AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing

AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing

The release candidate of the AIOI 2019-03 can be downloaded here:

Change log:

* Update to Parts Library 2019-03
* Update to MLCad.ini 2019-03
* Update to LPub3D
* Update to LeoCAD 19.07
* Update to Offline Parts Catalog 2019-03

Your testing would be appreciated.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
Can I opt out of installing LDView? I have a development version installed now and don't want to overwrite it. Normally the AIOI forces you to install LDView.
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
(2020-02-02, 19:43)Michael Horvath Wrote: Can I opt out of installing LDView? I have a development version installed now and don't want to overwrite it. Normally the AIOI forces you to install LDView.

No, the filetypes are registered to LDView and a lot of other things.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
(2020-02-02, 19:59)Willy Tschager Wrote: No, the filetypes are registered to LDView and a lot of other things.


And really the AIOI is intended to get you started. Once you use it, you should be upgrading the individual components.
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
(2020-02-03, 2:13)Orion Pobursky Wrote: And really the AIOI is intended to get you started. Once you use it, you should be upgrading the individual components.

Will the AIOI uninstaller still work properly after I upgrade each component? I don't want leftover files or registry entries if something gets borked.
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
(2020-02-04, 7:28)Michael Horvath Wrote: Will the AIOI uninstaller still work properly after I upgrade each component? I don't want leftover files or registry entries if something gets borked.

This is the Pre Uninstaller Script:

if (System.Is64BitOS()) then

    -- Checks to see if LDViewThumbs.dll and LDViewThumbs64.dll exists.
    sLDViewThumbsPath = SessionVar.Expand ("%AppFolder%\\LDraw\\LDView\\LDViewThumbs.dll");
    sLDViewThumbs64Path = SessionVar.Expand("%AppFolder%\\LDraw\\LDView\\LDViewThumbs64.dll");
    local sToggle = "/u /s ";
    local sArguments = String.Concat(sToggle, '"' .. sLDViewThumbsPath .. '"');
    local sArguments64 = String.Concat(sToggle, '"' .. sLDViewThumbs64Path .. '"');
    bLDViewThumbsExists = File.DoesExist(sLDViewThumbsPath);
    bLDViewThumbs64Exists = File.DoesExist(sLDViewThumbs64Path);
        -- If LDViewThumbs.dll does exist, unregister it
        if bLDViewThumbsExists then
            Shell.Execute(_WindowsFolder .. "\\SysWOW64\\regsvr32.exe", "open", sArguments, "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Unregistered LDViewThumbs.dll", true);
            -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
            error = Application.GetLastError();
            if (error ~= 0) then
                Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
                local sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
                SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        -- If the file does exist, unregister it
        if bLDViewThumbs64Exists then
            Shell.Execute(_SystemFolder .."\\regsvr32.exe", "open", sArguments64, "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Unregistered LDViewThumbs64.dll", true);
            -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
            error = Application.GetLastError();
            if (error ~= 0) then
                Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
                local sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
                SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
    -- The user's system is running a 32 bit operating system.
        -- If LDViewThumbs.dll does exist, un register it
        if bLDViewThumbsExists then
            Shell.Execute(_SystemFolder .. "\\regsvr32.exe", "open", sArguments, "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Unregistered LDViewThumbs.dll", true);
            -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
            error = Application.GetLastError();
            if (error ~= 0) then
                Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
                local sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
                SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);

This is the Post Uninstaller Script

-- Delete shortcuts in LDraw shortcut folder
sShortcutFolderPath = SetupData.GetAppShortcutFolderPath();
Folder.DeleteTree(sShortcutFolderPath, nil);

-- Check to see if any error occurred.
local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LDraw shortcuts tree\r\n", false);

-- Delete the registry value for the LDRAWDIR system variable
    Registry.DeleteValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment", "LDRAWDIR");

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Delete the registry value for the LDRAWDIR system variable\r\n", false);

-- Delete all registry keys for MLCad if MLCad keys exist
sMLCadRegistryExists = Registry.DoesKeyExist(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Lachmann");

if (sMLCadRegistryExists == true) then
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Lachmann");

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted all registry keys for MLCad if MLCad keys existed\r\n", false);

-- Delete all registry keys for LeoCAD if LeoCAD keys exist
sLeoCADRegistryExists = Registry.DoesKeyExist(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\LeoCAD Software");

if (sLeoCADRegistryExists == true) then
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\LeoCAD Software");

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted all registry keys for LeoCAD if LeoCAD keys existed\r\n", false);

-- Delete all registry keys for LDView if LDView keys exist
sLDViewRegistryExists = Registry.DoesKeyExist(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Travis Cobbs");

if (sLDViewRegistryExists == true) then
    -- Delete all registry keys for LDView
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Travis Cobbs");
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\LDView.exe");
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Applications\\LDView.exe");
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".ldr");
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "LDView.ldr");
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".mpd");
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "LDView.mpd");

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted all registry keys for LDView if LDView keys existed\r\n", false);

-- Delete all registry keys for LPub3D if LPub3D keys exist
sLPub3DRegistryExists = Registry.DoesKeyExist(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\LPub3D Software");

if (sLPub3DRegistryExists == true) then
    Registry.DeleteKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\LPub3D Software");

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted all registry keys for LPub3D if LPub3D keys existed\r\n", false);        

This is the Shutdown script

-- Delete LDraw folder if still present
sRootFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%AppFolder%"));

if (sRootFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire root tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%AppFolder%"), nil);

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LDraw root folder if still present\r\n", false);    

-- Delete LDraw Parts library if still present
sLibraryFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%CommonDocumentsFolder%\\LDraw"));

if (sLibraryFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire root tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%CommonDocumentsFolder%\\LDraw"), nil);

    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
        sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
        SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LDraw Parts library if still present\r\n", false);

-- Delete LDraw folder in Virtualstore if still present
sVirtualstoreFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%AppDataLocal%" .. "\\VirtualStore\\Program Files (x86)\\LDraw"));

if (sVirtualstoreFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire LDraw tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%AppDataLocal%" .. "\\VirtualStore\\Program Files (x86)\\LDraw"), nil);
    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

        -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
        if (error ~= 0) then
            Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LDraw folder in Virtualstore if still present\r\n", false);

-- Delete LDCad folder in AppData if still present
sLDCadFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%ApplicationDataFolder%" .. "\\LDCad"));

if (sLDCadFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire LDCad tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%ApplicationDataFolder%" .. "\\LDCad"), nil);
    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

        -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
        if (error ~= 0) then
            Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LDCad folder in AppData if still present\r\n", false);

-- Delete MLCad folder in AppData if still present
sMLCadFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%ApplicationDataFolder%" .. "\\Ing. Michael Lachmann"));

if (sMLCadFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire MLCad tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%ApplicationDataFolder%" .. "\\Ing. Michael Lachmann"), nil);
    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

        -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
        if (error ~= 0) then
            Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted MLCad folder in AppData if still present\r\n", false);
-- Delete LPub3D folder in AppData if still present
sLPub3DFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%AppDataLocal%" .. "\\LPub3D Software"));

if (sLPub3DFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire LPub3D tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%AppDataLocal%" .. "\\LPub3D Software"), nil);
    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

        -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
        if (error ~= 0) then
            Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LPub3D folder in AppData if still present\r\n", false);

-- Delete LICreator folder in AppData if still present
sLICreatorFolderExists = Folder.DoesExist(SessionVar.Expand("%ApplicationDataFolder%" .. "\\licreator"));

if (sLICreatorFolderExists == true) then

    -- Delete entire LICreator tree
    Folder.DeleteTree(SessionVar.Expand("%ApplicationDataFolder%" .. "\\licreator"), nil);
    -- Check to see if any error occurred.
    local error = Application.GetLastError();

        -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
        if (error ~= 0) then
            Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            sMessage = "####################\r\n" .. "ERROR " .. error .. ": " .. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n####################\r\n";
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile(sMessage, false);
            SetupData.WriteToLogFile("Deleted LICreator folder in AppData if still present\r\n", false);

Hope this helps.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
Thanks, I will take a look.
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
I haven't tested this release candidate, but unless I did something wrong the previous version only added the Start Menu and Desktop icons for the admin user. Could we have an option to do this for "all users"? Or does it already have this option and I simply missed it? Thanks.
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
MPDCenter should also be updated.

Update 01.01.2019
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
(2020-02-10, 22:51)Michael Horvath Wrote: I haven't tested this release candidate, but unless I did something wrong the previous version only added the Start Menu and Desktop icons for the admin user. Could we have an option to do this for "all users"? Or does it already have this option and I simply missed it? Thanks.

I'll have to look into it.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
(2020-02-11, 2:08)Michael Horvath Wrote: MPDCenter should also be updated.

Update 01.01.2019

Will do.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: AIOI 2019-03 Release candidate ready for testing
FYI, Travis has been sitting on a development version of LDView 4.4 with a few new features for a while now. Not sure when/if he plans on ever releasing it.
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