the following is addressed mainly to LDCad where the first part in a CATEGORY is used as mascot for it but all other editors. This leads to very strange results where "Slope" is represented by a Duplo Slope 2x2x1,5 or "PLate" by a Duplo Plate 1x2 with overhang. In LDCad this is editable through the pbg files in the AppData folder - not very user friendly.
I suggest adding a new meta to the LDConfig.ldr defining the mascot for the single LDraw categories:
0 !CATEGORY Plate MASCOT 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 part.dat DESCRIPTION Plates
the following is addressed mainly to LDCad where the first part in a CATEGORY is used as mascot for it but all other editors. This leads to very strange results where "Slope" is represented by a Duplo Slope 2x2x1,5 or "PLate" by a Duplo Plate 1x2 with overhang. In LDCad this is editable through the pbg files in the AppData folder - not very user friendly.
I suggest adding a new meta to the LDConfig.ldr defining the mascot for the single LDraw categories:
0 !CATEGORY Plate MASCOT 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 part.dat DESCRIPTION Plates
LEGO ergo sum