Latest list of colors?

Latest list of colors?
Where can I find the latest, most complete list of LDraw colors? I've noticed that the different editors do not share one common list.

Here are some (incomplete) lists I've found:

RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-08, 1:26)Michael Horvath Wrote: Where can I find the latest, most complete list of LDraw colors? I've noticed that the different editors do not share one common list.

Here are some (incomplete) lists I've found:

 The only official source of LDraw colors is LDConfig.ldr. Anything that isn’t in line with that list is out of date or not official.
RE: Latest list of colors?
Indeed you are correct.

There are a few discrepencies however:

334 lg_gold_chrome
998 lg_medium_orange
999 lg_undefined

These are missing from LDConfig.ldr.
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-08, 23:59)Michael Horvath Wrote: Indeed you are correct.

There are a few discrepencies however:

334 lg_gold_chrome
998 lg_medium_orange
999 lg_undefined

These are missing from LDConfig.ldr.

334 is present in LDConfig.ldr. The latest version can be found at and was also distributed with parts update 2017-01.
Chris (LDraw Parts Library Admin)
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-09, 9:30)Chris Dee Wrote:
(2018-02-08, 23:59)Michael Horvath Wrote: Indeed you are correct.

There are a few discrepencies however:

334 lg_gold_chrome
998 lg_medium_orange
999 lg_undefined

These are missing from LDConfig.ldr.

334 is present in LDConfig.ldr. The latest version can be found at and was also distributed with parts update 2017-01.

Oops! I forgot that 334 was misnamed in LGEO, but that it was later fixed.

I did notice however that LDCad has an color 382 (and possibly others that I did not check for) which is not in LDConfig.ldr.
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-09, 12:25)Michael Horvath Wrote: I did notice however that LDCad has an color 382 (and possibly others that I did not check) which is not in LDConfig.ldr.
Not really. LDCad defaults (not a good idea imho) to give the possibility to use "dithered colors", not in LDConfig.ldr. To disable this, as it can be misleading (and clobbers colors palettes), Prefs -> Ldraw -> Calculate missing dithered -> disabled and Prefs -> Ldraw -> Calculate missing transparent -> disabled
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-09, 12:54)Philippe Hurbain Wrote:
(2018-02-09, 12:25)Michael Horvath Wrote: I did notice however that LDCad has an color 382 (and possibly others that I did not check) which is not in LDConfig.ldr.
Not really. LDCad defaults (not a good idea imho) to give the possibility to use "dithered colors", not in LDConfig.ldr. To disable this, as it can be misleading (and clobbers colors palettes), Prefs -> Ldraw -> Calculate missing dithered -> disabled and Prefs -> Ldraw -> Calculate missing transparent -> disabled

I am creating scripts to switch back and forth between L3P, LDView and LDCad color palettes, and these dithered colors are causing me problems.
RE: Latest list of colors?
Remember about BrickLink Catalog
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RE: Latest list of colors?
Exclamation  there already is a "sticky" thread in this forum which collects all color lists:

please don't duplicate that thread here
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-09, 12:54)Philippe Hurbain Wrote:
(2018-02-09, 12:25)Michael Horvath Wrote: I did notice however that LDCad has an color 382 (and possibly others that I did not check) which is not in LDConfig.ldr.
Not really. LDCad defaults (not a good idea imho) to give the possibility to use "dithered colors", not in LDConfig.ldr. To disable this, as it can be misleading (and clobbers colors palettes), Prefs -> Ldraw -> Calculate missing dithered -> disabled and Prefs -> Ldraw -> Calculate missing transparent -> disabled

LDCad seems to assign ldMat382 to parts in a model I created in MLCad. I don't understand why it does that, since I did not set this color manually.
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-12, 2:07)Michael Horvath Wrote: LDCad seems to assign ldMat382 to parts in a model I created in MLCad. I don't understand why it does that, since I did not set this color manually.

If you're talking about datsville, building_024_andershouse.ldr is using color 382. So even if its not in the LDConfig.ldr pallette the missing color willl be gray and yellow dithered.

Below is how I handle those colors, the actual RGB is (a+b)/2 of the two source colors.
might be useful for your script:

if (calcMissingDitheredMaterial)
 int cnt=0;
 TLDMaterial *a, *b, *mat;

 for (int i=256; i<512; i++)
   if (mat==NULL || mat->isMissing())
     a=findMaterial((i-256) >> 4);
     b=findMaterial((i-256) & 0x0F);
     if (a!=NULL && b!=NULL)
       if (mat==NULL)
         mat=new TLDMaterial(i, a, b);
         mat->reInit(i, a, b);


 LOG_REPORT1(log, LL_Progress, logMsg_LDraw_doneCalcDitherMat, cnt);
RE: Latest list of colors?
(2018-02-12, 18:15)Roland Melkert Wrote:
(2018-02-12, 2:07)Michael Horvath Wrote: LDCad seems to assign ldMat382 to parts in a model I created in MLCad. I don't understand why it does that, since I did not set this color manually.

If you're talking about datsville, building_024_andershouse.ldr is using color 382. So even if its not in the LDConfig.ldr pallette the missing color willl be gray and yellow dithered.

Below is how I handle those colors, the actual RGB is (a+b)/2 of the two source colors.
might be useful for your script:

if (calcMissingDitheredMaterial)
 int cnt=0;
 TLDMaterial *a, *b, *mat;

 for (int i=256; i<512; i++)
   if (mat==NULL || mat->isMissing())
     a=findMaterial((i-256) >> 4);
     b=findMaterial((i-256) & 0x0F);
     if (a!=NULL && b!=NULL)
       if (mat==NULL)
         mat=new TLDMaterial(i, a, b);
         mat->reInit(i, a, b);


 LOG_REPORT1(log, LL_Progress, logMsg_LDraw_doneCalcDitherMat, cnt);

My mistake. I changed the color in building_024_andershouse.ldr to light gray.
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