[LDPartEditor] 0.8.19 Beta Released

[LDPartEditor] 0.8.19 Beta Released
Hi :)
you wanted some tabs? Version 0.8.19 delivers it... ;)

[Image: imgDuke2.png]
As always, you can download LDPE from this page:

(5 new features and 4 bug fixes)

With this release you will be able to...
  • ...use tabs in the 3D editor along with the tree on the left side.
  • ...hit a button to synchronise the tab selection from tabs in the 3D editor with the text editor.
  • ...see a dialog when you try to re-load an unsaved file again.
  • ...smooth a set of vertices (with realtime preview)
  • ...access the colour palette functions (load / save / reset) from a sub-menu.
  • ...benefit from little performance improvements / refactoring.

The following critical issues were fixed:

  1. [Recurring] "Conditional Control Point Vertices" caused flickering on multiple views.
  2. Annoying mouse issues with the manipulator.
  3. The selection highlight feature in the text editor was sometimes not synchronised with the 3D view.
  4. [CSG] Rotating a part at 90 degree: It got undesired 0.0 digits.
  5. One manipulator icon was a duplicate.

What will the next release 0.8.20 deliver? Bug fixes and improvements for the new tab feature...

The program was tested intensively with "real world" files.
However, it is still a beta version and something can go wrong in about 100.000 lines of code.

Make sure that you choose the right architecture for your OS and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) (64bit or 32bit).
A short guide how to check if a 64bit JVM is installed on your system is located at the bottom of this message.

  1. Download the zip-Archive
  2. Extract the archive content to the location of your choice
  3. On windows, double-click "run.bat" to start LDPE.
  4. On linux/mac, you have to excecute the shell script "run.sh" to start LDPE.
Please note that this software is in the beta stage. Although, LDPE 0.8.19 was tested, there are already known issues  for this release. There is a potential risk of data loss.

You can search for updates if you do the following steps:

  1. On windows, double-click "update.bat" to search for updates.
  2. On linux/mac, you have to excecute the shell script "update.sh".
I listen carefully to your requests and possible complaints. Please leave me a message, with your thoughts and wishes to further improve the software.

LDPE is a 3D CAD application: The overall system requirements are higher. While I recommend to use a powerful 64-bit multicore system, it could be possible, to run LDPE on older machines as well.

System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8
  • OpenGL 2.1 compatible Graphics Card
  • Operating System (32/64bit): Windows [XP; Vista; 7 or newer], Mac OS X [>=10.6], Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=10.4]
  • CPU: Multicore-Processor e.g. Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon II (>2.0Ghz)
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Video-Memory: 512 MB
  • Free Disk Space: 100 MB
Recommended Requirements:
  • Operating System (64bit): Windows 7, Mac OS X [>=10.6], Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=10.4]
  • CPU: Multicore-Processor with 4 cores (or more)
  • RAM: >4 GB
  • Video-Memory: >=1 GB
  • Free Disk Space: 512 MB
How to check your JVM version (32- or 64-bit):

You can try on the command line:

java -d64 version

If it's not a 64-bit version, you'll get a message that looks like:

This Java instance does not support a 64-bit JVM. Please install the desired version.

In general, I recommend to install the 64-bit version of the JVM for Java 8.
Text and 3D Editor in the same window
I make some very promising progress...
There is an "easy" solution for the feature request from Willy.
I had to do a lot of brainstorming for this... but now you'll get it with release 0.8.20 in the next 10-14 days.

Feature is complete: Text and 3D Editor in the same window
I finished the implementation of Willy Tschager's feature request.

There are three possible configurations (located in the options dialog):

  1. Separate windows (default)
  2. Text on the left  / 3D on the right
  3. Text on the right / 3D on the left

[Image: 3dAndTextSameWindow2.PNG]

[Image: 3dAndTextSameWindow3.PNG]
RE: Feature is complete: Text and 3D Editor in the same window
(2016-07-24, 12:55)Nils Schmidt Wrote: I finished the implementation of Willy Tschager's feature request.

There are three possible configurations (located in the options dialog):

  1. Separate windows (default)
  2. Text on the left  / 3D on the right
  3. Text on the right / 3D on the left

Looks very good, as long as I get to resize the witdth of the windows.
I guess this also means that it is now possible to minimize LDPE with a single click in the taskbar?

Bug report:
  • Mirroring quads is no longer possible by select lines, Copy, Paste, Select the new lines, Translate by -1. The original quads also gets mirrored. They seem to be selected too.
  • The error described by Willy Tschager here is back. The cursor jumps ahead after I try to edit a value in a vertice, in the text editor.

Feature requests:
  • I want to create non-standard "primitives" like I can in LDPC.   e.g. a ten-sided edge primitive.
  • I want to set the second line in a angle protractor to a defined angle.
I'm currently working on the new rim fronts, 24308, and I have to find lots of workarounds to create this ten-sided design fit our sixteen-sided primitives.

How is the background picture supposed to work?
It is only visible until I try to edit something in the 3D editor for the first time. Then it becomes invisible until I choose to set the view to exact 90 degrees against the plane of the picture.
FAQ / BG Picture / Mirror
(2016-07-24, 14:08)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: Looks very good, as long as I get to resize the witdth of the windows.
I guess this also means that it is now possible to minimize LDPE with a single click in the taskbar?

Yes, you can resize the width and it is now possible to minimize LDPE with one click.
The old window arrangement is still supported.

(2016-07-24, 14:08)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: Bug report:
Mirroring quads is no longer possible by select lines, Copy, Paste, Select the new lines, Translate by -1.
The original quads also gets mirrored. They seem to be selected too.

I created two issues (#365, #366) for this bug. It is, in fact, something more: A GUI design flaw and a bug.
LDPE has a lot mode switches. One mode switch is very important for the mesh manipulation.
It is called "Move Adjacent Data":
[Image: Adjacent.PNG]

When this switch is active, the transformation of a selected vertex will affect all adjacent objects (triangles, lines, etc. with this vertex).
So... if you copy something, paste it and transform it (while "Move Adjacent Data" is active) the original data gets mirrored!

(2016-07-24, 14:08)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: Feature requests:
  • I want to create non-standard "primitives" like I can in LDPC.   e.g. a ten-sided edge primitive.
  • I want to set the second line in a angle protractor to a defined angle.

I will see what I can do (#363, #364)

(2016-07-24, 14:08)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: How is the background picture supposed to work?
It is only visible until I try to edit something in the 3D editor for the first time. Then it becomes invisible until I choose to set the view to exact 90 degrees against the plane of the picture.

This is how it is supposed to work :)
You can adjust the axis rotation parameters to change the plane of the image (=rotate the image).
Why did the image disappear? An image is normally useless for other viewing angles since the 3D model will no longer "match" to the image.

0 !LPE PNG [X-Coord] [Y-Coord] [Z-Coord] [X-Axis Rotation] [Y-Axis Rotation] [Z-Axis Rotation] [Scale X] [ScaleY] [Path]
Wrong cursor position with SyncEdit enabled?
Magnus Forsberg Wrote:The error described by Willy Tschager here is back. The cursor jumps ahead after I try to edit a value in a vertice, in the text editor.
I am not able to reproduce this error.
RE: Wrong cursor position with SyncEdit enabled?
(2016-07-24, 19:30)Nils Schmidt Wrote:
Magnus Forsberg Wrote:The error described by Willy Tschager here is back. The cursor jumps ahead after I try to edit a value in a vertice, in the text editor.
I am not able to reproduce this error.

OK, maybe not exactly the same error, but something is definitely wrong in the sync editor.

If I, like Willy, selects the decimals in a vertice and starts typing something else, it looks OK.
But if I click Delete, the cursor jumps two steps into the next value. And the same happens if I click Backspace.

2 24 -1.0566839599609375 -.108887939453125 -5.0921923828125 -1.01219970703125 -.2245203399658203125 -5.5691767578125

If I then start typing at that position, more strange things happen.
If I choose all the decimals of the last value (the z-value), the cursor jumps out of the sync editor box, and if I then type a new digit there, the entire first vertice gets replaced with the digits of the next vertice. Here I typed a "5"

2 24 -51.01219970703125 -.2245203399658203125 -5.5691767578125 -1.01219970703125 -.2245203399658203125 -5.5691767578125
RE: [LDPartEditor] 0.8.19 Beta Released (Tabs in 3D Editor / Smooth / bugfix)
For the record... I made this part (granted, simple one!) using LDPE on a puny old XP laptop with a 1.6 GHz Core Duo processor / 1Gb Ram. Starting LDPE on this machine takes a hell of a time, but after that it runs rather smoothly!
RE: Wrong cursor position with SyncEdit enabled? (Solved)
Thanks! I was able to fix this.
The solution will be included in version 0.8.20.
LDPE and Windows XP
(2016-07-28, 18:36)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: For the record... I made this part (granted, simple one!) using LDPE on a puny old XP laptop with a 1.6 GHz Core Duo processor / 1Gb Ram. Starting LDPE on this machine takes a hell of a time, but after that it runs rather smoothly!

Even with my machine from hell  (i7 3770k / 16GB RAM / 2x GTX 1080 SLI / 512GB+480GB SSD) it takes forever (40s) to start LDPE on my Win XP Virtual Machine... Smile
RE: [LDPartEditor] 0.8.19: deselection inconsistency
Inconsistency/annoyances with multiple selections:
- if I want to select multiple elements of same type, I must maintain ctrl key pressed to add to existing selection, and when clicking on a new element without holding ctrl, existing selection is lost. This is the expected behaviour. BUT an existing selection is NOT cleared if I change element type. eg. if I select a primitive, change type to surface and click (without ctrl) on a surface both the primitive and surface get selected.
- As a user I want that drawing a selection marquee (with ctrl pressed) only adds to selection, instead of toggling selected elements. Deselecting elements should be done only with ctrl+click, not ctrl+drag
RE: [LDPartEditor] 0.8.19 Beta Released (Tabs in 3D Editor / Smooth / bugfix)
Feature request of the day:

* As a user I'd like to have the "Last opened Files/Projects" moved to the "New Part - Open Part - ..." toolbar
* As a user I'd like to decide if the T-JunctionFinder should also fix the part or just show me the issues. A perfectly legal code like this:


4 10 14.29 16.07 -10 12.549 15.7475 -10 7.4 19.2 -10 7.4 22.2 -10
4 10 7.4 19.2 -10 6.47405 14.7859 -10 5.9 14.9 -10 4.4 19.2 -10
4 10 4.4 22.2 -10 4.4 19.2 -10 1.16082 19.461 -10 .62 20.33 -10
4 10 7.4 22.2 -10 4.4 22.2 -10 5.1 26.3 -10 8.1 26.3 -10
4 10 19 32 -10 19 29 -10 8.1 26.3 -10 8.1 29.3 -10
4 10 8.1 29.3 -10 5.1 29.3 -10 0 32 -10 19 32 -10
4 10 -4.6 29.3 -10 5.1 29.3 -10 5.1 26.3 -10 -4.6 26.3 -10
4 10 0 32 -10 -4.6 29.3 -10 -7.6 29.3 -10 -11.67 32 -10
4 10 -7.6 29.3 -10 -7.6 26.3 -10 -11.0346 25.5081 -10 -11.3606 27.7939 -10
4 10 -10.58 23.22 -10 -6.9 22.1 -10 -6.9 19.1 -10 -9.92659 20.7352 -10
4 10 -3.9 19.1 -10 -6.3528 15.0578 -10 -8.22708 15.3733 -10 -6.9 19.1 -10
4 10 -2 19.01 -10 -3.9 19.1 -10 -3.9 22.1 -10 .62 20.33 -10
4 10 -3.9 22.1 -10 -6.9 22.1 -10 -7.6 26.3 -10 -4.6 26.3 -10

1 16 -5.4 20.6 -10 0.9 0 0 0 0 -0.9 0 1 0 4-4disc.dat
1 16 5.9 20.7 -10 0.9 0 0 0 0 -0.9 0 1 0 4-4disc.dat
1 16 -6.1 27.8 -10 0.9 0 0 0 0 -0.9 0 1 0 4-4disc.dat
1 16 6.6 27.8 -10 0.9 0 0 0 0 -0.9 0 1 0 4-4disc.dat
1 16 -5.4 20.6 -10 1.5 0 0 0 0 -1.5 0 1 0 4-4ndis.dat
1 16 5.9 20.7 -10 1.5 0 0 0 0 -1.5 0 1 0 4-4ndis.dat
1 16 -6.1 27.8 -10 1.5 0 0 0 0 -1.5 0 1 0 4-4ndis.dat
1 16 6.6 27.8 -10 1.5 0 0 0 0 -1.5 0 1 0 4-4ndis.dat

4 0 -5.74443 19.7685 -10 -5.4 19.7 -10 -5.40001 19.1 -10 -5.97405 19.2142 -10
4 0 -5.74443 19.7685 -10 -5.97405 19.2142 -10 -6.46065 19.5393 -10 -6.03639 19.9636 -10
4 0 -6.03639 19.9636 -10 -6.46065 19.5393 -10 -6.78585 20.026 -10 -6.23151 20.2556 -10
4 0 -6.23151 20.2556 -10 -6.78585 20.026 -10 -6.9 20.6 -10 -6.3 20.6 -10
4 0 -6.9 20.6 -10 -6.78585 21.1741 -10 -6.23151 20.9444 -10 -6.3 20.6 -10
4 0 -6.03639 21.2364 -10 -6.23151 20.9444 -10 -6.78585 21.1741 -10 -6.46065 21.6607 -10
4 0 -6.03639 21.2364 -10 -6.46065 21.6607 -10 -5.97405 21.9858 -10 -5.74443 21.4315 -10
4 0 -5.4 21.5 -10 -5.74443 21.4315 -10 -5.97405 21.9858 -10 -5.40001 22.1 -10
4 0 -5.39999 22.1 -10 -4.82595 21.9858 -10 -5.05557 21.4315 -10 -5.4 21.5 -10
4 0 -4.76361 21.2364 -10 -5.05557 21.4315 -10 -4.82595 21.9858 -10 -4.33935 21.6607 -10
4 0 -4.56849 20.9444 -10 -4.76361 21.2364 -10 -4.33935 21.6607 -10 -4.01415 21.1741 -10
4 0 -4.5 20.6 -10 -4.56849 20.9444 -10 -4.01415 21.1741 -10 -3.9 20.6 -10
4 0 -3.9 20.6 -10 -4.01415 20.026 -10 -4.56849 20.2556 -10 -4.5 20.6 -10
4 0 -4.76361 19.9636 -10 -4.56849 20.2556 -10 -4.01415 20.026 -10 -4.33935 19.5393 -10
4 0 -5.05557 19.7685 -10 -4.76361 19.9636 -10 -4.33935 19.5393 -10 -4.82595 19.2142 -10
4 0 -5.05557 19.7685 -10 -4.82595 19.2142 -10 -5.39999 19.1 -10 -5.4 19.7 -10

4 0 5.55557 19.8685 -10 5.9 19.8 -10 5.89999 19.2 -10 5.32595 19.3142 -10
4 0 5.55557 19.8685 -10 5.32595 19.3142 -10 4.83935 19.6394 -10 5.26361 20.0636 -10
4 0 5.26361 20.0636 -10 4.83935 19.6394 -10 4.51415 20.126 -10 5.06849 20.3556 -10
4 0 5.06849 20.3556 -10 4.51415 20.126 -10 4.4 20.7 -10 5 20.7 -10
3 0 4.51415 21.274 -10 5.06849 21.0444 -10 5 20.7 -10
3 0 4.51415 21.274 -10 5 20.7 -10 4.4 20.7 -10
4 0 5.06849 21.0444 -10 4.51415 21.274 -10 4.83935 21.7606 -10 5.26361 21.3364 -10
4 0 5.26361 21.3364 -10 4.83935 21.7606 -10 5.32595 22.0859 -10 5.55557 21.5315 -10
4 0 5.9 21.6 -10 5.55557 21.5315 -10 5.32595 22.0859 -10 5.89999 22.2 -10
4 0 6.24443 21.5315 -10 5.9 21.6 -10 5.90001 22.2 -10 6.47405 22.0859 -10
4 0 6.53639 21.3364 -10 6.24443 21.5315 -10 6.47405 22.0859 -10 6.96065 21.7606 -10
4 0 6.73151 21.0444 -10 6.53639 21.3364 -10 6.96065 21.7606 -10 7.28585 21.274 -10
4 0 6.8 20.7 -10 6.73151 21.0444 -10 7.28585 21.274 -10 7.4 20.7 -10
3 0 7.28585 20.126 -10 6.73151 20.3556 -10 6.8 20.7 -10
3 0 7.28585 20.126 -10 6.8 20.7 -10 7.4 20.7 -10
4 0 6.53639 20.0636 -10 6.73151 20.3556 -10 7.28585 20.126 -10 6.96065 19.6394 -10
4 0 6.24443 19.8685 -10 6.53639 20.0636 -10 6.96065 19.6394 -10 6.47405 19.3142 -10
4 0 6.24443 19.8685 -10 6.47405 19.3142 -10 5.90001 19.2 -10 5.9 19.8 -10

4 0 -6.44443 26.9685 -10 -6.1 26.9 -10 -6.10001 26.3 -10 -6.67405 26.4141 -10
4 0 -6.44443 26.9685 -10 -6.67405 26.4141 -10 -7.16065 26.7394 -10 -6.73639 27.1636 -10
4 0 -6.73639 27.1636 -10 -7.16065 26.7394 -10 -7.48585 27.226 -10 -6.93151 27.4556 -10
4 0 -6.93151 27.4556 -10 -7.48585 27.226 -10 -7.6 27.8 -10 -7 27.8 -10
4 0 -6.93151 28.1444 -10 -7 27.8 -10 -7.6 27.8 -10 -7.48585 28.3741 -10
4 0 -6.93151 28.1444 -10 -7.48585 28.3741 -10 -7.16065 28.8607 -10 -6.73639 28.4364 -10
4 0 -6.73639 28.4364 -10 -7.16065 28.8607 -10 -6.67405 29.1858 -10 -6.44443 28.6315 -10
4 0 -6.1 28.7 -10 -6.44443 28.6315 -10 -6.67405 29.1858 -10 -6.10001 29.3 -10
4 0 -6.09999 29.3 -10 -5.52595 29.1858 -10 -5.75557 28.6315 -10 -6.1 28.7 -10
4 0 -5.46361 28.4364 -10 -5.75557 28.6315 -10 -5.52595 29.1858 -10 -5.03935 28.8607 -10
4 0 -5.26849 28.1444 -10 -5.46361 28.4364 -10 -5.03935 28.8607 -10 -4.71415 28.3741 -10
4 0 -5.2 27.8 -10 -5.26849 28.1444 -10 -4.71415 28.3741 -10 -4.6 27.8 -10
4 0 -5.26849 27.4556 -10 -5.2 27.8 -10 -4.6 27.8 -10 -4.71415 27.226 -10
4 0 -5.46361 27.1636 -10 -5.26849 27.4556 -10 -4.71415 27.226 -10 -5.03935 26.7394 -10
4 0 -5.75557 26.9685 -10 -5.46361 27.1636 -10 -5.03935 26.7394 -10 -5.52595 26.4141 -10
4 0 -5.75557 26.9685 -10 -5.52595 26.4141 -10 -6.09999 26.3 -10 -6.1 26.9 -10

4 0 6.6 26.9 -10 6.59999 26.3 -10 6.02595 26.4141 -10 6.25557 26.9685 -10
4 0 6.25557 26.9685 -10 6.02595 26.4141 -10 5.53935 26.7394 -10 5.96361 27.1636 -10
4 0 5.96361 27.1636 -10 5.53935 26.7394 -10 5.21415 27.226 -10 5.76849 27.4556 -10
4 0 5.76849 27.4556 -10 5.21415 27.226 -10 5.1 27.8 -10 5.7 27.8 -10
4 0 5.7 27.8 -10 5.1 27.8 -10 5.21415 28.3741 -10 5.76849 28.1444 -10
4 0 5.76849 28.1444 -10 5.21415 28.3741 -10 5.53935 28.8607 -10 5.96361 28.4364 -10
4 0 5.96361 28.4364 -10 5.53935 28.8607 -10 6.02595 29.1858 -10 6.25557 28.6315 -10
4 0 6.6 28.7 -10 6.25557 28.6315 -10 6.02595 29.1858 -10 6.59999 29.3 -10
4 0 6.94443 28.6315 -10 6.6 28.7 -10 6.60001 29.3 -10 7.17405 29.1858 -10
4 0 7.23639 28.4364 -10 6.94443 28.6315 -10 7.17405 29.1858 -10 7.66065 28.8607 -10
4 0 7.43151 28.1444 -10 7.23639 28.4364 -10 7.66065 28.8607 -10 7.98585 28.3741 -10
4 0 7.5 27.8 -10 7.43151 28.1444 -10 7.98585 28.3741 -10 8.1 27.8 -10
4 0 7.43151 27.4556 -10 7.5 27.8 -10 8.1 27.8 -10 7.98585 27.226 -10
4 0 7.23639 27.1636 -10 7.43151 27.4556 -10 7.98585 27.226 -10 7.66065 26.7394 -10
4 0 6.94443 26.9685 -10 7.23639 27.1636 -10 7.66065 26.7394 -10 7.17405 26.4141 -10
3 0 6.6 26.9 -10 6.94443 26.9685 -10 6.59999 26.3 -10
3 0 6.94443 26.9685 -10 7.17405 26.4141 -10 6.60001 26.3 -10
will be axed into triangles and quads around the ndis.dat

Bug of the day:
* Open a part
* Close it in the Text editor - it will still be loaded in the 3D
* Clicking on the tab will reopen it in the Text BUT

* Selecting it from the parts tree in 3D instead will launch a new Text window

Thanks, w.
(Who's trying to get used to the fine tabs)
RE: [LDPartEditor] 0.8.19: deselection inconsistency
(2016-07-29, 19:17)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Inconsistency/annoyances with multiple selections:
- if I want to select multiple elements of same type, I must maintain ctrl key pressed to add to existing selection, and when clicking on a new element without holding ctrl, existing selection is lost. This is the expected behaviour. BUT an existing selection is NOT cleared if I change element type. eg. if I select a primitive, change type to surface and click (without ctrl) on a surface both the primitive and surface get selected.
- As a user I want that drawing a selection marquee (with ctrl pressed) only adds to selection, instead of toggling selected elements. Deselecting elements should be done only with ctrl+click, not ctrl+drag

I created two issues (#372, #373) for this problem.

Quote:...BUT an existing selection is NOT cleared if I change element type.

Yes, I know this. This behaviour is intented. It has its benefits and drawbacks.
I will find a way to fulfill your request and keep the old behaviour somehow working.
RE: [LDPartEditor] 0.8.19: deselection inconsistency
(2016-07-29, 21:32)Nils Schmidt Wrote: Yes, I know this. This behaviour is intented. It has its benefits and drawbacks.
I will find a way to fulfill your request and keep the old behaviour somehow working.

Just to make it clear: I don't want changing type to clear selection - as you say it's useful! What I want is that after changing type if I click on an element without holding ctrl, previous selection gets cleared but if I hold ctlr that element is added to selection. This is just the same behaviour as I would get without changing type. Currently selection clear is not done after element change if I click on an element witout ctrl pressed.
RE: [LDPartEditor] 0.8.19: deselection inconsistency
(2016-07-30, 6:18)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Just to make it clear: I don't want changing type to clear selection - as you say it's useful! What I want is that after changing type if I click on an element without holding ctrl, previous selection gets cleared but if I hold ctlr that element is added to selection. This is just the same behaviour as I would get without changing type. Currently selection clear is not done after element change if I click on an element witout ctrl pressed.

Now I understand.
To put it in one sentence:
"As a user I want that the existing selection is cleared if nothing was selected and Ctrl was not pressed."

The implementation is done.
RE: TJunctionFinder (Find only) / Tabs VS Parts Tree
(2016-07-29, 21:38)Nils Schmidt Wrote: As a user I'd like to have the "Last opened Files/Projects" moved to the "New Part - Open Part - ..." toolbar

Just to make it clear. What I'm looking for is just moving the icon:

.png   LDPE1.png (Size: 13.4 KB / Downloads: 56)

LEGO ergo sum
RE: TJunctionFinder (Find only) / Tabs VS Parts Tree
Done Smile
RE: TJunctionFinder (Find only) / Tabs VS Parts Tree
Goooood boy  Big Grin

LEGO ergo sum
[Bug: Tabs VS Parts Tree] I need more info!
(2016-07-30, 11:10)Willy Tschager Wrote: Bug of the day:
* Open a part (how did you open the part?)
* Close it in the Text editor - it will still be loaded in the 3D (how did you close it?)
* Clicking on the tab will reopen it in the Text BUT (on which tab did you click?)

* Selecting it from the parts tree in 3D instead will launch a new Text window
(how did you select it?)

Willy, I need really more info about this bug... ;)

edit: I possibly fixed this... wait for 0.8.20...
RE: LDPE and Windows XP
(2016-07-28, 21:21)Nils Schmidt Wrote:
(2016-07-28, 18:36)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: For the record... I made this part (granted, simple one!) using LDPE on a puny old XP laptop with a 1.6 GHz Core Duo processor / 1Gb Ram. Starting LDPE on this machine takes a hell of a time, but after that it runs rather smoothly!

Even with my machine from hell  (i7 3770k / 16GB RAM / 2x GTX 1080 SLI / 512GB+480GB SSD) it takes forever (40s) to start LDPE on my Win XP Virtual Machine... Smile
Still testing the limits of LDPE on my low end laptop (or is it testing the limits of the laptop with LDPE? Wink)
I made this much more complex part http://www.ldraw.org/cgi-bin/ptdetail.cg.../24121.dat on the same setup, and as expected I experienced slow downs as the part built up in complexity. Especially on Undo and save part. I guess the main problem is the cramped Ram space?
RE: LDPE and Windows XP
(2016-08-02, 7:44)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: ... I experienced slow downs as the part built up in complexity. Especially on Undo and save part. I guess the main problem is the cramped Ram space?

No RAM bottleneck, ... undo/redo and save can be very CPU intensive :)
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