[LDPE] 1.8.81 Released (subfile links/new 3D shortcuts/ empty prims/ better rounding)

[LDPE] 1.8.81 Released (subfile links/new 3D shortcuts/ empty prims/ better rounding)

this update is like a "bouquet of flowers" with several different aspects taken care of.
There is one important bug fix for the categories.txt update function.
And a lot of new features. One of them are "Blender-like" transformation shortcuts (G, S and R key, with X,Y,Z key to lock on the axis). Works best on a single 3D view.
The ability to see "empty primitives" in files directly referencing them and the possibility to follow type 1 references in the text editor with ctrl-click.
And there is even better automatic rounding: If you do a transformation resulting in 0.9999... or 0.09999..., LDPE will automatically round these values into 1 or 0.1 respectively (unless your snap/move distance is below 0.001, then it will not do the automatic rounding).

[Image: imgDuke2.png]

As always, you can download LDPE from this page:



(8 new features and 2 bug fixes)

With this release you will be able to...
  • ...ctrl-click a subpart or prim in the text editor to open it in the 3D editor and jump straight to it (cmd-click on Mac).
  • ...use a faster way to move ( G), rotate ( R) and scale ( S) (press G, S or R on the 3D view, press X, Y or Z to lock to an axis. Or ctrl-shift-x and so on to lock to a plane.).
  • ...calibrate a background image with a measurement (click on the new "Calibrate Background Image" button, select a line (type 2 or 5 on the image plane) and enter the new distance)
  • ...better see "empty" primitives.
  • ...get even better automatic rounding of .9999s and .0000s (e.g. for PathTruder results).
  • ...use an upgraded gizmo/manipulator (to move and scale in XY, XZ, YZ planes).
  • ...benefit from cleaned up inlined results from CSG_COMPILE.
  • ...benefit from the fact that empty tree items for hints / warnings / errors / duplicates in the text editor will be expanded when they get new items to display.

The following critical issues are fixed:

  1. The ldraw.org link to download the contents of categories.txt was outdated.
  2. It was possible to assign a key twice (with a newly introduced shortcut).

The program was tested intensively with "real world" files.
However, something can go wrong in about 140.000 lines of code.

Installation on Windows:

  1. Download and extract LDPartEditor_win32_x64.zip
  2. Run LDPartEditor-1.8.81.msi
  3. Start LDPartEditor from the start menu
Installation on Linux:

  1. Download and extract LDPartEditor_linux_x64.zip
  2. Install ldparteditor_1.8.81-1_amd64.deb
  3. Start LDPartEditor from the menu or via launcher
Installation on Mac OS X:

  1. Download and extract LDPartEditor_mac_x64.zip
  2. Mount LDPartEditor-1.8.81.dmg
  3. Drag LDPartEditor.app to the Applications folder
  4. Copy ldparteditor.sh to your home folder
        4a. Open a Terminal.app and run ./ldparteditor.sh
        4b. Or open a Terminal.app and run /Applications/LDPartEditor.app/Contents/MacOS/LDPartEditor

I listen carefully to your requests and possible complaints. Please leave me a message, with your thoughts and wishes to further improve the software.

LDPE is a 3D CAD application: The overall system requirements are higher. While I recommend to use a powerful 64-bit multicore system, it could be possible, to run LDPE on older machines as well.

System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:
  • OpenGL 2.1 compatible Graphics Card
  • Operating System (64-bit): Windows [7 or newer], Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=14.4], Mac OS X [>=10.6]
  • CPU: Multicore-Processor e.g. Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon II (>2.0Ghz)
  • RAM: 4GB
  • Video-Memory: 1 GB
  • Free Disk Space: 150 MB
Recommended Requirements:
  • Operating System (64bit): Windows 7,8,10,11, Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=14.4], Mac OS X [>=10.6]
  • OpenGL 3.3 compatible Graphics Card
  • CPU: Multicore-Processor with 4 cores (or more)
  • RAM: >4 GB
  • Video-Memory: >1 GB
  • Free Disk Space: 500 MB
  • For a faster start, LDPartEditor and the LDraw™ library should be installed on an SSD.
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.81 Released (subfile links/new 3D shortcuts/ empty prims/ better rounding)
Indeed, a lovely assortment of cool new features! I especially like being able to directly open type 1 lines. Smile Calibrate image is also very slick.

One little thing I would love in a future update is an assignable key shortcut for merge/split tris to quads. Right now it's a long mouse distance from the 3D editor to the buttons!
Credits to Fredrik Hareide / request for shortcut
(2024-07-04, 20:04)N. W. Perry Wrote: Indeed, a lovely assortment of cool new features! I especially like being able to directly open type 1 lines. Smile Calibrate image is also very slick.

One little thing I would love in a future update is an assignable key shortcut for merge/split tris to quads. Right now it's a long mouse distance from the 3D editor to the buttons!

Thanks, I created an issue (#1066).
For this release Fredrik Hareide provided many ideas. One of them was ctrl/cmd+click on type 1 lines.
RE: Credits to Fredrik Hareide / request for shortcut
(2024-07-04, 20:25)Nils Schmidt Wrote: For this release Fredrik Hareide provided many ideas. One of them was ctrl/cmd+click on type 1 lines.

Well then, cheers to Fredrik!
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.81 Released (subfile links/new 3D shortcuts/ empty prims/ better rounding)
Nice work, Nils! This release really has a lot of great new features Smile I have had little time to test it lately, but I can already see that ctrl-click shortcut and inline math will be huge time savers for me Smile
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.81 Released (subfile links/new 3D shortcuts/ empty prims/ better rounding)
the ctrl-click also seems to be triggered when copy-pasting some values in the text editor around...
(still executes that copy, but it is sometimes irritating when it immediately opens that subfile)

Edit: tested some more: only gets triggered when pasting something via ctrl+V in a type 1 line
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.81 Released - ctrl+click problem
I seem to have a problem with this one, often (not always) when using the classical cut/copy/paste shortcuts Ctrl-X Ctrl-C Ctrl-V on the source window I end up opening the subfile of the line I'm editing...
RE: [LDPE] 1.8.81 Released (subfile links/new 3D shortcuts/ empty prims/ better rounding)
I just thought of another possible enhancement. (Maybe this is already possible…)

In the "Set X/Y/Z" dialog, I'd like to have buttons to swap the x/y, x/z and y/z coordinates (of a vertex, for example), like you can currently do for manipulator axes.

And/or, I'd like to be able to add the missing coordinate to a 2D vertex (or group of vertices).

Perhaps a use case will illustrate it better: Right now I am importing node coordinates from Inkscape and converting them to LPE vertices. I want the 2D x and y coords from Inkscape to become the x and z coords in LDPE. When I paste I get a list like this:
L 2.77 3.56
L 2.77 7.79
L 5.64 7.79
L 5.64 3.56

I can find/replace "L " with "0 !LPE VERTEX ", then manually type in zeroes for the Y coord, but I often have 100 or so vertices in my list. So it would be nice if I could find/replace with "0 !LPE VERTEX 0 " instead (i.e., adding an empty x coord), then swap the x and y. Or alternatively, just click a button to add the missing y coord—for example, by using "Set X/Y/Z" and checking the Y box set at zero, but currently this doesn't work as LDPE doesn't recognize the vertices without all 3 coordinates.

Hopefully that makes sense—and like I said, maybe there's already an easy way to do this that I just haven't discovered yet. Wink
RE: [LDPE] ctrl+click problem -> new shortcut
(2024-07-06, 12:52)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: I seem to have a problem with this one, often (not always) when using the classical cut/copy/paste shortcuts Ctrl-X Ctrl-C Ctrl-V on the source window I end up opening the subfile of the line I'm editing...

In the next version 1.8.82, I will change the combination to Ctrl/Cmd+Shift and add a possibility to customise this shortcut by the user.
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