Ok, sounds good

MPDCenter is working for you.
Please do not care at present about OMR (
Official Model Repository).
OK, so I 'opened" datsville.ldr in MPDCenter and I got a small model tree with 'unnamed.xmpd' as the top level. What do I do next?
Next step is Menu command - Import - Import unofficial files
This will import all files that are referenced from datsville.ldr into your unnamed.xmpd that are not in your "pure" Base Library directory. During the import you might get a window that a file can not be found. This is a hint, that a file is not in the same directory than datsville.ldr and therefore missing for the user you send the zip of your folder to. In that case you should answer with no, but note that filename for fixing datsville project later.
After that has been done you will find all imported files also in the tree.
You can now check for files that are not needed (Menu Command - Edit - Search for not needed files).
This will detect files in the whole (imported) project that are not referenced by any line. This can only affect mpd content files.
There is currently not much more that you can use for the datsville project, as the export will not be done in the same way you have structured datsville. So any change you make within MPDCenter will be lost because you can not work with the result from MPDCenter.
Sorry, that is not the whole truth. You can of course save each file separately from the tree
Also, I don't really want to create an XMPD file. I am happy with the way the model structure is right now.
As described above this is the way MPDCenter works. It wasn't intended to follow your structure but to ensure all files that are needed to display a model (also with several mpd content files) as a single file (xmpd content file).