Hi there,
as written in our core group, I would like to suggest to create primitives for the sticker backsides, which are rectangular and have rounded corners (formed and unformed) So they can be used for different stickers.
For now we the same backside several times with different subfile names.
I made a little Excel sheet. Which is linked
Sticker Bottom List.xlsx (Size: 11.26 KB / Downloads: 6)
to this post. Please note that sometimes the same sticker backside is mixed up with X and Z coordinates. This needs to be fixed in any case before the release. (Do we have rule, that stickers should be made in a way that Z x X contains a X value which is always equal or greater than Z (as we do for most of our bricks)?
Suggestion for the name:
flat sticker backsides: stickbs[Z]x[X]r[Radius of Corners]
Means: StickerBackSide[Z]by[X]radius[Radius of Corners]
formed sticker backsides: stickbsf[Z]x[X]r[Radius of Corners]p[Matching part without file extension]
Means: StickerBackSideFormed[Z]x[X]Radius[Radius of Corners](Matching)Part[Matching part without file extension]
Any thoughts on this?
as written in our core group, I would like to suggest to create primitives for the sticker backsides, which are rectangular and have rounded corners (formed and unformed) So they can be used for different stickers.
For now we the same backside several times with different subfile names.
I made a little Excel sheet. Which is linked

Suggestion for the name:
flat sticker backsides: stickbs[Z]x[X]r[Radius of Corners]
Means: StickerBackSide[Z]by[X]radius[Radius of Corners]
formed sticker backsides: stickbsf[Z]x[X]r[Radius of Corners]p[Matching part without file extension]
Means: StickerBackSideFormed[Z]x[X]Radius[Radius of Corners](Matching)Part[Matching part without file extension]
Any thoughts on this?