A full spec. of all tests for DATHeader are currently not available because it is not necessary, I have the sourcecode

The spec would have been double work.
But I use an object for the header errors. Hopefully the entries are self explaining. If not, please let me know:
Structure ResultHeader
Dim gboolCorrectLengthofPartDescription As Boolean 'Checks for greater 1 and less max. characters.
Dim gboolNoTabinPartDescription As Boolean 'Checks for Tab Character in part description
Dim gboolLeadingSpacesInPartDescription As Boolean
Dim gboolCorrectKeywordLength As Boolean
Dim gboolCorrectKeywordUsed As Boolean
Dim gboolUniqueKeywordUsed As Boolean
Dim gboolCorrectHelpLength As Boolean
Dim gboolPartDescriptionMatchesFilename As Boolean
Dim gboolAuthorRealnameSet As Boolean
Dim gboolAuthorUsernameSet As Boolean
Dim gboolBFCisSet As Boolean
Dim gboolLicenseisSet As Boolean
Dim gboolPartTypeisSet As Boolean
Dim gboolNewNotUsed As Boolean
Dim gboolNeedsWorkComment As Boolean
Dim gboolCategory As Boolean
Dim gboolCategoryAllowed As Boolean
Dim gboolKeywordsAllowed As Boolean
Dim gboolPrimitive48FilenameStartwith48 As Boolean
Dim gboolPrimitivePartDescriptionStartWithout_orTilde As Boolean
Dim gboolSubpartFilenameStartWithS As Boolean
Dim gboolPartFilenameStartwithout48orS As Boolean
Dim gboolSubpartDescriptionStartWithTilde As Boolean
Dim gboolSubpartDescriptionStartWithout_ As Boolean
Dim gboolPartDescriptionStartWithout_ As Boolean
Dim gboolShortCutPartDescriptionStartWith_ As Boolean
Dim gboolShortCutFilenameContains_d_or_c As Boolean
Dim gboolBFC_CCW_at_Primitive As Boolean
Dim gboolNameExtensionIsDAT As Boolean
Dim gboolNoSpecialCharacterInDescription As Boolean
Dim gboolLineEndWithCRLF As Boolean
Dim gboolRotationNotFound As Boolean 'Checks for word ROTATION
Dim gboolHistoryEntryAuthorBracket As Boolean 'Checks for UserName in History Entry with Brackets
Dim gboolMinifigAccessoryNotFound As Boolean ''Checks for Minifig Accessory in Filedescription
Dim gboolFigureAccessoryNotFound As Boolean 'Checks for Figure Accessory in Filedescription
Dim gboolSquarebracketsAroundUsername As Boolean
Dim gboolAliasPartDescriptionStartWithSame As Boolean 'Checks for Alias parts to start with =
Dim gboolPhysicalColorPartMentionColorInDescription As Boolean 'Checks for physical color part to mention the color [71]
Dim gboolPhysicalColorPartOnlyLinetype1Used As Boolean 'Checks for physical color part only to consists of a linetype 1
Dim gboolPhysicalColorPartCorrectColorsUsed As Boolean
Dim gboolAliasPartOnlyLinetype1Used As Boolean
Dim gboolAliasPartOnlyOneLinetype1 As Boolean
Dim gboolAliasPartOnlyColor16Used As Boolean
Dim gboolAliasPartAliasMentionedInComments As Boolean
Dim gboolAliasPartAliasNumberInComment As Boolean
Dim gboolNoAmericanEnglishUsed As Boolean
End Structure