Hi all,
I'm the author of BrickStore and for the last ~15 years, I had my daily database-update script download the current LDConfig.ldr from ldraw.org to create an up-to-date mapping between BL and LDraw colors.
The URL I've used for those 15 years was: https://www.ldraw.org/library/official/ldconfig.ldr
Now in Feb. 2023 this stopped working, because your web-server suddenly became case-sensitive. Fair enough - I changed the URL to https://www.ldraw.org/library/official/LDConfig.ldr
But now since March 17th, it broke again, this time the download fails due to an "Insecure redirect" to http://library.ldraw.org/library/official/LDConfig.ldr (notice the missing 's' in http://).
The same happens in a normal browser. Adding the 's' back into https:// makes the download work again.
My question is now: what would be a stable URL to access this file? Can you fix the redirect to stay on SSL or should I switch to https://library.ldraw.org/... instead?
Thanks for looking into this!
I'm the author of BrickStore and for the last ~15 years, I had my daily database-update script download the current LDConfig.ldr from ldraw.org to create an up-to-date mapping between BL and LDraw colors.
The URL I've used for those 15 years was: https://www.ldraw.org/library/official/ldconfig.ldr
Now in Feb. 2023 this stopped working, because your web-server suddenly became case-sensitive. Fair enough - I changed the URL to https://www.ldraw.org/library/official/LDConfig.ldr
But now since March 17th, it broke again, this time the download fails due to an "Insecure redirect" to http://library.ldraw.org/library/official/LDConfig.ldr (notice the missing 's' in http://).
The same happens in a normal browser. Adding the 's' back into https:// makes the download work again.
My question is now: what would be a stable URL to access this file? Can you fix the redirect to stay on SSL or should I switch to https://library.ldraw.org/... instead?
Thanks for looking into this!