Quote:(1) I do not own a Laser Scanner and 123D does not delivery usable results so the object has to be scanned by a external Scan Service. What have I to observe placing the order ?Have you tried David 3D scanner? The free version is usable, as I show on my website (which is unfortunately down at the moment...). Otherwise, don't ask for a high resolution scan, as it is useless if you intend to approximate it with bricks, and files soon become very large...
Quote:(2) What do you think - would the relatively old program STL2DAT be able to convert the STL file delivered by such a Scan Service using modern hard- and software ? I do not really understand the options I have to use with STL2DAT - how can I find out best values ?Yes, it's able to do that. Just use ascii stl file format, not binary one. Meshlab (free tool) can do the conversion if needed.
As for options, the best for this kind of work is the "raw" mode, wich simply converts triangles without trying to add edge or conditional lines. Remember also that you can use stl2dat through LETGUI (I even think that the most recent version of stl2dat is only available in LETGUI distribution).
Otherwise, do you know about LSculpt?