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train magnet sizes - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: train magnet sizes (/thread-28633.html)

train magnet sizes - Rene Rechthaler - 2025-01-25

to support the discussion in 9448.dat
i made some pics of my parts:
from top to bottom:
-long cylinder (7.5mm), long magnet (D10mmxL7mm), overall cylinder length 8mm
-short cylinder (6.5mm), long magnet (D10mmxL7mm), overall cylinder length 8mm
-short cylinder (6.5mm), short magnet (D10mmxL6mm), overall cylinder length 7mm (these are too short to connect)
-"modern" magnet (2959c01.dat) with theĀ holder (2607.dat) (magnet size D10mmxL7mm)
Also, the rear connector is always the same (could be subfiled)

I have more train magnets but have to dig them out...
i tested them, but i guess due to the age the older ones are weaker.

RE: train magnet sizes - N. W. Perry - 2025-01-26

Are there any use cases where the length of the magnet makes a functional difference? Could it be could enough that the magnet (sub)part is a simple cylinder that can be scaled on the user side?

RE: train magnet sizes - Willy Tschager - 2025-01-26

Beside the magnet lenght how about the different hooks?


RE: train magnet sizes - Orion Pobursky - 2025-01-26

I think the first 2 cases (8mm overall length) aren't worth distinguishing.

The 3rd is debatable but since it doesn't come up up elsewhere, I'm not sure it's worth our time.