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Request for new material - Printable Version

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Request for new material - Willy Tschager - 2024-07-14


please read:


I guess a new dull MATERIAL Fabric will do the job.


RE: Request for new material - Travis Cobbs - 2024-07-16

(2024-07-14, 19:45)Willy Tschager Wrote: Guys,

please read:


I guess a new dull MATERIAL Fabric will do the job.


I don't know enough about these specific actual physical parts to know what is needed here. Adding FABRIC as an official material is fine, but I do know that LEGO has produced items with multiple different types of fabric. For example:
  • Boba Fett big fig Pauldron (same as Darth Vader big fig cape, 76393 Harry Potter cape?)
  • Minifig capes
  • Sails
  • Tepee/Covered Wagon
  • Qui-Gon Jinn minifig poncho

I'm guessing there are others, but I'm not sure. Should this be one material type with parameters to specify the details, or a separate material for each one? I just don't know.

RE: Request for new material - Willy Tschager - 2024-07-16

(2024-07-16, 1:40)Travis Cobbs Wrote: I don't know enough about these specific actual physical parts to know what is needed here. Adding FABRIC as an official material is fine, but I do know that LEGO has produced items with multiple different types of fabric. For example:
  • Boba Fett big fig Pauldron (same as Darth Vader big fig cape, 76393 Harry Potter cape?)
  • Minifig capes
  • Sails
  • Tepee/Covered Wagon
  • Qui-Gon Jinn minifig poncho

I'm guessing there are others, but I'm not sure. Should this be one material type with parameters to specify the details, or a separate material for each one? I just don't know.

I guess three sizes: fine (capes), medium (sails), coarse (tepee/covered wagon) will do the job.


RE: Request for new material - Travis Cobbs - 2024-07-16

(2024-07-16, 19:15)Willy Tschager Wrote: I guess three sizes: fine (capes), medium (sails), coarse (tepee/covered wagon) will do the job.


The large capes (like on big fig Vader) use significantly different fabric from the minifig ones. One side is, for lack of a better word, fuzzy. (Velvety?)

RE: Request for new material - Willy Tschager - 2024-07-25

(2024-07-16, 23:26)Travis Cobbs Wrote: The large capes (like on big fig Vader) use significantly different fabric from the minifig ones. One side is, for lack of a better word, fuzzy. (Velvety?)

Just to be on the same page, we are talking about this:


which is indeed completely different from the usual cape/sail/whatever. I don't like to overrule this too much. Three gradients seem more than enough. We could always add them in a second moment if there is need for - or leave it to the user als we did with with direct color.


RE: Request for new material - Willy Tschager - 2024-08-04

Thinking this throug, it should be as open as possible so beside MATERIAL and FABRIC it should have a TYPE for Canvas, Cord, Velvet, Silk, Ciffon,  a MESH SIZE s | MINSIZE min MAXSIZE max and REFLECTION r to control the dullness.


RE: Request for new material - Willy Tschager - 2024-09-06

I would appreciate it, if you could bring this ship in.


RE: Request for new material - Willy Tschager - 2024-10-13

(2024-09-06, 16:43)Willy Tschager Wrote: I would appreciate it, if you could bring this ship in.


I still would like to have this ruled out.
