Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)

Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
there is a problem of connection with the part 2859.
See attached picture

No problem with the part 2861 (point left)


Attached Files
.ldr   Track.ldr (Size: 7.34 KB / Downloads: 2)
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
Looks like an mirroring error in the creating phase.
I will give a try to fix in the next days.

Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
I would have certified these files long ago,
but there's plenty of required files missing on the PT :-(
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
I had a look into these files also.
The entire content of file 2859 is a mirrored copy of 2861, including mirrored studs and subfiles.
When used in MLCad, it reports several files missing:
1-4edsp.dat ??

Does anybody have them?
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
For 2859 this files missing :
- 1-4edsp.dat
- 2864
- s\2859s08.dat
and this files missing with 2861 :
- 1-6edge.dat
- 1-6cyli.dat
- 1-4edsp.dat
- 2863
- 2864
- s\2859s08

Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
This is precisely why these unofficial files have multiple Hold votes on the Parts Tracker.

Quote:Please remember: These are unofficial parts. They may be incomplete, or inaccurate, and it is possible that when they are officially released they may be changed in ways that could mess up any model you use them in. This is far more likely for Held parts than Certified parts.
Chris (LDraw Parts Library Admin)
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
I hope, I can finish a private project (creating an non Lego UIC-track for ldraw) tomorrow. So I will have a look into the switch-files the days after.

Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
The new Parts Update is arrived (LDraw1202), but there is always the same problem with the part 2859 ?
I cannot connecting a train track (see file attach).

Thank you

Attached Files
.ldr   Track.ldr (Size: 263 bytes / Downloads: 0)
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
Part 2859 is still an unofficial part to be used at your own risk. If you choose to risk it then you must suffer the consequences.

Your repeated complaints are bordering on rude. People are aware of the problems. It's a very difficult part to fix and will take time and effort.

Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
I have to say sorry from my side, last month I did a lot of work in university, that it was impossible to come into the code of the switches. It's really complex part...
And I'll be in holiday for a couple of weeks now. So I can't do anything before October...

Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
I am the original Author of this part. I worked on it on and off for ten years. When I first started, I was naïve to certain aspect of LDraw. I have learned a few things over the past few years. One mistake was making my own primitives to fit my needs. E. g. 1-4edsp.dat is really 5-16edge.dat literally cut in half. So within the next couple of weeks I will clean up the file and resubmit it.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Kevin Roach
P.S. Here are the file.

Attached Files
.dat   2859s08.dat (Size: 2.77 KB / Downloads: 0)
.dat   2859s07.dat (Size: 1.45 KB / Downloads: 0)
.dat   2859s02.dat (Size: 24.27 KB / Downloads: 0)
.dat   2864.dat (Size: 10.12 KB / Downloads: 0)
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
The main issue, I believe, was the incorrect assumption that 2859 could be a mirrored copy of 2861. The lap joints between track sections cannot be mirrored.
Chris (LDraw Parts Library Admin)
Re: Problem with 2859 (train track 9V point right)
I don't think you need to apologise. It's one of the most difficult parts in the library. I'm impressed even with a copy that's missing subparts.

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