0 // LEGOID 179 - Silver Flip-flop
0 !COLOUR Flat_Silver CODE 179 VALUE #898788 EDGE #333333 PEARLESCENT
0 // LEGOID 296 / 131 / 315 - Cool Silver / Silver / Silver Metallic
0 !COLOUR Pearl_Light_Grey CODE 135 VALUE #A0A0A0 EDGE #333333 PEARLESCENT
Why color list lists Silver Flip-flop as Flat Silver, and Cool Silver, Silver and Silver Metallic as a single color named "Pearl Light Gray"? Lego Silver colors is a bit convoluted topic, I know it, but current listing of those colors seem to be pretty incorrect with merging 3 of silver colors, and calling one of them "Flat Silver", putting it into similar name with very different color Flat Dark Gold, more typical pearl color unlike Silver Flip-flop (which has it's own copper and gold counterparts)
0 !COLOUR Flat_Silver CODE 179 VALUE #898788 EDGE #333333 PEARLESCENT
0 // LEGOID 296 / 131 / 315 - Cool Silver / Silver / Silver Metallic
0 !COLOUR Pearl_Light_Grey CODE 135 VALUE #A0A0A0 EDGE #333333 PEARLESCENT
Why color list lists Silver Flip-flop as Flat Silver, and Cool Silver, Silver and Silver Metallic as a single color named "Pearl Light Gray"? Lego Silver colors is a bit convoluted topic, I know it, but current listing of those colors seem to be pretty incorrect with merging 3 of silver colors, and calling one of them "Flat Silver", putting it into similar name with very different color Flat Dark Gold, more typical pearl color unlike Silver Flip-flop (which has it's own copper and gold counterparts)