to Lpub and sub models not loading
HI Everyone, this is my first post on this forum.
I am new to Lpub and am trying to figure out how all this works.
I have made a model in MLCAD 3 and am using an older version of LPUB and POVRay and running windows XP.
First of all, can you recommend places to download the latest version of Lpub that is simple to get to?
I feel it's hard to find what the latest version is and also to get it to work.
Second, I first had problems with the parts list. Lpub would return an error saying it couldn't find the sub model so I added the name of the sub model to the parts list to get around this.
So I got it to render the initial parts but it hangs up when it gets to the first sub model and can't find it.
I know there was a recent post about this but I didn't get a clear answer on what I should do.
Any help is appreciated.
Oh, and last, what is the easiest way to publish instructions, is there another program instead of Lpub?
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
Hi Miguel,
It's a bit difficult to answer you without knowing exact version of LPub you use...
Anyway, latest LPub version is available here.
As for another instructions generator program, there's LIC. I'm not used to it, but it seems worth trying!
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading

Philippe Hurbain Wrote:As for another instructions generator program, there's LIC. I'm not used to it, but it seems worth trying!

believe it or not this is the first time I heard about this prog. Had to search old Lugnet to learn more about. Must have slipped my eye. Is anybody in contact with this guy?

LEGO ergo sum
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
It is the same with me. The program is completely new for me.
I think, I should try it on the weekend.

Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
I helped Remi with it in the early days, but I think he got too busy with other things eventually. As I recall I sent him my nastiest instructions to try to break it. I'll drop him an email to let him know it's been rediscovered.

The version I played with was pretty neat Smile

Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
Again, it's thanks to JC-Tchang that I discovered this program. He wrote a paper on it (in French).

One of the strong point of LIC is that it does a pretty good work of automatically stepping models.
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
I just installed and played with it for half an hour: MEN THIS PROG ROCKS!

The only thing I'm a little troubled with is the gradient editor for the background and that the initial request for the LDraw path has no escape and you are forced to kill the prog via the Task Manager. I love the renderer and the displacement though I wish LIC would also support "Buffer Exchange" and "Ghost".

LEGO ergo sum
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
Hi all,

I'm Remi. I wrote Lic. I build stuff too, sometimes.

I started Lic over 6 years ago - turns out it was a much more ambitious project than I imagined. Unfortunately, I haven't had much time or motivation to work on it lately. It is still very unfinished, and not very usable yet, so I haven't really tried spreading the word.

Thanks for the feedback! It's really great to hear people trying Lic out, warts & all. I've had a few hundred downloads, but almost zero feedback (beyond a couple early adopters like Tim - thank you sir!). Maybe more users and more feedback will help with the motivation.

Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
wow, have not heard of this as well, must try it...

should this be included in the AIOI?
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
No, Lic is definitely not ready to be included in the installer. It's still far too buggy, and missing some key features.

I'm not sure it's a good fit in general: Lic can import LDraw files, but beyond that it's not really tied to LDraw. The importer has even been abstracted out and made extensible: you could easily create a custom importer to load, say, an .OBJ model of some furniture, and use Lic to create instructions for that model.
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
I definitely think it would be a good fit if it was bug-free. It's easier to use than LPub.

And I'll throw in a reminder to the other's that it is open source Smile

LIC (Was: New to Lpub and sub models not loading)
I would love included it to the AIOI - I think it would be a more than valid alternative to LPub.

LEGO ergo sum
Re: New to Lpub and sub models not loading
You've got mail.

LEGO ergo sum
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