(2016-09-05, 8:47)Willy Tschager Wrote: Hi Sven,
just out of interest (I was on the committee trying to harmonize all the LDraw, LEGO, BL, names and numbers and it gave me a very hard time) where do these numbers and names come from? Did you match them against:
Hi Willy,
I think I found the right guy for my request . These numbers and names are not matched against the mentioned tables. The reason for this is, that I wanted to use the official ids and names from TLG for my purpose. I know that there are a lot of different names and IDs out there and I also used some of them, but I'm trying to use only the official TLG data.
To do this I scanned over a huge amount of part lists directly from the LEGO page. With this I was not able to get the ids of the colors, but short names like "TR.L.BLUE" (Transparent Light Blue). Therefore the names I picked are only good guesses. To match these short names against the lego IDs I was able to use one of the "pick a brick" pages to tell me the secret of the corresponding ids.
Whith this method I was able to get a list from Id 0 to Id 999 for all colors. I filtered out all ids which aren't used in any of the part lists and the mentioned colors in my initial post are the ones, which I couldn't map to the ldraw colors.
If it will help, I can give you the complete list with all the ids and names, which I've got.
From all color tables I've found, this was the most reliable information which I found so far.
So Long
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