New Parts for LGEO Library

New Parts for LGEO Library
Hi all,

As suggested in the Eurobricks forum thread I decided to share my personnal LGEO library.

Last Version:

   - LGEO Library - Darats  - 2019/07/03
   - LGEO.xml - Darats  - 2019/07/03

My library is a bit different from the original LGEO one:
I have usually 2 files per part :

   - (LGEO file containing Patterns and Studs)
   - (High quality STL file converted into PovRay format)

While waiting for a better solution, you will need to add :
#declare L3LDrawToLgeo = transform { matrix <0,-LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0, 0,0,-LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24, -LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0,0, 0,0,4*LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24> }
#declare L3LgeoToLDraw = transform { matrix <0,0,-20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH, -20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH,0,0, 0,-24/LG_BRICK_HEIGHT,0, 0,0,0> }
at the end of your file (just above the very last "}") or use my own provided in the package (but it might conflict with Owen's one on some parts).

You may want to put the files in your usual LGEO directory and the files in another folder (don't forget to declare it in PovRay or it will not find the requested files)
There is a high probability that some Parts already exist in the Official LGEO library or other users-made ones. Be aware of it if you overwrite some file.

You need to put LGEO.xml in your Ldview install directory (be aware that you will overwrite your own file that might have parts that mine doesn't have).
Be carful: this xml file might give errors until I fully release all the parts that are in it (should be a matter of a few weeks).

When colors are needed (for Patterns for instance) it uses Ldview exported material format (LDXColorx).
My package doesn't contains, but it must be accessible by PovRay.

I'm sharing all my files, but as I'm currently cleaning the files, I will make regular release of them (so during that time, there will be files without files (so not usable) but I will do my best to release everything fast).

The unpacked archive will be more than 1.5 Gb because of the high quality STL files, don't be feared of that, but make sure that you have enough hard drive space for it.

Do not hesitate to test it, ask questions and give me feedback here, it works on my system but I don't know if it will in others.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Is the lgeo.xml based on Owen's version? May I mix the original library, Owen's updates and yours together. May I use them for the AIOI?

LEGO ergo sum
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
My lgeo.xml was based on Owen's one I guess, but might not be up to date.
The one I'm currently sharing has my around 500 personnal LGEO parts in it, but as I'm cleaning the lg files one by one, I would say that my xml file will not be completely usable until I finish to release everything. Should be a matter of one or two weeks. I will make regular updates on the Eurobricks forum.

When everything will be done, I think yes, you could add it to the AIOI if the file size is OK. But before I need testers to make sure the parts are compatible with other computers.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
I will give the updates here :

You can download the files by clicking the links on the first topic.

Update: 2015/04/27

[Image: v1-1.jpg]

69 - Tap 1 x 2 Base
70 - Tap 1 x 2 Spout
79 - Technic Ribbed Hose End Segment
80 - Technic Ribbed Hose Mid Segment
104 - Antenna 6H
112 - Car Air Horn
122c01 - Plate 2 x 2 with Red Wheels
122c02 - Plate 2 x 2 with White Wheels
287 - Minifig Suitcase Male Half
288 - Minifig Suitcase Female Half
412 - Arm Piece Turned with 2 and 3 Fingers
481 - Hinge Arm Locking with Single Finger and Axlehole
482 - Hinge Arm Locking with Dual Finger and Axlehole
556 - Fabuland Shovel
577b - Minifig Lightsaber Hilt with Bottom Ring
752 - Hose Flexible End 1 x 1 x 0.667 without Tabs
755 - Hose Flexible Segment End Section
756 - Hose Flexible Segment Center Section
792 - Brick 2 x 2 Arm Holder Lower Part
793 - Brick 2 x 2 Arm Holder Upper Part with Hole
794 - Brick 2 x 2 Arm Holder Upper Part without Hole
795 - Arm Piece with Disc and 2 Fingers
902 - Electric Light Reflector Round 2 x 2 x 0.667
905 - Electric Light & Sound Computer Console Base
905c01 - Electric Light & Sound Computer Console (Complete)
906 - Electric Light & Sound Computer Screen Pattern
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/04/28

[Image: v2-1.jpg]

973 - Minifig Torso
973p1u - Minifig Torso with Zipper Jacket and 3 Pockets Pattern
973p04 - Minifig Torso with Six Button Suit and Airplane Pattern
973p6a - Minifig Torso with Space Police II Chief Pattern
973p6b - Minifig Torso with Black Futuron Pattern
973p6c - Minifig Torso with Blue Futuron Pattern
973p6d - Minifig Torso with Red Futuron Pattern
973p6e - Minifig Torso with Yellow Futuron Pattern
973p28 - Minifig Torso with Leather Jacket Pattern
973p51 - Minifig Torso with Blacktron II Pattern
973p52 - Minifig Torso with Blacktron I Pattern
973p68 - Minifig Torso with M Tron Logo Pattern
973p69 - Minifig Torso with Space Police II and Radio Pattern
973p73 - Minifig Torso with Vest with Patch Pockets Pattern
973p90 - Minifig Torso with Classic Space Pattern
973pst - Minifig Torso with Black Collar and Pockets Pattern
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/04/28

[Image: v2-2.jpg]

993 - Electric Cable 3 LDU Twin
2335 - Flag 2 x 2
2335ps2 - Flag 2 x 2 with SW Mini AT-ST Pattern
2336p35 - Wedge 2 x 3 with Brick 2 x 4 with Black/Silver "V" Pattern
2336p36 - Wedge 2 x 3 with Brick 2 x 4 with Red/Silver "V" Pattern
2336p68 - Wedge 2 x 3 with Brick 2 x 4 with M Tron Logo Pattern
2336p90 - Wedge 2 x 3 with Brick 2 x 4 with Classic Space Logo Pattern
2340 - Tail 4 x 1 x 3
2346 - Tyre 12/50 x 16 Offset Tread
2348a - Glass for Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof without Ridges
2348b - Glass for Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof with Ridges
2349a - Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof without Ledges
2362ap53 - Panel 1 x 2 x 3 with Space Police I Left Pattern
2362ap54 - Panel 1 x 2 x 3 with Space Police I Right Pattern
2377 - Window 1 x 2 x 2 Plane
2408 - Panel 10 x 6 x 11
2408p01 - Panel 10 x 6 x 11 with Blacktron II Logo Pattern
2408p02 - Panel 10 x 6 x 11 with Blacktron I Logo Pattern
2408p04 - Panel 10 x 6 x 11 with Futuron Stripes Pattern
2408p05 - Panel 10 x 6 x 11 with "200" Pattern
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/04/28

[Image: v2-3.jpg]

2409: Panel 10 x 10 x 12 Corner
2412a: Tile 1 x 2 Grille without Groove
2412b: Tile 1 x 2 Grille with Groove
2418a: Windscreen 6 x 6 Octagonal Canopy without Axlehole
2418b: Windscreen 6 x 6 Octagonal Canopy with Axlehole
2422: Bracket 2 x 2 - 1 x 4
2425: Rack Winder 2 x 4 x 2 Top
2426: Rack Winder 2 x 4 x 2 Underside Right Side
2426c01: Rack Winder 2 x 4 x 2 without Axle
2426c02: Rack Winder 2 x 4 x 2 with Axle
2427: Rack Winder 2 x 4 x 2 Underside Left Side
2428: Rack 1 x 20
2431pk0: Tile 1 x 4 with Teeth Pattern
2431pk1: Tile 1 x 4 with Black and Yellow Diagonal Stripes and Tow Rings
2436: Bracket 1 x 2 - 1 x 4 with Square Corners
2440: Hinge 6 x 3 Radar/Blade/Spoiler/Panel
2440p69: Hinge 6 x 3 Radar/Blade/Spoiler/Panel with Radar Pattern
2443: Hinge Windows Frame 1 x 4 x 3 with Octogonal Panel
2446: Minifig Helmet Modern
2447: Minifig Helmet Visor
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/04/28

[Image: v2-4.jpg]

2448: Panel 3 x 2 x 5 & 2/3
2463: Brick 3 x 3 x 2 Facet Top
2464: Brick 3 x 3 x 2 Facet Bottom
2466: Panel 3 x 2 x 6
2466p07: Panel 3 x 2 x 6 with Black Grille Pattern
2466p68: Panel 3 x 2 x 6 with M Tron Logo Pattern
2467: Panel 4 x 4 x 6 Corner Concave
2468: Panel 3 x 3 x 6 Corner Convex
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Just FYI, none of your Dropbox picture links work, either here or on EuroBricks. It seems like perhaps they're not public URLs.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
I have the problem on my ipad, but they do work on my PC, need to investigate....
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
OK I've fixed it.
I will use Brickshelf for the pictures as Dropbox is not satisfying me for that kind of image hosting.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/04/29

[Image: v3-1.jpg]

2468p53 - Panel 3 x 3 x 6 Corner Convex with Space Police Left Pattern
2468p54 - Panel 3 x 3 x 6 Corner Convex with Space Police Right Pattern
2483 - Windscreen 4 x 4 x 3.667 Helicopter
2483p50 - Windscreen 4 x 4 x 3.667 Helicopter with Space Police II Pattern
2498 - Car Wash Brush
2500 - Electric Light & Sound Brick 1 x 8 with 3 Light Holes Case
2500c01 - Electric Light & Sound Brick 1 x 8 with 3 Lights (Complete)
2507 - Windscreen 10 x 4 x 2 & 1/3 Canopy
2515a - Wheel 32 x 56 Hard-Plastic without Inner Supports
2515b - Wheel 32 x 56 Hard-Plastic with Inner Supports
2526 - Minifig Epaulette
2566 - Plant Tree Palm Top
2569 - Antenna 8H Whip
2573 - Wheel Hard-Plastic Giant
2578a - Brush Holder Street Sweeper for Towball Fitting
2582 - Hinge Panel 2 x 4 x 3 & 1/3
2582p68 - Hinge Panel 2 x 4 x 3.333 with M Tron Pattern
2593 - Wheel Hard-Plastic Medium
u9042 - Electric Light & Sound Prism 1 x 8 with 3 Light Holes Lid
u9043 - Electric Light & Sound Prism 1 x 8 with 3 Front Lights
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Can someone give a try with it? Especially with part 2340 (make sure to redownload the Package as it now contains a mendatory file). Don't do this, it will mess with Owen file.
I will need to contact him to see if we can harmonize everything.

As a workaround, you can get rid of the L3LgeoToLDraw errors by adding this at the end of your file (just above the #end statement at the end of the file).
#declare L3LDrawToLgeo = transform { matrix <0,-LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0, 0,0,-LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24, -LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0,0, 0,0,4*LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24> }
#declare L3LgeoToLDraw = transform { matrix <0,0,-20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH, -20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH,0,0, 0,-24/LG_BRICK_HEIGHT,0, 0,0,0> }

Someone has a problem with Ldview using properly my LGEO.xml file on the Eurobricks forum and I can't figure out why.

Thanks a lot.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
I've been happily using imgur for quite some time now. No registration needed, and you can link directly to the images (no need to link to a web page). Just go to the site, click upload, drag and drop as many images as you want into the box, and then copy the links.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Darats Wrote:My lgeo.xml was based on Owen's one I guess, but might not be up to date.
The one I'm currently sharing has my around 500 personnal LGEO parts in it, but as I'm cleaning the lg files one by one, I would say that my xml file will not be completely usable until I finish to release everything. Should be a matter of one or two weeks. I will make regular updates on the Eurobricks forum.

When everything will be done, I think yes, you could add it to the AIOI if the file size is OK. But before I need testers to make sure the parts are compatible with other computers.

No hurry on this. The AIOI usually ships in June and January. Consider the LDraw wiki as comune upload place for the lgeo.xml.

LEGO ergo sum
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/04/30

[Image: v4-1.jpg]

2605 - Brick 1 x 2 x 2 & 1/3 Shock Absorber
2605c01 - Brick 1 x 2 x 2.333 Shock Absorber (Complete)
2606 - Brick 1 x 2 x 2 & 1/3 Shock Absorber Bushing
2607 - Magnet Holder 2 x 3
2609a - Magnet Holder Tile 2 x 2 with Short Arms
2610 - Minifig Lifevest
2654 - Dish 2 x 2
2671 - Monorail Track Straight 4 x 32
2672 - Monorail Track Curve Quarter
2677 - Monorail Track Ramp Lower Section
2678 - Monorail Track Ramp Upper Section
2680 - Support 4 x 4 x 5 Stanchion
2681 - Support 6 x 6 x 10 Stanchion
2682 - Monorail Motor Switch
2683 - Monorail Motor Case
2684 - Monorail Motor Base
2684c01 - Monorail Motor (Complete)
2685 - Monorail Motor Clip
2686 - Monorail Wheel Chassis
2686c01 - Monorail Chassis Assembly (Complete)
2688 - Axle Steel 5 x 67.5 LDU with Two Wheels 1.6 x 10
2697 - Monorail Wheel Connector
2771 - Monorail Track Stop/Go Switch Pivot
2772 - Monorail Track Switch Base
2772c01 - Monorail Track Switch at Stop (Complete)
2772c02 - Monorail Track Switch at Right (Shortcut)
2772c03 - Monorail Track Switch at Left (Shortcut)
2773 - Monorail Track Switch Slide
2774 - Monorail Track Stop/Go Switch Track
2774c01 - Monorail Stop/Go Switch
70864 - Spring for Brick 1 x 2 x 2.333 Shock Absorber
u9185 - Axle Steel 5 x 67.5 for Monorail Motor and Chassis
u9186 - Wheel 1.6 x 10 for Monorail Motor and Chassis
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Travis, may I have a request:

Could you try to download my LGEO.xml file (link in the first post) and try to export a ldr file containing part 2340 from ldview to pov ray? Just to make sure the Pov output of Ldview works with my xml file and substitute 2340 by its LGEO equivalent.

I would really appreciate as there is someone in Eurobricks forum that have problem using my xml file and doesn't get any LGEO replacement. I can't figure out why.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
It seems to work, but I am using LDView 4.2 Beta 1. It's possible there was a bug in LDView 4.1 that makes it not like something about your LGEO.xml file.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Hi, „someone in Eurobricks forum“ that’s me.

For getting ahead I completely removed LDraw and made a new installation using the all-in-one-installer (LDview 4.1). Then I installed LDview 4.2 beta 1 (Windows ) into the same folder, so that LDview 4.1 was overwritten. But the problem still remained: When I switch to Darats lgeo.xml file there is no LGEO access anymore. Even for standard parts like #3008 (Brick 1x8) the resulting povray file contains no code like “#include "". Switching back to the default xml-file everything works fine again.

Any further idea what I may optimize? Thanks.

Solved it! Darats LGEO.xml works fine!
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/02

[Image: v5-1.jpg]

2687 - Monorail Base 4 x 20
2695 - Wheel Rim 12.7 x 30 Stepped
2696 - Tyre 12.7/51 x 30
2714 - Bar 7.6L with Stop
2745 - Technic Cylinder 4 x 4 x 1.667 with Axleholes
2780 - Technic Pin with Friction and Slots
2819 - Technic Steering Wheel Small
2826 - Windscreen 5 x 8 x 3
2952 - Propellor 2 Blade 9 Diameter
2959c01 - Magnet Cylindrical in Casing (Complete)
2994 - Wheel 12 x 20 with Technic Axle Hole and 6 Pegholes
2995 - Tyre 40/48 x 30 Off Road
2996 - Wheel Rim 30 x 30 with 40mm Diameter Rear Rim
2997 - Tyre 34/38 x 56 ZR
2998 - Wheel Rim 32 x 56 with Peghole and 6 Spokes with Pegholes
4106 - Magnet Cylindrical Casing
70023 - Magnet Cylindrical
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/03

[Image: v6-1.jpg]

973p66 - Minifig Torso with Spyrius Pattern
3001pk1 - Brick 2 x 4 with "TOW MATER" on Sand Green background Pattern
3004p01 - Brick 1 x 2 with Yellow Left Arrow and Black Border Pattern
3004p03 - Brick 1 x 2 with Yellow Down Arrow and Black Border Pattern
3004p05 - Brick 1 x 2 with Yellow Grille Pattern
3004p06 - Brick 1 x 2 with Black Grille Pattern
3004p12 - Brick 1 x 2 with White Grille Pattern
3004p20 - Brick 1 x 2 with White Down Arrow Pattern
3004p90 - Brick 1 x 2 with Classic Space Logo Pattern
3010p04 - Brick 1 x 4 with Black 15 Bars Grille Pattern
3010p05 - Brick 1 x 4 with White Grille Pattern
3010p42 - Brick 1 x 4 with Yellow Left Arrow and Black Border Pattern
3039p05 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Black Grille Pattern
3039p10 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Yellow Grille Pattern
3039p23 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Computer Screen Pattern
3039p32 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with 12 Buttons 3 Lamps on Black Pattern
3039p33 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with 12 Buttons 3 Lamps on Yellow Pattern
3039p34 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Computer Panel Pattern
3039p68 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with M Tron Logo Pattern
3039pc1 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Gauge Pattern
3039pc3 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Horizon Indicator Screen Pattern
3039pc4 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with 3 Gauges and 3 Knobs Pattern
3039pc5 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Flight Control Pattern
3039pc6 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Radar Screen Pattern
3040p01 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 with 3 Buttons 3 Lamps on Yellow Pattern
3040p05 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 with Orange Microphone Pattern
3040p32 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 with 9 + 3 Black Buttons Pattern
3040p33 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 with 9 + 3 White Buttons Pattern
3063b - Brick 2 x 2 Corner Round with Stud Notch
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Hello Damien,

I'm a long time admirer of your incredible renders and I'm so grateful you decided to share your library of Hires parts.

There's some feedback from what you've released so far.

First of all, your parts are really great and I managed to include them in my library quite easily.

These are the few errors I encountered while rendering each of them:


-122c01 - Plate 2 x 2 with Red Wheels
-122c02 - Plate 2 x 2 with White Wheels

For these, I had an undeclared material error on PovRay for LDXcolor383 in the 122c01/02 file.
After investigation, the Ldraw u9132c01/02.dat subfiles for these parts use color 494 for the axle, so when translated to Povray, 494 is declared, not 383.
Workaround 1: Edit the u9132c01/02 subfile in Ldraw and change color of the axle from 494 to 383.
Workaround 2: Edit the 122c01/ file and change "LDXcolor383" material to "LDXcolor494"


-556 - Fabuland Shovel

Not really an error here but it seems that your object is a bit longer than the Ldraw file.


-2609a - Magnet Holder Tile 2 x 2 with Short Arms

The file refers to 2609a in the STL library. The 2609a file is not present in the STL folder you released.
workaround: In the file, I replaced the 2609a reference by 2609 , that is in the STL folder. It works fine now.


-2683 - Monorail Motor Case
-2684c01 - Monorail Motor (Complete)

The requires the "" subfile, not released yet in your LGEO parts. So not really an error but just a missing file.


-973p66 - Minifig Torso with Spyrius Pattern

No reference for this LGEO part in the "LGEO.xml" file of yours.
I manually edited the LGEO.xml file to translate the part into Povray.

Except those minor issues, no problem encountered with the 186 other parts released so far.

Thanks again for sharing your extensive work on those parts.

Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Thanks for that feedback, perfectely what I needed.


122c01, 123c02 : I think I've changed the color cause I found le ldraw one was not metallick enough when rendered, I will change it back.

556: the shape was based on a very early ldraw part. Since it has been officially release I need to change the shape and make it better.

Studel: I will add it to the the package forgot that one.

973p66: if you redownload the xml file, you should have it.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/09

[Image: v7-1.jpg]

556 - Fabuland Shovel (Updated)
3068bp07 - Tile 2 x 2 with Black Grille Pattern
3068bp08 - Tile 2 x 2 with Yellow Arrow with Black Border Pattern
3068bp51 - Tile 2 x 2 with Spyrius Machinery Pattern
3068bp68 - Tile 2 x 2 with M Tron Logo Pattern
3068bp69 - Tile 2 x 2 with Space Police II Pattern
3069bp05 - Tile 1 x 2 with Black Grille Pattern
3069bp06 - Tile 1 x 2 with Arrow Long Yellow with Black Border Pattern
3069bp07 - Tile 1 x 2 with Long Dark Red with Silver Border Pattern
3069bp12 - Tile 1 x 2 with Arrow Long Black Pattern
3069bp13 - Tile 1 x 2 with Arrow Short Yellow with Black Border Pattern
3069bp15 - Tile 1 x 2 with Arrow Short Dark Red with Silver Border Pattern
3069bp25 - Tile 1 x 2 with Computer Pattern
3069bp28 - Tile 1 x 2 with Blue Screen, Red and Silver Panel Pattern
3069bp68 - Tile 1 x 2 with Red & Yellow Controls Pattern
3069bp80 - Tile 1 x 2 with Keyboard Pattern
3069bps3 - Tile 1 x 2 with SW Mini Jedi Starfighter Pattern
3069bps4 - Tile 1 x 2 with SW Right Mini X-Wing Pattern
3069bps5 - Tile 1 x 2 with SW Left Mini X-Wing Pattern
3070bp06 - Tile 1 x 1 with Red & Black Buttons Pattern
3070bpc2 - Tile 1 x 1 with Computer Display Pattern
Studel - Stud with Electric Contact
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/10

[Image: v8-1.jpg]

3127a - Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook Left
3127b - Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook Right
3139 - Tyre 4/80 x 8 Single Smooth Type 1
3144 - Antenna 5H with Side Spokes
3228b - Train Track Rail Slotted Straight
3297p90 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 4 with Classic Space Pattern
3298p53 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 with Space Police I Pattern
3298p68 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 with M Tron Logo Pattern
3298p69 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 with Space Police II Pattern
3298p90 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 with Classic Space Logo Pattern
3326b - Technic Universal Joint Center Type 2
3429 - Forklift Forks 2 x 4
3430 - Forklift Rails 2 x 4 x 5.667
3464 - Wheel Centre with Stub Axles
3483 - Tyre 7/56 x 17 Offset Tread
3596 - Flag on Flagpole Type 5
3596d23 - Flag on Flagpole with Classic Space Logo Stickers (Complete)
3612 - Arm Piece Straight with 2 and 3 Fingers
3613 - Arm Piece with Towball Socket
3614 - Plate 1 x 1 Round with Towball
3624 - Minifig Police Hat
3626b - Minifig Head with Hollow Stud
3626bp01 - Minifig Head with Standard Grin Pattern
3626bp04 - Minifig Head with Standard Grin and Sunglasses Pattern
3626bp66 - Minifig Head with Blue Headband and Red Hair Pattern
3626bp69 - Minifig Head with Standard Grin and Sunglasses Pattern
3634 - Tyre 10/130 x 17 Offset Tread
3641 - Tyre 6/50 x 8 Offset Tread
192425a - Sticker 2.4 x 3 with Classic Space Logo
192425b - Sticker 2.4 x 3 with Classic Space Logo (Mirrored)
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
My feedback on your last updates:

Previous issues fully adressed and corrected.
Regarding the last bunch of parts, no trouble on my system, every part installed flawessly and renders fine.

I have just one minor issue regarding part 3297p90: the classic space logo seems incomplete, somme clipping occurs in the bottom of the pattern.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/15

[Image: v9-1.jpg]

973p63 - Minifig Torso with Robot Pattern
2362a - Panel 1 x 2 x 3 with Solid Studs
2446p50 - Minifig Helmet Modern with Blue and Silver Spyrius Pattern
3039pc7 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Spyrius Droid Image Pattern
3069bp21 - Tile 1 x 2 with Arrow Short Yellow Pattern
3626bp63 - Minifig Head with Silver Robot Pattern
3626bp67 - Minifig Head with Thin Moustache, Stubble and Sideburns Pattern
3660p01 - Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted with Computer Screen Pattern
3712 - Technic Universal Joint End
3712c01 - Technic Universal Joint (Complete Assembly Shortcut)
3754p01 - Brick 1 x 6 x 5 with Satellite Repair Pattern
3754p02 - Brick 1 x 6 x 5 with Rocket Launch Pattern
3761 - Window 1 x 6 x 5
3762 - Glass for Window 1 x 6 x 5
3788 - Car Mudguard 2 x 4
3811 - Baseplate 32 x 32
3815 - Minifig Hips
3815p63 - Minifig Hips with Robot Pattern
3816 - Minifig Leg Right
3816p63 - Minifig Leg Right with Robot Pattern
3817 - Minifig Leg Left
3817p63 - Minifig Leg Left with Robot Pattern
3818 - Minifig Arm Right
3819 - Minifig Arm Left
3820 - Minifig Hand
3828 - Car Steering Wheel
3829a - Car Steering Wheel Stand
3829c01 - Car Steering Wheel
3835 - Minifig Tool Handaxe
3836 - Minifig Tool Pushbroom
3837 - Minifig Shovel
3838 - Minifig Airtanks
3838a - Minifig Airtanks
3841 - Minifig Pickaxe
3842a - Minifig Helmet Classic with Thin Chin Guard
3846 - Minifig Shield Triangular
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
3297p90 has been corrected. Thanks for feedback.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/15

[Image: v9-2.jpg]

3855 - Glass for Window 1 x 4 x 3
3856 - Window 1 x 2 x 3 Shutter
3876 - Minifig Shield Round
3900 - Minifig Signal Holder
3901 - Minifig Hair Male
3939 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 6
3939p68 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 6 with M Tron Logo Pattern
3939p90 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 6 with Classic Space Small Pattern
3939p91 - Slope Brick 33 3 x 6 with Classic Space Large Pattern
3947 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with Craters
3957 - Antenna 4H with Rounded Top
3957a - Antenna 4H with Rounded Top
3957b - Antenna 4H with Flat Top
3959 - Minifig Torch
3960 - Dish 4 x 4 Inverted
3962 - Minifig Radio with Long Handle
3962a - Minifig Radio with Short Handle
3962b - Minifig Radio with Long Handle
4006 - Minifig Tool Spanner/Screwdriver
4032 - Plate 2 x 2 Round with Axlehole Type 1
4032a - Plate 2 x 2 Round with Axlehole Type 1
4032b - Plate 2 x 2 Round with Axlehole Type 2
4070 - Brick 1 x 1 with Headlight
4150p01 - Tile 2 x 2 Round with Grille Pattern
4150p03 - Tile 2 x 2 Round with Clock Pattern
4150p04 - Tile 2 x 2 Round with Yellow Arrow with Black Border Pattern
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/26

[Image: v10-1.jpg]

4151: Plate 8 x 8 with Grille without Hole
4151a: Plate 8 x 8 with Grille without Hole
4151b: Plate 8 x 8 with Grille with Hole
4162p01: Tile 1 x 8 with "Robie House" Pattern
4162p02: Tile 1 x 8 with "Farnsworth House" Pattern
4162p03: Tile 1 x 8 with "Fallingwater" Pattern
4162p04: Tile 1 x 8 with "The White House" Pattern
4162p05: Tile 1 x 8 with "Burj Khalifa" Pattern
4162p06: Tile 1 x 8 with "Brandenburg Gate" Pattern
4162p07: Tile 1 x 8 with "Brandenburger Tor" Pattern
4162p08: Tile 1 x 8 with "Sears Tower" Pattern
4162p09: Tile 1 x 8 with "Willis Tower" Pattern
4162p0a: Tile 1 x 8 with "John Hancock Center" Pattern
4162p0b: Tile 1 x 8 with "Empire State Building" Pattern
4162p0c: Tile 1 x 8 with "Seattle Space Needle" Pattern
4162p0d: Tile 1 x 8 with "Sydney Opera House" Pattern
4162p0e: Tile 1 x 8 with "Sungnyemun" Pattern
4162p0g: Tile 1 x 8 with "Big Ben" Pattern
4162p0l: Tile 1 x 8 with "Villa Savoye" Pattern
4162p0o: Tile 1 x 8 with "Imperial Hotel" Pattern
4162p0p: Tile 1 x 8 with "Leaning Tower of Pisa" Pattern
4162p0q: Tile 1 x 8 with "United Nations" Pattern
4162p0r: Tile 1 x 8 with "Headquarters" Pattern
4162p0s: Tile 1 x 8 with "The Eiffel Tower" Pattern
4162p0t: Tile 1 x 8 with "La tour Eiffel" Pattern
4162p0u: Tile 1 x 8 with "Marina Bay Sands" Pattern
4162p0v: Tile 1 x 8 with "Trevi Fountain" Pattern
4162p0x: Tile 1 x 8 with "Lincoln Memorial" Pattern
4162p0y: Tile 1 x 8 with "Flatiron Building" Pattern
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Do you mind sharing the STL files as well?
I don't render with POV and would like to import the bricks into Blender or Cinema 4D.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Unfortunately, I only use STL format to go from native CATIA format to PovRay. I don't keep the STL files, only the CATIA ones.

I can give you a few parts if you want some, but I will not release them all. It's too much work.
Also I don't model studs and understuds so the parts won't even be complete in STL.

But I can fulfill a few requests if needed.

Maybe you can also write some code to convert Pov geometry to a Blender readable format or use some kind of utility.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
According to the FAQ at converting POV to something else is not feasible/possible.

I'm working on an importer for Cinema 4D and don't want to create the meshes on the fly but rather import them from an external library to use also meshes with higher resolution.

I would appreciate to get some samples from you to test the import.
Just some basic bricks and perhaps some more sophisticated ones would be great.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
To update my feedback on your parts:

Every part released so far works fine. Just one minor issue easily corrected: no reference to part 4162p0l in the LGEO.xml file you provided.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Thanks for feedback, I've corrected the LGEO.xml file.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
I've shared the 2998 part STL file : here. You can have a try.

I know PovRay scenes are quite impossible to convert in another format, but I'm pretty sure it can easily be done for my STL PovRay files. They are only made of smooth_triangles, nothing really complicated to convert to another mesh format, I think.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/05/29

[Image: v11-1.jpg]

4208: Hose Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Drum
4209: Hose Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Holder
4210a: Minifig Tool Hose Nozzle with Handle
4215a: Panel 1 x 4 x 3
4215b: Panel 1 x 4 x 3 with Hollow Studs
4220: Arm Piece with Grab Jaw Holder
4220a: Arm Piece with Grab Jaw Holder with Round Middle Finger
4220b: Arm Piece with Grab Jaw Holder with Truncated Middle Finger
4221: Grab Jaw
4228: Slope Brick 33 5 x 6 x 2 Inverted
4229: Plate 2 x 2 with Jet Engine
4285a: Dish 6 x 6 Inverted Webbed Type 1
4285b: Dish 6 x 6 Inverted Webbed Type 2
4288: Tyre Balloon
4346: Container Box 2 x 2 x 2 Door with Slot
4346p61: Container Box 2 x 2 x 2 Door with Slot and Spyrius Pattern
4346p68: Container Box 2 x 2 x 2 Door with Slot and M Tron Logo Pattern
4349: Minifig Loudhailer
4360: Minifig Camera with Side Sight
4448: Glass for Windows 4 x 4 x 3 Roof
4460a: Slope Brick 75 2 x 1 x 3 with Open Stud
4460b: Slope Brick 75 2 x 1 x 3 with Hollow Stud
4474: Windscreen 6 x 4 x 2 Canopy
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
You are right, I was't aware that PoseRay can convert also to OBJ.
I was able to batch convert 354 of your files back to OBJ and after some vertex optimization I got almost the same result like your provided reference STL.
Thanks a lot, they are of incredible quality.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Hi Damien,

I'm still amazed on how detailed your parts are. If you don't mind, I have a couple of question regarding your library.

I see that you convert your parts from CATIA to Povray using STL2pov. I tried myself using the converter a few years ago after designing my own hires parts with Solidworks. Although I had no issues when converting to simple triangles, the conversion to smooth triangles always messed up the result giving misoriented polygons. Curiously the result was part triangles and part smooth triangles.
How do you process your parts prior to conversion to have only smooth triangles ?
Regarding your printed parts, I'm curious about the way you convert flat 2D patterns to 3D objects. Is it automated or do you process each pattern manually ?

Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Update: 2015/06/05

[Image: v12-1.jpg]

4476: Support 2 x 4 x 5 Stanchion Inclined
4479: Minifig Metal Detector
4485: Minifig Cap with Long Flat Peak
4522: Minifig Tool Mallet
4589: Cone 1 x 1
4592: Hinge Control Stick Base
4593: Hinge Control Stick
4596: Plate 1 x 2 with 3L Extension and Stud Hole
4624: Wheel Rim 6.4 x 8
4735: Brick 1 x 1 x 2/3 Round with Bar and Clip Vertical
4736: Minifig Jet-Pack with Stud on Front
4737: Panel 4 x 4 x 6 Outward Sloping Corner
4740: Dish 2 x 2 Inverted
4741: Window 4 x 4 x 6 Outward Sloping
4746: Tail 4 x 2 x 2 with Rocket
4755: Electric Plate 1 x 2 with Contacts
4757: Electric Plate 2 x 4 with Contacts
4758: Electric Plate 2 x 8 with Contacts
Colors 494 vs 383 (was: New Parts for LGEO Library)
Hello Damien and Christophe,

both colors 494 and 383 are valid LDRAW colors.

You should not replace one of these by the other.

Instead, both must be supported the same way like the other, simple ones like "black" (0) and so on.

- this just as a quick reply to the suggestion above to remove one of them - that's a Bad Idea ™ Smile
Re: Colors 494 vs 383 (was: New Parts for LGEO Library)
Yeah, I change it back on my parts, and it is now in line with ldraw parts
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
A quick feedback on the last bunch of parts:

Part #4740: lacks the addition of LGEO primitives "lg_tech_knob" and "lg_tech_knob_clear" in the file.
Part #4479: is 90° misoriented in the "y" plane (ldraw coodinates) regarding the ldraw library.

Everything else is OK.

Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
4740 should have no probleme, I didn't use the primitives there and everything is included in the STL .inc file

4479, I will have a look.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Christophe Mitillo Wrote:Hi Damien,

I'm still amazed on how detailed your parts are. If you don't mind, I have a couple of question regarding your library.

I see that you convert your parts from CATIA to Povray using STL2pov. I tried myself using the converter a few years ago after designing my own hires parts with Solidworks. Although I had no issues when converting to simple triangles, the conversion to smooth triangles always messed up the result giving misoriented polygons. Curiously the result was part triangles and part smooth triangles.
How do you process your parts prior to conversion to have only smooth triangles ?
Regarding your printed parts, I'm curious about the way you convert flat 2D patterns to 3D objects. Is it automated or do you process each pattern manually ?


I never had any problem exporting to smooth triangles, I can't really give you any hint on that, maybe Solidwork STL export is different from CATIA's one. I simply export to STL with CATIA default settings and run stl2pov with -s option on.

For the patterned parts, I export ldraw triangles to povray using the old L3PAdd-on program, then convert it to prism using a homemade VBA program, and then manually add them to the inc files. Then I manually add boxes, cylinders or what ever to improve the pattern and replace ldraw primitivé so let's say it is semi-automated.
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Ok, the mistake was mine for the two parts. I forgot to update the STL folder for the last release and I see the folder have been updated for these very parts. All is fine with the new STL files.
Sorry for inconvenience.

Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Thanks for anwsering my questions.

For STL conversion, after deep investigation and a few tests, I think that maybe the problem is in STL2pov. I use version 2.5 of the software.

For testing purpose, I used it on the STL file for part 2998 you shared with Gerhart afew days ago. The converted .inc file is messed up like mines.
Looking at the files precisely, that's what I found. The flat triangles seem to be converted like yours, but the smoothed ones are different.

in your .inc part (converted with STL2pov 2.4.4):

triangle { // #670
<16, -48.2614, -1.51945>,
<16, -48.0893, -2.26346>,
<16, -54.537, -2.62187>
smooth_triangle { // #671
<16, -54.4251, -4.3668>, <-0.998433, 0.00455732, 0.0557737>,
<16, -54.537, -2.62187>, <-1, 0, 0>,
<16, -48.0893, -2.26346>, <-1, 0, 0>

in my conversion with STL2pov 2.5:

triangle { // #670
<16, -48.2614, -1.51945>,
<16, -48.0893, -2.26346>,
<16, -54.537, -2.62187>
smooth_triangle { // #671
<-54.4251, 16, -4.3668>, <0.00455732, -0.998433, 0.0557737>,
<-54.537, 16, -2.62187>, <0, -1, 0>,
<-48.0893, 16, -2.26346>, <0, -1, 0>
as you can see, in the smoothed triangle, plans X an Y are switched, causing a 90° rotation. All others are rotated also.

Unfortunately, I'm in a dead end as STL2pov 2.4.4 it's not available now.
Do you mind in sharing with me your version of STL2pov so I can fulfill my tests ?

Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
STL2Pov 2.4.4
Re: New Parts for LGEO Library
Thank you.

It works fine now.
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