train magnet sizes

train magnet sizes
to support the discussion in 9448.dat
i made some pics of my parts:
from top to bottom:
-long cylinder (7.5mm), long magnet (D10mmxL7mm), overall cylinder length 8mm
-short cylinder (6.5mm), long magnet (D10mmxL7mm), overall cylinder length 8mm
-short cylinder (6.5mm), short magnet (D10mmxL6mm), overall cylinder length 7mm (these are too short to connect)
-"modern" magnet (2959c01.dat) with the holder (2607.dat) (magnet size D10mmxL7mm)
Also, the rear connector is always the same (could be subfiled)

I have more train magnets but have to dig them out...
i tested them, but i guess due to the age the older ones are weaker.
RE: train magnet sizes
Are there any use cases where the length of the magnet makes a functional difference? Could it be could enough that the magnet (sub)part is a simple cylinder that can be scaled on the user side?
RE: train magnet sizes
Beside the magnet lenght how about the different hooks?

LEGO ergo sum
RE: train magnet sizes
I think the first 2 cases (8mm overall length) aren't worth distinguishing.

The 3rd is debatable but since it doesn't come up up elsewhere, I'm not sure it's worth our time.
RE: train magnet sizes
The magnets come in combination with the plates 509 and 753,  I redid them when doing the coupling hooks

I do not have u9448 (BL: x547c) with me, but I do have the other two 499 vatriants (BL: x547a / x547b)

x547c is a totally different construction as it clips onto the plate

x547a/b are closed, so the plate (509/753) clips onto them

I would model the two different casing sizes/lengths of the 499.

It needs an overhaul anyway as the digital shape, especially of the rounded sides does not refelct the real part

The current setup does not match the real life
1 15 0 0 30 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 78329.dat

1 10 -70 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0 509.dat
1 4 -38 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 499c01.dat

1 10 70 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 509.dat
1 1 38 9 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 499c01.dat

The current 499c01 would need a longer magnet

Top: existing parts (just needs a different magnet), bottom, elongated parts.

RE: train magnet sizes
added the part numbers (and I forgot to mark the gap, it exists)
the difficulty is that the two existing magnets 70023 and u9044 have to fit into the same part.
both magnets should be D10mm (25LDU), but dont match that.
top and bottom variants have the same small offset from magnet to rim, the center one has a bigger distance.
(would it be ok to scale the u9044 by 1.2 in length for the center one only?)
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