[LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)

[LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)

just as promised, here is another quality-of-life release.

[Image: imgDuke2.png]

As always, you can download LDPE from this page:



(4 bug fixes)

With this release the following critical issues are fixed:

  1. Descriptions containing a hashtag # are modified by unrelated quick fixes.
  2. The movement type of the manipulator changes if, during the move, the mouse gets close enough to a plane move square.
  3. The CSG tree does not switch back to a higher quality if the manipulator was moved and nothing CSG releated was selected.
  4. The MacOS X ARM installer package was still indicating a 1.8.80 version, but the contents were newer.

The program was tested intensively with "real world" files.
However, something can go wrong in about 140.000 lines of code.

Installation on Windows:

  1. Download and extract LDPartEditor_win32_x64.zip
  2. Run LDPartEditor-1.8.89.msi
  3. Start LDPartEditor from the start menu
Installation on Linux:

  1. Download and extract LDPartEditor_linux_x64.zip
  2. Install ldparteditor_1.8.89-1_amd64.deb
  3. Start LDPartEditor from the menu or via launcher
Installation on Mac OS X:

  1. Download and extract LDPartEditor_mac_x64.zip
  2. Mount LDPartEditor-1.8.89.dmg
  3. Drag LDPartEditor.app to the Applications folder
  4. Copy ldparteditor.sh to your home folder
        4a. Open a Terminal.app and run ./ldparteditor.sh
        4b. Or open a Terminal.app and run /Applications/LDPartEditor.app/Contents/MacOS/LDPartEditor

I listen carefully to your requests and possible complaints. Please leave me a message, with your thoughts and wishes to further improve the software.

LDPE is a 3D CAD application: The overall system requirements are higher. While I recommend to use a powerful 64-bit multicore system, it could be possible, to run LDPE on older machines as well.

System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:
  • OpenGL 2.1 compatible Graphics Card
  • Operating System (64-bit): Windows [7 or newer], Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=14.4], Mac OS X [>=10.6]
  • CPU: Multicore-Processor e.g. Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon II (>2.0Ghz)
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Video-Memory: 1 GB
  • Free Disk Space: 150 MB
Recommended Requirements:
  • Operating System (64bit): Windows 7,8,10,11, Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=14.4], Mac OS X [>=10.6]
  • OpenGL 3.3 compatible Graphics Card
  • CPU: Multicore-Processor with 4 cores (or more)
  • RAM: >4 GB
  • Video-Memory: >1 GB
  • Free Disk Space: 500 MB
  • For a faster start, LDPartEditor and the LDraw™ library should be installed on an SSD.
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
Thanks Nils !
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
I would like to be able to specify an absolute path on my hard disk for a part/subpart  (the path can include space and special characters).
Use case: when doing a part review I'd like to be able to add a reference part (from LDD or BIs app) that is sitting "somewhere" on my HD.
Absolute path for subfiles
(2024-09-29, 12:10)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: I would like to be able to specify an absolute path on my hard disk for a part/subpart  (the path can include space and special characters).
Use case: when doing a part review I'd like to be able to add a reference part (from LDD or BIs app) that is sitting "somewhere" on my HD.

Thanks, Philo. I created an issue (#1119).
RE: [LDPE] Keyboard up/down move in wrong direction
Hi Nils,

Using keyboard to move selection occurs in a direction different from the one selected by the mouse. See the short video below...
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
(2024-09-27, 16:59)Nils Schmidt Wrote: Minimum System Requirements:

Any ideas to make it usable on smaller screens, at least 720p (HD)?

Here is 1280x768 screenshot, and there its not usable:

RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
Yes, that would be nice...
Two ideas:
-dropdown menus for the rarely used things (combined with the possibility to manually reattach features if you need it often)
-dual monitor support (its virtually split now, why not split it into different screens)
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
(2024-10-08, 16:59)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: Yes, that would be nice...
Two ideas:
-dropdown menus for the rarely used things (combined with the possibility to manually reattach features if you need it often)
-dual monitor support (its virtually split now, why not split it into different screens)
You can open 3D view and source view in different windows (tools->options, misc options tab), this works with dual monitor, or on small screen by overlapping partially or fully these two windows.
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
(2024-10-08, 17:26)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: You can open 3D view and source view in different windows (tools->options, misc options tab), this works with dual monitor, or on small screen by overlapping partially or fully these two windows.

No, I mean that it should be usable in a "single window mode" on smaller screen, not in multiwindow or dual monitor modes.

I see there are a lot of toobar buttons which could be grouped and would free a lot of space for 3D-view

One of possible solutions is to add tab "Colors and Lines" (for all color and line related buttons) in "Text Editor" widget area, so there would be one click switch between "Text Editor" and "Color and Lines" tabs. If you need to add color in text editor just place the cursor to correct place in code, switch tab to choose color, and switch back to continue text editing.

Another one solution is make primitives previews smaller: on non-HiDPI monitors half of the actual preview icon size would be good.
Also, why not all primitives are fit to preview? (only cube fit). And there should be an option to turn off axis icon in preview tab (it would free more than 1/4 of tab width).

.png   LDPE-primitive-preview.png (Size: 17.11 KB / Downloads: 57)
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
A little problem with the new Action->swap: it is equivalent to a 90° rotation + mirror. So like the scaling with a negative factor, it should BFC invert the triangle/quads it applies to.
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.89 Released (bugfix for: hashtags / manipulator / CSG)
It sems that now (last version or so, and I don't think anything changed on my system), edge lines completely disappear in sharp concave corners. Edge lines have always been thinner there, but now they are fully hidden.
Note that I don't use the open GL rendering (lines are perfectly visible there) as I don't like it (surfaces are much too shiny, don't show subtle facet angle change, and lines that should be hidden are visible there!)

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