Title annotation in LPub3D

RE: Title annotation in LPub3D
(2018-11-07, 6:54)Jaco van der Molen Wrote:
(2018-11-06, 19:57)Jaco van der Molen Wrote: Hi all,

A while ago I posted this thread:

Now I am struggling with the annotation for Technic Beams.

I haven't got a clue how to write a regular expression, so is there anyone here who can?

What I am aiming at is that the length of beams is annotated for beams of length 3 or longer and not the lift arms or bent beams.
[Edit]: and including the half or thin beams, but not the modified ones.

Thanks in advance!

Here is the list I want the length to be annotated:
32523.dat                  Technic Beam  3
32316.dat                  Technic Beam  5
32017.dat                  Technic Beam  5 x  0.5
32063.dat                  Technic Beam  6 x  0.5
32524.dat                  Technic Beam  7
32065.dat                  Technic Beam  7 x  0.5
40490.dat                  Technic Beam  9
32525.dat                  Technic Beam 11
41239.dat                  Technic Beam 13
32278.dat                  Technic Beam 15

No annotation needed for:

18654.dat                  Technic Beam  1
41672.dat                  Technic Beam  1 x  3 x  7 with 4 Axleholes and 3 Holes
41665.dat                  Technic Beam  1 x  4 x  7 with  5 Axleholes and  2 Holes and  1 Slot
43857.dat                  Technic Beam  2
60483.dat                  Technic Beam  2 Liftarm
50923.dat                  Technic Beam  2 Liftarm with Angled Ball Joint
64276.dat                  Technic Beam  2 Liftarm with Straight Ball Joint
85940.dat                  Technic Beam  2 with Angled Bar
41677.dat                  Technic Beam  2 x  0.5 Liftarm
32140.dat                  Technic Beam  2 x  4 Liftarm Bent 90
50904.dat                  Technic Beam  2 x  8 x  2 Double Liftarm with 2  1 x  3 Beams
98577.dat                  Technic Beam  3 with Integrated Ball Joint
61071.dat                  Technic Beam  3 with Panel Fairing Left
61070.dat                  Technic Beam  3 with Panel Fairing Right
44225.dat                  Technic Beam  3 with Rotation Joint 3 Pin
44224.dat                  Technic Beam  3 with Rotation Joint 3 Socket
6632.dat                   Technic Beam  3 x  0.5 Liftarm
33299.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  0.5 Liftarm with Boss and Pin
60484.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  3 T-shaped
32056.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  3 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90
32249.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  3 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90 Quarter Circle
32009.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  3.8 x  7 Liftarm Bent 45 Double
32526.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  5 Bent 90
32250.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  5 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90 Quarter Ellipse
32271.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  7 Liftarm Bent 53.13
45803.dat                  Technic Beam  3 x  7 x  3 Bent 90 Double Chamfered
41681.dat                  Technic Beam  3.8 x  1 Liftarm with Click Rotation Ring Socket
32449.dat                  Technic Beam  4 x  0.5 Liftarm
2825.dat                   Technic Beam  4 x  0.5 Liftarm with Boss
41679.dat                  Technic Beam  4 x  0.5 Liftarm with Click Rotation Hinge Half
43464.dat                  Technic Beam  4 x  3 Liftarm Triangle
32348.dat                  Technic Beam  4 x  4 Liftarm Bent 53.13
6629.dat                   Technic Beam  4 x  6 Liftarm Bent 53.13
11478.dat                  Technic Beam  5 x  0.5 Liftarm with Axle Holes at Both Ends
14720.dat                  Technic Beam  5 x  3 H-shaped
2905.dat                   Technic Beam  5 x  3 x  0.5 Liftarm Triangle
99773.dat                  Technic Beam  5 x  3 x  0.5 Liftarm Triangle Type 2
32251.dat                  Technic Beam  5 x  7 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90 Quarter Ellipse
32311.dat                  Technic Beam  7 Offset Liftarm with 24 Tooth Gears
32065.dat                  Technic Beam  7 x  0.5
32177.dat                  Technic Beam  7 x  1 Liftarm with Ribs and Fan
32308.dat                  Technic Beam  7 x  3 x  2 Liftarm Split
64179.dat                  Technic Beam  7 x  5 with Open Center  5 x  3
32079.dat                  Technic Beam  9 Liftarm Offset with Boss
64178.dat                  Technic Beam 11 x  5 with Open Center  5 x  3

OK, so I got a bit further using this website https://regex101.com/
I got all beams to show just the lengt, but also from those which I do not want, like the liftarms.

Now I have this: ^Technic Beam\s+(\d+\.*\d*)\s*.*$

Any thoughts on how to exclude all modified beams?

Hi Jaco

I solved the problem with the freeform annotation.
I just added all the parts I wanted to display in the parameter file "Free Form PLI Annotation" and commented out the lines in the "Part Title PLI Annaotation" with #.

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RE: Title annotation in LPub3D - by Johann Eisner - 2018-11-07, 17:33

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