LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)

LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Hello all,

I finally finished a version of LDCad 1.1 which is 'beta' worthy imho. So after almost 7 months here's a new (semi) stable version for you to play with. You'll find it at


Do note, a uninstall of a previous version is highly recommended.

Bigest changes (compared to 1.0, not the alpha's):
  • Full support for ortho/2D/flat projection editing.
  • (unlimited) split edit views.
  • Beter 'old' OpenGL implementations support (Will even render on 1.1, no more crosses or flickering screen).
  • Menu/tool bar (i got tired of all the 'where's the menu' comments). It's fully customizable, but do note not all available toobuttons have icons yet.
  • Rotation center manipulation is now supported.
  • expert' (manual) rotation, movement and selection center dialogs.
  • 'Modern windows' friendly installer (setup will install dynamic stuff outside the program files folder). If you don't like this use the archive version or delete the LDCad.cfg file BEFORE you start LDCad for the first time.
  • A boat load of small stuff (see the changeLog.txt file for all details).

a screenshort for closure, enjoy:

[Image: 1-1-Beta-1-ForumScrShot.png]
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
AWESOME! Great work. Going to play now. Thanks for supporting Linux.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Very impressive so far.

Love the Menu bar on the top left and buttons on the right. It seems so much quicker to get things done now. My only gripe is that to get the info on what each button does you need to look at the bottom status bar. When looking for something, ie moving the mouse about and trying to find a certain task you need to move the mouse blindly as your watching the text down below.

I'm really enjoying the split views, I think that is a great option.

Didn't notice the grid preferences in 1.0 but I do like the ability to change them up, that is a powerful feature.

Running smooth on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Jason Smith Wrote:Very impressive so far.


Jason Smith Wrote:Love the Menu bar on the top left and buttons on the right. It seems so much quicker to get things done now. My only gripe is that to get the info on what each button does you need to look at the bottom status bar. When looking for something, ie moving the mouse about and trying to find a certain task you need to move the mouse blindly as your watching the text down below.

The main reason for hints being in the bottom non OpenGL bar is limiting redraws, although modern hardware seems to have no trouble with medium sized models.

Jason Smith Wrote:Didn't notice the grid preferences in 1.0 but I do like the ability to change them up, that is a powerful feature.

It was available in 1.0 but a bit vague, that why I placed it in the bar by default Smile

Jason Smith Wrote:Running smooth on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit.

I'm still somewhat surprised of 64 bit Linux running this 32 bit executable, as far I know/knew this wasn't possible before in Linux, must be something new in Ubuntu ?
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Roland Melkert Wrote:I'm still somewhat surprised of 64 bit Linux running this 32 bit executable, as far I know/knew this wasn't possible before in Linux, must be something new in Ubuntu ?

I'm new to Ubuntu so I wish I could tell you. It works absolutely spot on, no issues what so ever. Which is surprising if it shouldn't work at all. Hopefully nothing changes, fingers crossed.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
I saw your LDCAD DEF BIN icon and felt the urge Wink

[Image: Screenshot%20from%202012-07-16%2014%3A01%3A46.png]
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
I think I just found a bug.

If I maximize the window I lose the contents of the menu bar. The bar is still there and if I hover over where the text menus and the icons would be I can see the bottom of the red selection outline. The status bar also shows the information but no images.

[Image: Screenshot%20from%202012-07-16%2014%3A33%3A29.png]
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
64-bit Linux has always been able to run 32-bit executables, as far as I know. However, if you don't have a fully statically linked executable (and presumably you don't), then 32-bit versions of all of the shared libraries that you use must be installed, and this is often difficult.
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Jason Smith Wrote:I think I just found a bug. If I maximize the window I lose the contents of the menu bar.

Seems I forgot to update some internals on resizes, I'll fix that in the next version. A workaround for the time being is to hide/show the menubar using the menu you open with a right click on the bar.

Thanks for reporting.
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Jason Smith Wrote:I saw your LDCAD DEF BIN icon and felt the urge Wink

Smile I was quite lazy with that icon thinking, most people are never even going to see it anyway.
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Travis Cobbs Wrote:64-bit Linux has always been able to run 32-bit executables, as far as I know. However, if you don't have a fully statically linked executable (and presumably you don't), then 32-bit versions of all of the shared libraries that you use must be installed, and this is often difficult.

I do link statically to all the 3rd party stuff I use (wxWidgets, pnglib, GLEW, boost) but as far I know that still leaves plenty of 32 bit dependencies. I always though you had to fool around with chroot to get it working on a 'out of the box' 64 bit setup.
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Roland Melkert Wrote:
Jason Smith Wrote:I think I just found a bug. If I maximize the window I lose the contents of the menu bar.

Seems I forgot to update some internals on resizes, I'll fix that in the next version. A workaround for the time being is to hide/show the menubar using the menu you open with a right click on the bar.

Thanks for reporting.

It seems as though if I maximize and hide/show like you stated it works just fine if I don't minimize again. If I close while maximized it opens again just fine. Thanks for the tip.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Two operating questions if I may:

1. Is there a quick way to uncover the manipulation tool when it gets buried as in the pic below? I know in the pic you can actually grab and drag it but sometimes it's not visible at all. I am currently changing the axis then changing the length then changing the axis again to get it right. There must be a shortcut or button or something that I am missing.

[Image: Screenshot%20from%202012-07-16%2018%3A14%3A59.png]

2. How do I add a sub model to the main model? So far I'm just copy and pasting the whole assy into the main model but for some reason that doesn't seem right.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Jason Smith Wrote:Is there a quick way to uncover the manipulation tool when it gets buried

ctrl+p starts resizing the pin length without having to click it's end first.

Jason Smith Wrote:How do I add a sub model to the main model?

In the model menu there's "Add new submodel" also accessible by the 'little house with a +' button in the toolbar.

It will start a new model which will be added to the same file the currently displayed model is in.

After modeling the submodel you switch back to the higher model (click on the filename at the right top for all open models).

In that model you can then place the submodel like any other part by using the special 'overview/file content' part bin group (half build dozer picture / doc with 'mpd' icon.)

Hope this is somewhat clear, I have to do a tutorial at some point.
Re: LDCad 1.1 Beta 1 (win+linux)
Roland Melkert Wrote:ctrl+p starts resizing the pin length without having to click it's end first.

Ah, thank you so much.

Roland Melkert Wrote:After modeling the submodel you switch back to the higher model (click on the filename at the right top for all open models).

In that model you can then place the submodel like any other part by using the special 'overview/file content' part bin group (half build dozer picture / doc with 'mpd' icon.)

Hope this is somewhat clear, I have to do a tutorial at some point.

It's very clear thanks again. The whole overview part bin group totally escaped me. In the middle of building a sub file right now, can't wait to try it.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
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