[LDPartEditor] 0.8.30 Beta Released (YTruder)

Ytruder issues
(2017-04-06, 17:02)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: - I don't think that deleting the lines that were extruded is a good idea, generally the extruded surface has an edge...
- It seems impossible to use symmetry or projection with value=0 while both are meaningful (opposite to translation!)

I fixed these issues (#531 and #532).

(2017-04-06, 17:02)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: - Not utterly annoying, but I don't understand why triangles are sometimes generated for translation mode. This should only produce quads?

I don't understand it either. The criteria to split a quad into two triangles is this:

Tri_Angle(Surf[k][0], Surf[k][1], Surf[k][2], Surf[k][0], Surf[k][2], Surf[k][3]) > 0.5

The "Tri_Angle" function seems to be correct:
    // Tri_Angle computes the cosine of the angle between the planes of two triangles.
    // They are assumed to be non-degenerated
    private double Tri_Angle(double[] U0, double[] U1, double[] U2, double[] V0, double[] V1, double[] V2)
        double[] Unorm = new double[3], Vnorm = new double[3];
        double[] Temp = new double[3];
        double[] U10 = new double[3], U20 = new double[3];
        double[] V10 = new double[3], V20 = new double[3];
        double len;
        SUB(U10, U1, U0);
        SUB(U20, U2, U0);
        SUB(V10, V1, V0);
        SUB(V20, V2, V0);
        CROSS(Temp, U10, U20);
        len = DIST(Temp, nullv);
        MULT(Unorm, Temp, 1/len);
        CROSS(Temp, V10, V20);
        len = DIST(Temp, nullv);
        MULT(Vnorm, Temp, 1/len);
        return (180 / 3.14159 * Math.acos(DOT(Unorm, Vnorm)));
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Ytruder issues - by Nils Schmidt - 2017-04-08, 10:11
RE: Ytruder issues - by Philippe Hurbain - 2017-11-27, 10:57

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