Do you know what format these files are or in which folder to look (Unity)?
I found some stuff in .fbx format that looks like lego parts.
I haven't done a lot with it, but I don't recall seeing anything special not already in LDD or similar... Do you have some particular parts in mind to look for?
It did have some unusual colors in it like 8 Cobalt Blue, which I really wasn't expecting
Ok I think I found them, but it's a lot of files and unfortunately most are not named by something easily identifiable...
There are 2 folders containing model files, one is called 'NewParts', the other 'Legacy'. Digging a bit through these, it seems they contain the same parts, just differently formatted (though still in FBX). Legacy files are labelled like their corresponding part, NewParts has seemingly random alpha-numeric codes. Doing some quick searching, I still think >90% of this is just copied from the last update of LDD.
However I could find a few Minidoll parts not in LDD as well as a few cloth capes in "very dynamic" poses.