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RE: Elf Hair (10055pb01)
2023-02-20, 8:08
Hi Marcos, thanks for asking this question!
LDPE has some learning curve, but it is worht it. So what did I do to this part, I can add a brief summary for the time being.
- Check the origin -> was fine here
- Check the anti-stud -> was missing here
- Check the intersection with the head (3623.dat and the Torso 973.dat)
There are always intersections with the head, as the LDD data comes with 12 divisions on a circle whereas LDraw uses 16
I do it the following way:
> colour all the interior that can intersect with the head (lines plus triangles) in one colour
> colour all the interior that can intersect with the torso in another
> correct those intersections (somethimes it is enoguh to flip triagles (concav vs convex)
- Piece the part together again.
- Put printed areas into a seperate sub-file to allow the colouring
- verify the triangles nad flip them if it produces weird concav or convex areas, I swapped quite a lot in this case.
- add conditional lines for smoothing with Edger2 tool
- Check if Edger2 added an edge line instead of a cond line just in case (there were a few here)
Hope this helps until there is time for a video...