Philippe Hurbain Wrote:Quote:Ability to create groups for favorite partsI don't use that much favorites, but I see similar needs when working on the creation of an official model from an imported parts listing (.pbg of set): possibility to automatically apply some sorting there. Currently I open the set parts listing in multiple parts bin panels, and use the filter funtion. But I have to do this again each time I restart LDCad or change set.
Quote:Anyway, I think having groups like that available could be pretty useful. I'd be interested to hear what others think of this idea.More or less what I suggested for scripting: generation of a part bin for opened model... (creation of alternate models).
Thanks for refreshing my memory Philippe! I thought there might have been some way to do custom groups, but I couldn't remember. Using .pbg files will help, but having something integrated with the GUI to manage custom parts groups would be great. It doesn't necessarily have to be favorites, just a way to save custom groups of parts that might be used frequently.