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Hi Folks,

I want to render parts for a huge amount of models. Therefore I scanned over a lot of available part lists form TLG and came across some colors, where I couldn't find an equivalent in LDconfig.ldr. Is there any chance that we can add the missing colors, so that we can render parts whith these colors?
I found the ID which is used by TLG and the official names for the color. I also have some RGB values if this would help, but these are not official ones and may be wrong.
  • LEGO color: 296 | Cool Silver => Ldraw  135 | Pearl Light Grey
  • LEGO color: 131 | Silver => Ldraw: 135 | Pearl Light Grey
  • LEGO color: 315 | Silver Metallic => Ldraw: 135 | Pearl Light Grey
  • LEGO color: 302 | Transparent Light Blue with Glitter 2% => Ldraw: 302 | Glitter_Trans_Light_Blue - VALUE[color=black] #AEE9EF -[/color] EDGE #72B3B0 - MATERIAL GLITTER VALUE #923978 FRACTION 0.17 VFRACTION 0.2 SIZE 1
  • [color=#333333]LEGO color: 339 | [color=#333333]Transparent Fluorescent Green with Glitter 2% => Ldraw: [/color]339 | Glitter_Trans_Neon_Green - VALUE[color=black] #C0FF00 -[/color] EDGE #84C300 - MATERIAL GLITTER VALUE #923978 FRACTION 0.17 VFRACTION 0.2 SIZE 1[/color]
  • [color=#333333][color=#333333]LEGO color: 285 | Transparent Light Green => Ldraw: 285 | Trans_Light_Green - VALUE[color=black] #7DC291 -[/color] EDGE #52805F[/color][/color]
  • [color=#333333][color=#333333][color=#333333][color=#333333]LEGO color: 218 | [/color][color=#333333]Reddish Lilac[/color][color=#333333] => Ldraw: 218 | Medium Purple - VALUE[/color][color=black] #8E5597 -[/color][color=#333333] EDGE #333333[/color][/color][/color][/color]
  • LEGO color: 234 | Transparent Fire Yellow => Ldraw: 218 | Trans_Fire_Yellow VALUE #FBE890 - EDGE #baab6a
  • LEGO color: 295 | Flamingo Pink => Ldraw: 295 | [color=black]Flamingo Pink[/color] - VALUE[color=black] #FF94C2 -[/color] EDGE #333333
  • [color=#333333]LEGO color: 219 | Lilac => Ldraw: 219 | [color=black]Medium[/color] Violet - VALUE[color=black] #564E9D -[/color] EDGE #333333[/color]
  • LEGO color: 336 | Silver Ink => Ldraw: 383 | Metalized Silver - VALUE #6D6E5C - EDGE #333333
  • LEGO color: 293 | Transparent Light Royal Blue => Ldraw: 293 | Trans_Light_Blue_Violet - VALUE #6BABE4 - EDGE #[color=#333333]4d7ba3[/color]
  • [color=#333333]LEGO color: 227 | Transparent Bright Yellowish Green => Ldraw: 35 | Trans_Bright_Green - VALUE #56E646 - EDGE #9DA86B[/color]
  • [color=#333333]LEGO color: 128 | Dark Nougat => Ldraw: 128 | Dark_Nougat - VALUE #[color=#333333]AD6140 - EDGE #333333[/color][/color]
  • [color=#333333]LEGO color: 300 | Copper Drum Lacq =>Ldraw: 300 | Metallic_Copper - VALUE #C27F53 - EDGE #333333[/color]
  • LEGO color: 189 | Reddish Gold => Ldraw: 189 | Reddish_Gold - VALUE #AC8247 - EDGE #333333 PEARLESCENT
  • LEGO color: 329 | White Glow=> Ldraw: 329 | Glow_In_Dark_White - VALUE #F5F3D7 - EDGE #B5B49F - ALPHA 250 - [size=small]Luminance 15[/size]
  • LEGO color: 231 | Transparent Flame Yellowish Orange => Ldraw: 231 | Tans_Bright_Light_Orange - VALUE #FCB76D - EDGE #BD8951
  • LEGO color: 335 | Gold Ink => Ldraw: 82 | Metallic_Gold - VALUE #DBAC34 - EDGE #333333
  • LEGO color: 184 | Metallic Bright Red => Ldraw: 184 | Metallic_Bright_Red - VALUE #D60026 - EDGE #333333
  • LEGO color: none                                    Ldraw: 63 | Chrome_Pink - VALUE #AA4D8E - EDGE #6E1152 CHROME
  • LEGO color: 186 | Metallic Dark Green => LDraw: 186 | Metallic_Dark_Green - VALUE #008E3C - EDGE #333333 - Material Metal
  • LEGO color: 284 | Transparent Reddish Lilac => LDraw: 284 | Trans_Light_Purple - Value #C281A5 - EDGE #82566E 

So Long

Hi Sven,

just out of interest (I was on the committee trying to harmonize all the LDraw, LEGO, BL, names and numbers and it gave me a very hard time) where do these numbers and names come from? Did you match them against:




Don't forget this extensive table: http://rebrickable.com/colors
(2016-09-05, 8:47)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Sven,

just out of interest (I was on the committee trying to harmonize all the LDraw, LEGO, BL, names and numbers and it gave me a very hard time) where do these numbers and names come from? Did you match them against:





Hi Willy,

I think I found the right guy for my request Big Grin. These numbers and names are not matched against the mentioned tables. The reason for this is, that I wanted to use the official ids and names from TLG for my purpose. I know that there are a lot of different names and IDs out there and I also used some of them, but I'm trying to use only the official TLG data. 
To do this I scanned over a huge amount of part lists directly from the LEGO page. With this I was not able to get the ids of the colors, but short names like "TR.L.BLUE" (Transparent Light Blue). Therefore the names I picked are only good guesses. To match these short names against the lego IDs I was able to use one of the "pick a brick" pages to tell me the secret of the corresponding ids. 
Whith this method I was able to get a list from Id 0 to Id 999 for all colors. I filtered out all ids which aren't used in any of the part lists and the mentioned colors in my initial post are the ones, which I couldn't map to the ldraw colors.

If it will help, I can give you the complete list with all the ids and names, which I've got. 
From all color tables I've found, this was the most reliable information which I found so far.

So Long 

Hi Sven,

(2016-09-05, 9:28)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]These numbers and names are not matched against the mentioned tables. The reason for this is, that I wanted to use the official ids and names from TLG for my purpose. I know that there are a lot of different names and IDs out there and I also used some of them, but I'm trying to use only the official TLG data.

When we updated the color table seven years ago one of the most debated topics was if we should switch to the official TLG data and overwrite our color numbers and names or not. The final approach was to stick to our legacy an keep backwards compatible (you surely know that we had already defined tons of colors before LEGO started sharing its shadow colors back in 2003) and use the LEGO data only for those colors which were not part of the LDConfig file.

(2016-09-05, 9:28)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ] 
To do this I scanned over a huge amount of part lists directly from the LEGO page. With this I was not able to get the ids of the colors, but short names like "TR.L.BLUE" (Transparent Light Blue). Therefore the names I picked are only good guesses. To match these short names against the lego IDs I was able to use one of the "pick a brick" pages to tell me the secret of the corresponding ids. 
Whith this method I was able to get a list from Id 0 to Id 999 for all colors. I filtered out all ids which aren't used in any of the part lists and the mentioned colors in my initial post are the ones, which I couldn't map to the ldraw colors.

Please consider Scott's post, who was also on board of the color committee:


It would make no sense adding colors which might have no matching color in real life. If you find colors which are actually missing in the LDConfig but cannot be found in a set I'm happy to add them to the chart.

Hi Willy,

it's perfectly fine to stick with the color definitions which we currently have. Especially for backward compatibility. I just have the problem, that I wasn't able to find mappings from the official TLG IDs to ldraw color IDs (http://www.ldraw.org/article/547.html) for some colors. 

Maybe some of my findings are also covered in the ldraw overview, but I wasn't able to match them to ldraw IDs. So I could need some help here. In addition I think that some colors are not covered at all. Therefore I hope that we can add them. 

I assume that the mentioned colors from my list do exist in real life, because they are used in part lists which I've got from TLG-Service page (https://wwwsecure.us.lego.com/de-de/serv...ementparts)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they only add parts in the lists which they use for real life bricks.

I didn't add the colors which aren't used right now to the list, because I also think that this doesn't make sense.

Unfortunately I don't have any RGB information about the colors, but I can provide at least one brick (TLG Item No) per color to identify the brick, if this would help somehow.

So Long

Hi Sven,

again I'm happy to add those colors, but you have to show more evidence, that these colors are actually missing. In short the workload is on you ;-) I therefore propose that you take one color from your list at the time, crosscheck it with the tables mentioned above and post links to LEGO, BL, Brickset, your own pics, ... in short all available sources. We'll see if we can get the RGBs for the shadow colors from the LEGO Community Team once the colors are confirmed.

Hi Willy,

I did some homework and found some information about the mentioned colors in the links you provieded. Lets start with the first one.

[Image: 4275396.jpg]

My own Data
Lego ID: 296
Lego Name: C.SILVER
MY guessed name: Cool Silver

No match found

No match found

No match found

Lego ID: 296
BL ID: 131
Lego Name: Cool Silver
BL Name: Not available

Lego ID: 1003
Ldraw ID: 80
Bricklink ID: 67
Lego Name: C.SILVER
Rebrickable Name: Metallic Silver
RGB: #A5A9B4

In this case only rebrickable does provide some useful information. I'm perfectly fine with using Ldraw color 80 (Silver Metallic), but it would be cool to have an official mapping inside ldraw config if this also fits for you. 

I can provide these kind of information for the other colors aswell, if you like to proceed like this.

So Long

Hello Sven

(2016-09-05, 19:48)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Willy,

I did some homework and found some information about the mentioned colors in the links you provieded. Lets start with the first one.
[Image: 4275396.jpg]


My own Data
Lego ID: 296
Lego Name: C.SILVER
MY guessed name: Cool Silver

... but there is a match at Brickset:

[Image: 296.jpg]

We call that colour Pearl Light Grey, LDraw Code 135
I don't know why it is matched to lego id 179 in ldconfig.ldr. Maybe Willy knows?

You picked an interesting example, Sven. My personal opinion is that the connection in ldconfig.ldr between lego id 179 and ldraw code 135 is not correct. IMO, the best tool for comparing lego colours is found at Swooshable. Use the excellent tool Colourschemer for visual help.
All the pictures have been made by Ryan Howerter and is also used at Brickset.

Both colours, lego id 179 Silver flip/flop and lego id 296 Cool silver, were only in production for a year each, 2002 and 2006 and they have been replaced by lego id 131 Silver and lego id 315 Silver metallic. Ryan H. has also put together a timeline of all colours.

I haven't looked at the rest of your list of missing colour, but we are missing one colour, lego id 300 Copper, Drum lacq, in ldconfig.ldr.
Could we please have that one added to ldconfig.ldr?

Please don't misstake lego id 315 Silver metallic with ldraw code 80 Silver metallic. The ldraw Metallic colour codes should only be used in printed patterns and painted parts. Scratch the surface and the paint will go away.
(2016-09-05, 19:48)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]I can provide these kind of information for the other colors aswell, if you like to proceed like this.

This is what I'm looking for, with the chance of other people chipping in. Keep them coming but please wait 'til we have sorted out the color in question.

(2016-09-05, 22:19)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]We call that colour Pearl Light Grey, LDraw Code 135
I don't know why it is matched to lego id 179 in ldconfig.ldr. Maybe Willy knows?

You picked an interesting example, Sven. My personal opinion is that the connection in ldconfig.ldr between lego id 179 and ldraw code 135 is not correct.

Every time the LDraw and LEGO color number does not match it's a clear indicator that we already had a LDraw legacy color and based on the RGB and other information picked a LEGO color. Sometimes sources where not clear and it was all about a guessing game. What we also had in mind was an AFOL approach rather than a LEGO one. This means that if there was a BL name available we would favour the BL name. Therefore "Maersk Blue" over "Pastel Blue". Keep also in mind that we are working with "shadow colors". The RGBs LEGO provides are the ones used on there systems to represent a brick color and does NOT match 100% the real ABS color.

Back to "296 Cool Silver". Apparently BL also uses "Pearl Light Grey" and what about 179 and 135. Proposals -  and please use a very practical approach?

Maybe this table could be of use for your investigation. To me it seems like it is the most complete and especially the most organized out of all the color tables.  Smile
(2016-09-06, 9:03)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-09-05, 19:48)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]I can provide these kind of information for the other colors aswell, if you like to proceed like this.

This is what I'm looking for, with the chance of other people chipping in. Keep them coming but please wait 'til we have sorted out the color in question.


Sorry, I didn't receive any mails from the forum for your replies. Therefore I thought there weren't any. I'll provide the information in the next days.

So Long

(2016-09-06, 9:31)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-09-05, 22:19)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]We call that colour Pearl Light Grey, LDraw Code 135
I don't know why it is matched to lego id 179 in ldconfig.ldr. Maybe Willy knows?

You picked an interesting example, Sven. My personal opinion is that the connection in ldconfig.ldr between lego id 179 and ldraw code 135 is not correct.

Every time the LDraw and LEGO color number does not match it's a clear indicator that we already had a LDraw legacy color and based on the RGB and other information picked a LEGO color. Sometimes sources where not clear and it was all about a guessing game. What we also had in mind was an AFOL approach rather than a LEGO one. This means that if there was a BL name available we would favour the BL name. Therefore "Maersk Blue" over "Pastel Blue". Keep also in mind that we are working with "shadow colors". The RGBs LEGO provides are the ones used on there systems to represent a brick color and does NOT match 100% the real ABS color.

Back to "296 Cool Silver". Apparently BL also uses "Pearl Light Grey" and what about 179 and 135. Proposals -  and please use a very practical approach?


Hi Willy,

what about keeping the mapping for LEGO color 179 to Ldraw 135 for backwards compatibility reasons. In addition we could introduce a new color for 296 Cool silver? If we do it this way we can clearly distinguish the colors. At least from their IDs. If the optical difference is near zero, we could map LEGO color 296 also to Ldraw 135. But we need the information from someone who owns parts in both colors. 
Therefore I suggest:

LEGO color 179 (Silver Flip Flop) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> new ID, new RGB and new Ldraw name 
LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

What do you think?

So Long

Sorry for popping into this discussion, but a colour for Rubber Green also missing.

(2016-09-14, 18:45)Max Martin Richter Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for popping into this discussion, but a colour for Rubber Green also missing.


Hi Max,

do you have a clue or something about lego id or name? Maybe a part where it is used would help to identify the LEGO color. If we could identify it, I'll add it to the list.

So Long


Have you read this article?   The curious case of LEGO colours

Finding the "correct" colour isn't allways that easy, and maybe it sometimes isn't that important to have the correct shade of grey...
But I agree. We seem to be missing some important, common colours.
(2016-09-14, 18:45)Max Martin Richter Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for popping into this discussion, but a colour for Rubber Green also missing.


Please let us tackle one color at the time.

(2016-09-14, 18:15)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]LEGO color 179 (Silver Flip Flop) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> new ID, new RGB and new Ldraw name 
LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

I'm more inclined to replace 135 with LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) but since it has been replace by LEGO color ID 131 Silver and LEGO color ID 315 Silver metallic
we should pack 135 with 296+131+315.

(2016-09-14, 19:58)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-09-14, 18:45)Max Martin Richter Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for popping into this discussion, but a colour for Rubber Green also missing.


Hi Max,

do you have a clue or something about lego id or name? Maybe a part where it is used would help to identify the LEGO color. If we could identify it, I'll add it to the list.

So Long


I don't know too much about LDraw colors, but I think rubber green is the same story as rubber black. On inventory sites such as Rebrickable and Bricklink, rubber parts in black (often tires) just get assigned the color 'Black', because it is black. In the LDraw world, there are 2 blacks though: normal black and rubber black. Because, in real life, rubber parts in black look less 'deep black', they look more grayish (because of the material rubber) and more matte. So, when you give rubber parts the color rubber black, they look more 'realistic' in renderings and such. 

I can't find a comparison, but you can easily make one yourself I think  Wink
(2016-09-14, 22:08)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]Sven,

Have you read this article?   The curious case of LEGO colours

Finding the "correct" colour isn't allways that easy, and maybe it sometimes isn't that important to have the correct shade of grey...
But I agree. We seem to be missing some important, common colours.

Hi Magnus,

thank you for the link to the very good article. I also agree, that it is not always important to have the exact right color. I just want to come to an official mapping from the used LEGO colors to ldraw colors. So that I'm able to render the parts. It's also fine if several LEGO colors share the same Ldraw color. 

So Long 

(2016-09-15, 0:56)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-09-14, 18:15)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]LEGO color 179 (Silver Flip Flop) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> new ID, new RGB and new Ldraw name 
LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

I'm more inclined to replace 135 with LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) but since it has been replace by LEGO color ID 131 Silver and LEGO color ID 315 Silver metallic
we should pack 135 with 296+131+315.


If I understand you right, you suggest to do it like this:

LEGO color 296 (Cool Silver) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)
LEGO color 131(Silver) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)
LEGO color 315(Silver Metallic) -> Ldraw 135 (Pearl Light Grey)

Does 315 Silver Metallic needs a different finish for rendering, than the other ones? Maybe some chrome like finish, or do they look similar?
If they are all almost the same, I'm fine with it.

So Long

If you look at parts images here http://brickset.com/colours/family-Metal you see that there is probably more color discrepancy between parts that are supposed to be the same color than between these three different color bins. So I'm OK to map them to the same LDraw color, and use RGB of metallic silver  (current color) - though "RGB" here means little!!!
(2016-09-14, 19:58)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-09-14, 18:45)Max Martin Richter Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for popping into this discussion, but a colour for Rubber Green also missing.


Hi Max,

do you have a clue or something about lego id or name? Maybe a part where it is used would help to identify the LEGO color. If we could identify it, I'll add it to the list.

So Long


I had an email correspondence with Philo  couple of months ago, but somehow we never found a result in this question.
Rubber green is used in the CodePilot of Set 8479 and in the Mindstorms RCX controller...

(2016-09-15, 11:54)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: [ -> ]If you look at parts images here http://brickset.com/colours/family-Metal you see that there is probably more color discrepancy between parts that are supposed to be the same color than between these three different color bins. So I'm OK to map them to the same LDraw color, and use RGB of metallic silver  (current color) - though "RGB" here means little!!!

Good overview. From my point of view our three canditates look very similar. Because these are photos, the lighting conditions could be different when the photos where taken.
The other ones from the link are easier to distinguish.

So Long

Nailed! let's move on to the next color:

ID: 302 -> Transparent Light Blue with Glitter 2%

(Please reply to the first post otherwise we will get lost in the thread).

(2016-09-16, 10:07)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]Nailed! let's move on to the next color:

ID: 302 -> Transparent Light Blue with Glitter 2%

(Please reply to the first post otherwise we will get lost in the thread).


Cool. Ok I'll also update my first post to document our results. I think it will be more readable this way.

So Long

Let's hunt the next one:

[Image: 6093745.jpg]
Dragon's Fire

My own Data
Lego ID: 302
MY guessed name: Transparent Light Blue with Glitter 2%

No match found

No match found

No match found

No match found

Lego ID: 1014
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: 162
Rebrickable Name: Glitter Trans-Light Blue
RGB: #68BCC5

Lego ID: 302
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: 162
Lego name: Transparent Light Blue with Glitter
RGB: #00BAD2

Once again, not a lot of information available. The Name and and the Lego ID is fine I think. Unfortunately we've two different RGB Values from Rebrickable and Swooshable.
Because I didn't found any mapping I think it's a not yet covered color in ldraw. Does someone has more information on that?

So Long

The color name should be in sync with the rest of glitter. Therefore:

302 - Glitter_Trans_Light_Blue

furthermore it would be reasonable to use the same RGB as for Trans_Light_Blue also counting in that there is not a commune value out there.

Yes this makes sense. Using the same RGB as Trans_light_blue is also fine, because it is the same with the other glitter colors. Only the Edge value differs.
Because 302 seems to be free as Ldraw id, should we simply use it?

So Long

May I ask for more changes in the config files?
  • The word "colour" is mispellt in the LDCfgalt.ldr file. Color => Colour
  • I want to increase the alpha value of "Trans Black IR Lens" to 210. I want it to be less see-through.
  • I want to increase the alpha value of "Milky White" to 240. I want it to be less see-through.
  • And maybe also have the two Glow-in-dark-colours set to alpha 240.
(2016-09-19, 7:18)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]Yes this makes sense. Using the same RGB as Trans_light_blue is also fine, because it is the same with the other glitter colors. Only the Edge value differs.
Because 302 seems to be free as Ldraw id, should we simply use it?

So Long


Yes. This would become

LEGOID 302 - Transparent Light Blue with Glitter 2%
302 - Glitter_Trans_Light_Blue - VALUE[color=black] #AEE9EF -[/color] EDGE #72B3B0 - MATERIAL GLITTER VALUE #923978 FRACTION 0.17 VFRACTION 0.2 SIZE 1

Ok here's the next one from the list

[Image: 6093751.jpg]


My own Data
Lego ID: 339
Lego Name: TR.FL.GRE W/GLI
MY guessed name: Transparent Fluorescent Green with Glitter 2%

No match found

No match found

No match found

No match found

Lego ID: 1013
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: 163
Lego Name: TR.FL.GRE W/GLI
Rebrickable Name: Glitter Trans-Neon Green
RGB: #C0F500

Lego ID: 339
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: 163
Lego name: Transparent Fluorescent Green with Glitter
RGB: #F0FC00

I think this guy is similar to our green glitter friend. 339 is free as ldraw id and it also should be similar to Trans_neon_green (Ldraw 42) just with glitter.

What do the others think?

So Long

(2016-09-21, 19:35)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]I think this guy is similar to our green glitter friend. 339 is free as ldraw id and it also should be similar to Trans_neon_green (Ldraw 42) just with glitter.
Works for me. 42 vs. 339:
[Image: 49.jpg][Image: 339.jpg]
Sven, if you use the same material setting as for Glitter_Trans_Light_Blue this is a GO.

Then it shold be like this:

LEGO color: 339 | [color=#333333]Transparent Fluorescent Green with Glitter 2% => Ldraw: [/color]339 | Glitter_Trans_Neon_Green - VALUE[color=black] #C0FF00 -[/color] EDGE #84C300 - MATERIAL GLITTER VALUE #923978 FRACTION 0.17 VFRACTION 0.2 SIZE 1
And another one

[Image: 4245406.jpg]

My own Data
Lego ID: 285
Lego Name: TR.L.GREEN
MY guessed name: Transparent light green

No match found

[color=#333333][size=small]Lego ID: 285[/size][/color]
Ldraw ID: na
Lego Name: Tr. Light Green

No match found

[color=#333333][size=small]Lego ID: 285[/size][/color]
Bricklink ID: na
Lego Name: Transparent light green
Bricklink Name: na

No match found

Lego ID: 285
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: 108
Lego name: Transparent light green

No a lot of information available for this fellow. Also two slightly different RGB values. At least the name should fit to ldraw scheme (Trans_light_green). The ldraw id 285 is also available for a new entry.

So long

Both colors have its dominant in red. Swooshable more than our wiki. Picking the color from the image you've posted I get:


which is greenish.

The Picture is from LEGO Parts and Pieces. I assume they did a more or less accurate rendering. Also from the name it does make sense that it is greenish. I wonder why the other sources list this color somhow reddish.

So Long

Setting the light gray of this picture taken from swooshable:

[Image: 15208782362_d965c82caf_o.jpg]

to 50% gray and measuring the green over that neutral gray I get:


I like 


[size=small]So Long[/size]

(2016-09-25, 10:33)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]I like 


So Long


Since nobody complained go ahead.

Quote:Since nobody complained go ahead.
(2016-09-28, 12:37)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Since nobody complained go ahead.

Ok let's name it:

* LEGO color: 285 | Transparent Light Green => Ldraw: 285 | Trans_Light_Green - VALUE[color=black] #7DC291 -[/color] EDGE #??????

Can someone  help with the edge color?

So Long

(2016-10-03, 17:35)Sven v. Beuningen Wrote: [ -> ]* LEGO color: 285 | Transparent Light Green => Ldraw: 285 | Trans_Light_Green - VALUE[color=black] #7DC291 -[/color] EDGE #??????

Can someone  help with the edge color?


(2016-10-03, 18:19)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]#52805f


How are the edge colours created?
(2016-10-03, 20:42)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-10-03, 18:19)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]#52805f


How are the edge colours created?

In HSB the brightness is reduced by 25%

(2016-10-04, 12:52)Willy Tschager Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-10-03, 20:42)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]How are the edge colours created?

In HSB the brightness is reduced by 25%


Ok we've found another one:

* LEGO color: 285 | Transparent Light Green => Ldraw: 285 | Trans_Light_Green - VALUE[color=black] #7DC291 -[/color] EDGE #52805F

Next one will follow soon.
And the next one

[Image: 4240077.jpg]
Base: Rectangle 10x22MM

My own Data
Lego ID: 218
Lego Name: RED. LILAC
MY guessed name: Reddish Lilac

No match found

[color=#333333]Lego ID: 218[/color]
Ldraw Name: Medium Violet
LEgo Name: Reddish Violet
RGB: #8E5597

No match found

Lego ID: 218
Lego Name: Reddish Lilac

Lego ID: 218
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: na
Lego Name: RED. LILAC
Rebrickable Name: Reddish Lilac
RGB: #8E5597

Lego ID: 218
Ldraw ID: na
Bricklink ID: na
Lego name: Reddish Lilac
RGB: #8E5597

I think this fellow is simple. Three sources list the same RGB #[color=#333333]8E5597, so we should take it. 218 is free as ldraw ID, so we also can take this. As Ldraw name, we could take Medium Violet. If this is ok, only the edge color is missing.[/color]

[color=#333333]So Long[/color]

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