Edger2 help

Edger2 help
I'm trying to run Edger2 from the command line using the exact settings that I use in LETGUI, but things are not working right. Here is what the Edger2 settings look like in LETGUI:

[Image: ldr_edger2_help_01_zps392f1d8f.png]

What is the equivalent command line?

I've tried this without luck:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\LETGUI\edger2\Windows\Edger2.exe" -p 0.001 -af 0.1 -ac 0 -ae 0 "W:\LDraw\datsville\svn\trunk\helper_scripts\terrain_splitter\terrain_stepped_render_backup_02.ldr" "W:\LDraw\datsville\svn\trunk\helper_scripts\terrain_splitter\terrain_stepped_render_backup_02.ldr"
Re: Edger2 help
Do you have a problem with the output or with the program itself?

Usually I start edger2 from a batch file.
edger2.exe -l d:\ldraw in_edger.dat out_edger.dat
edger2 and the input/output files are in the same directory (this is also the directory where the batch file is in).

First off all I'm not sure, if it's possible to call a program outside of its directory, like you did here:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LETGUI\edger2\Windows\Edger2.exe"
go with the "cd" command into it's directory and call it from there.
Your command line should look like this before calling edger2:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LETGUI\edger2\Windows>
then you can call edger2.

Next: You should specify your LDraw directory like I did. Use
-l [LDraw-directory]
In my case [LDraw-directory] is d:\ldraw (it's the main directory of LDraw)

Your input/output calling are correct as far as I can see.

Nevertheless I find your ae, ac and af arguments a bit strange.

Edger2 will process something like this:
0.00 < angle <  0.10: no Line
0.10 < angle <  0.00: Cond Line
0.00 < angle <  0.00: Cond Line + Edge Line
0.00 < angle        : Edge Line

I would try it with the default values for ae, ac and af. If you want to suppress a specific line type use any of the other options like -dc, -de or something else.

I hope I get it working!

Re: Edger2 help
My problems are with the output.

This is the effect I'm looking for:

[Image: ldr_edger2_help_02_zps87f23dec.png]

This is achieved when using LETGUI. Using the command line the results are different.
Re: Edger2 help
Here attached a little utility that displays the command line sent to it. Change the path of Edger2 in LETGUI setup to use PrintCmdLine instead, you'll be able to see the exact parameters sent by LETGUI.

Attached Files
.txt   PrintCmdLine.zip.txt (Size: 14.64 KB / Downloads: 1)
Re: Edger2 help
LETGUI creates a logfile with all commands written to that file!
This has been introduced since march this year (latest version).
On my system (win8-64bit) the logfile is created in "C:\ProgramData\LETGUI"
Re: Edger2 help
Quote:First off all I'm not sure, if it's possible to call a program outside of its directory, like you did here:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\LETGUI\edger2\Windows\Edger2.exe"

That is the normal way to execute files from command prompt if the program path is not the current.
Re: Edger2 help
Good to know. I never used the command line this way. Undecided

Re: Edger2 help
Good to know Wink I'll try to remember this!
Re: Edger2 help
Thank you! That works wonderfully!
Re: Edger2 help
IMHO the path


is the wrong choice to store such data.

The correct place on Win7 would be

Re: Edger2 help
You are right if you like to have that files user dependend. I like it application dependend and therefore the place is ok. Smile
Re: Edger2 help
Grrr.... I hate Windows who makes everything it can to hide this kind of useful information. After a hard time, I found the file here on my XP system: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LETGUI\letgui-commands.log". I suggest to place a shrotcut to this file in LETGUI program folder!
Re: Edger2 help
Or maybe better have a menu entry in LETGUI "Show Logfile" that will be opened in notepad.exe. As it is only for checking, I do not like to spend more effort into this (customizable editor to use etc.).
Re: Edger2 help
Oh - any mean facilitating location of this file would be appreciated. Don't take my mildly harsh tone as a criticism, I was just a bit upset by Windows "moving target between versions" behaviour Wink
Re: Edger2 help
I know Smile
Re: Edger2 help
Yes, it does. However, the standard folders for storing such information is as mentioned above,
either system-wide or per-user.
Deviating from that standard would be even _more_ confusing.
Re: Edger2 help
I have use the "CommonApplicationData" path to store, because this app is user independend.
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