Solved Making stickers from scratch

Making stickers from scratch
Hi everyone!

I wanted to make some stickers and printed pieces, a lot of them are missed. But the problem is that I can't find a clean tutorial *how* to use the programs. I need something step by step, for beginner. I can share the files of finished stickers, but first I need to know how to make them.

What I have from needed things:
- scanned sticker sheets in jpg (physical sheets too)
- LD Pattern Creator 1.7.3
- LDPartEditor 1.8.63
- all dat parts I need to put sticker on (included unofficials)

So where should I start from scanned stickers, and how to use both of these programs?

And bonus question - what is the best way to scan the print on curved part? Panel 89679pr0003 with Bugatti logo, included in set 42151
RE: Making stickers from scratch

As the beginning, creating prints on rectangular tiles (3068b, 3069b, 3070b etc.) or bricks (3005, 3004, 3622, 3010, 3009 etc.) using LDPatternCreator will be easy.
The templates for these regular parts are included in LDPC package from the default.
Here is the YouTube video Philo created for the tutorial.
I learned LDPE first with this video about 3 years ago, and now am one of reviewers.

1) Create new project
2) Load template for the parent part
3) Load the print image and zoom/align it on the template lines
4) Trace and paint the print patterns
5) Fill the unprinted area with colour 16
6) Export as dat file
7) Check the output file with LDView
8) Edit headers with LDPartEditor or your favorite text editor
9) Submit the dat file onto our PT

Non-rectangular shape, sloped or curved surfaces would be the next steps.
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-07, 13:24)Takeshi Takahashi Wrote: Hello,

As the beginning, creating prints on rectangular tiles (3068b, 3069b, 3070b etc.) or bricks (3005, 3004, 3622, 3010, 3009 etc.) using LDPatternCreator will be easy.
The templates for these regular parts are included in LDPC package from the default.
Here is the YouTube video Philo created for the tutorial.
I learned LDPE first with this video about 3 years ago, and now am one of reviewers.

1) Create new project
2) Load template for the parent part
3) Load the print image and zoom/align it on the template lines
4) Trace and paint the print patterns
5) Fill the unprinted area with colour 16
6) Export as dat file
7) Check the output file with LDView
8) Edit headers with LDPartEditor or your favorite text editor
9) Submit the dat file onto our PT

Non-rectangular shape, sloped or curved surfaces would be the next steps.

Ok so I'm trying with tile 2x2, but more I zoom then more pixels I see. I know it is normal, but in this way I am confused which pixels should I look at to make it more detailed

I started from sticker 21 (set 42151) to make something for flat surface, not panel

.jpg   st21.jpg (Size: 23.82 KB / Downloads: 361)
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-07, 17:24)Paweł Turalski Wrote: Ok so I'm trying with tile 2x2, but more I zoom then more pixels I see. I know it is normal, but in this way I am confused which pixels should I look at to make it more detailed

What Takeshi means with Zoom is actually "Scale" the background image in the "Image preferences" dialog on the left. "Scale" and "Adjust BG Image" to the template of the brick, tile, panel.

* Turn of the "View -> Show Grid".


Screenshot and come back.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-07, 17:42)Willy Tschager Wrote: * Turn of the "View -> Show Grid".

Now the grid is disabled, I see only the image and "frame"

But I still have the confusing pixels. Which of them are about white rectangles? Any tips here?
RE: Making stickers from scratch

* Zoom in a bit
* Add Vertex [5] where you think the center of the rectangle is and set a vertex
* Opacity 25%
* Select black color
* Add primitive -> Rectangle -> Solid
* Draw black rectangle using the vertex you added previously as center
* Select white color
* Add primitive -> Rectangle -> Solid
* Draw white rectangle using the vertex you added previously as center

Screenshot and come back.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-07, 19:13)Willy Tschager Wrote: * Zoom in a bit
* Add Vertex [5] where you think the center of the rectangle is and set a vertex
* Opacity 25%
* Select black color
* Add primitive -> Rectangle -> Solid
* Draw black rectangle using the vertex you added previously as center
* Select white color
* Add primitive -> Rectangle -> Solid
* Draw white rectangle using the vertex you added previously as center

Screenshot and come back.


All these steps done, I did not focus on detailed pixels, but general view and "feel" the edges


Here in the second rectangle I made the black first, then smaller white

But here, I made two black "squares" and then white rectangles. But seems good
RE: Making stickers from scratch

* Remove isolated vertices
* Triangle Mode
* Edit -> Select all
* Edit -> Delete

Now you've got just the recessary vertices to draw your pattern without overlapping triangles as overlap is not allowed

* Select white color
* Add triangle [6]
* Click the 4 inner vertices
* Select black color
* Click the outer 8 triangles
* Set Opacity to 100% and check your work

* Select white color
* Opacity 25%
* Add primitive -> Oval -> Solid and draw the white spot. Don't worry about the slight rotation. Pay attention to the size
* Triangle Mode
* Select [1]
* Select the oval
* Rotate [3]
* Click near the center of the oval and keep pressed. Move the mouse to rotate.

For the stripes you have to set the vertices first using the Add primitive -> Create a Spline tool
Cannot explain today as I have IRL thing to do.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch

* Opacity 25%
* Add Primitive -> Create a Spline


* Add Vertex [5] (5 is the shortcut) - to create the curved sections
* Add Reference Line - helps to line them up
* Vertex Mode
* Select [1]
* Move [2] - to correct the position of the vertices if needed

Pay attention to the number of sections and keep in mind that in LDraw we simulate a full circle with just 16 faces

* Reference Line Mode - to select and delete ref lines which are no longer needed
* Add Triangle [6] with the right color - and fill in

Screenshot and come back

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-08, 8:07)Willy Tschager Wrote: * Opacity 25%
* Add Primitive -> Create a Spline


* Add Vertex [5] (5 is the shortcut) - to create the curved sections
* Add Reference Line - helps to line them up
* Vertex Mode
* Select [1]
* Move [2] - to correct the position of the vertices if needed

Pay attention to the number of sections and keep in mind that in LDraw we simulate a full circle with just 16 faces

* Reference Line Mode - to select and delete ref lines which are no longer needed
* Add Triangle [6] with the right color - and fill in

Screenshot and come back


And the curved sections got me, or I misunderstood something. So I used the second method with vertex. I started from the red area, I only added the points. Then I added the reference lines and add more points onto them - points on the edge between colors. There are not exactly on the lines btw. But it looks like I need more points there, on "angles", which is not in your example. Maybe I should start from the outside blue area, not the red inside? Or simply add extra vertex?

Coming back to the rectangles, it seems done. Looks messy, but if it works, I do not change it

And the quick oval view
RE: Making stickers from scratch
* Set Move-Snap = 1 - this will ease positioning the vertices exactly on the ref lines.
* You need more sections on the outside, less on the inside where the red is
* Start on the outside and try to get a somehow smooth curve
* Don't worry about the rectangles right now. You'll have ti work on them again when the blue and black stripes will touch them.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-08, 15:08)Willy Tschager Wrote: * Set Move-Snap = 1 - this will ease positioning the vertices exactly on the ref lines.
* You need more sections on the outside, less on the inside where the red is
* Start on the outside and try to get a somehow smooth curve
* Don't worry about the rectangles right now. You'll have ti work on them again when the blue and black stripes will touch them.


I think I understood the basic techniques how to "draw" the pattern, so I gave myself a chance, and this is my result after 8 hours
Maybe it is not super perfect, but was quite fun to find the lines and places for points, no overlaps detected, so not bad as my first sticker  Big Grin

But after exporting to .ldr file, it shows the project as the print, but should be sticker. And no, there was no any option to choose

.jpg   Clipboard02.jpg (Size: 30.29 KB / Downloads: 353)
RE: Making stickers from scratch

Wow! You're a quick learner. Before you move to LDPE to get a "sticker" out of your "pattern" you should refine it a bit. From what I can see the corners are rounded. This is where the LDraw primitives come into play to get a fine hires primitive substitution in renderers.

* Move-Snap 100
* Opacity 25%
* Color black
* Add primitive -> LDraw-Primitive -> Circular Disc Segment -> 1-4chrd.dat
* Click near the corner to set it. You will have to rotate it. You could actually rotate it like the oval or via the matrix - I'll show you the later.
* Primitive Mode
* Select [1] the primitive. The Transformation-Matrix in the bottom right-hand corner pops up
* Play with the values und see what it does. Note the "minus" I put to flip my prim
* After you have changed a value you will have to hit "Apply" to see the change
* Move [2] the prim into position
* Connect it with triangles to the rest

You should use prims also for the oval.

* Delete all the gray triangles connected with the white oval
* Rotate the oval so that it is horizontal. We need the length and hight for reference
* Add primitive -> Circular Disc Sector -> 4-4disc.dat
* Click on the center of your oval and add a disc
* Use the matrix to distort your disc prim 'til it looks like your oval. Presumably your x value will be 1.5, with z=0.8

Screenshot and come back.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-09, 10:31)Willy Tschager Wrote: Wow! You're a quick learner. Before you move to LDPE to get a "sticker" out of your "pattern" you should refine it a bit. From what I can see the corners are rounded. This is where the LDraw primitives come into play to get a fine hires primitive substitution in renderers.

* Move-Snap 100
* Opacity 25%
* Color black
* Add primitive -> LDraw-Primitive -> Circular Disc Segment -> 1-4chrd.dat
* Click near the corner to set it. You will have to rotate it. You could actually rotate it like the oval or via the matrix - I'll show you the later.
* Primitive Mode
* Select [1] the primitive. The Transformation-Matrix in the bottom right-hand corner pops up
* Play with the values und see what it does. Note the "minus" I put to flip my prim
* After you have changed a value you will have to hit "Apply" to see the change
* Move [2] the prim into position
* Connect it with triangles to the rest

You should use prims also for the oval.

* Delete all the gray triangles connected with the white oval
* Rotate the oval so that it is horizontal. We need the length and hight for reference
* Add primitive -> Circular Disc Sector -> 4-4disc.dat
* Click on the center of your oval and add a disc
* Use the matrix to distort your disc prim 'til it looks like your oval. Presumably your x value will be 1.5, with z=0.8

Screenshot and come back.

Okay, I'm stuck. So first let's see my result. I just deleted the transparent triangles to do this primitives process. But that exported preview has transparent triangles

"* Move-Snap 100
* Opacity 25%
* Color black"
I had to click "add vertex" before and it must be in vertex mode - it does not work with "select"

"* Click near the corner to set it"
ok, here

Then I have to add the second point. But where? I put it here

.jpg   Clipboard03.jpg (Size: 6.5 KB / Downloads: 326)

"* Play with the values und see what it does." - I can control the distance between the two points I have

"* After you have changed a value you will have to hit "Apply" to see the change" - ok, changed. No idea what should be the vaule here (or based on what). And where is the apply button?

And then move the prim into position. But what is that prim and what/where should be that position I move into?
This process seems a bit harder than drawing triangles before
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-10, 19:38)Paweł Turalski Wrote: "* Move-Snap 100
* Opacity 25%
* Color black"
I had to click "add vertex" before and it must be in vertex mode - it does not work with "select"

At this point you need to add a primitive:

Quote:* Move-Snap 100
* Opacity 25%
* Color black
* Add primitive -> LDraw-Primitive -> Circular Disc Segment -> 1-4chrd.dat

When you try to add a primitive and it is only adding nothing, then your LDraw library path is not correctly set up.

Click on "Options" -> "Reset LDraw Path" to relocate your LDraw library folder.
Then try it again to insert the "1-4chrd.dat" primitive:
  • Add primitive -> LDraw-Primitive -> Circular Disc Segment -> 1-4chrd.dat
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-10, 20:03)Nils Schmidt Wrote: At this point you need to add a primitive:

When you try to add a primitive and it is only adding nothing, then your LDraw library path is not correctly set up.

Click on "Options" -> "Reset LDraw Path" to relocate your LDraw library folder.
Then try it again to insert the "1-4chrd.dat" primitive:
  • Add primitive -> LDraw-Primitive -> Circular Disc Segment -> 1-4chrd.dat

When I have primitive mode and "select", and add that primitive, I see the red cross. And then after clicking anywhere - nothing happens. That's why I had to use vertex mode and add vertex. Reset library did not change anything. Maybe I understand something wrong, I select the general ldraw folder

Same path works in LDCad too
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-10, 20:33)Paweł Turalski Wrote: When I have primitive mode and "select", and add that primitive, I see the red cross. And then after clicking anywhere - nothing happens. That's why I had to use vertex mode and add vertex. Reset library did not change anything. Maybe I understand something wrong, I select the general ldraw folder

You have to select the LDraw library path, not a general path.

The correct path could be in your case
  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\LDraw\complete zip\ldraw"

The ldraw library folder has the following internal structure:
  • models
  • p
  • parts
  • CAlicense.txt
  • CAlicense4.txt
  • CAreadme.txt
  • LDCfgalt.ldr
  • LDConfig.ldr
  • LDConfig_TLG.ldr
  • mklist.exe
  • Readme.txt
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Did you try unzipping the into


and reference the LDraw folder?

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Got it! So it looks like a rounded corner and the values change the corner positions + the last one is for the central position. I am not sure what result should be, but seems good. Now I am going to repeat the process on the other corners

.jpg   Clipboard01.jpg (Size: 19.07 KB / Downloads: 320)

And the correct path in my case was "C:\Program Files (x86)\LDraw\complete zip" - that zip is only in folder name, not typical zip. I selected that folder and it works
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-11, 12:13)Paweł Turalski Wrote: Got it! So it looks like a rounded corner and the values change the corner positions + the last one is for the central position. I am not sure what result should be, but seems good. Now I am going to repeat the process on the other corners

You should use a 1-4chrd.dat NOT a 1-4disc.dat.


LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-11, 12:48)Willy Tschager Wrote: You should use a 1-4chrd.dat NOT a 1-4disc.dat.



Ah yes, my mistake! But does it change anything?
Also thank you for this link, it was really helpful, I used the inverted 1-4ndis in one corner, because it is in two colours. That was fun to experiment with different primitive  Smile

But the 1-4disc works too, and feels easier to control. Of course if it technically changes something, I can use 1-4chrd instead

Now I have another question - how to make the pattern smaller? When you look at the exported preview, it sticks to the edges. The sticker is always smaller than the part, so in this case it should be smaller too. I cropped the sticker from full sticker sheet and used it as background image. I cropped it o the edges of the real sticker you apply, without that margins that are left on the sheet. So the pattern is made correctly, but needs to be scaled. How?
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-11, 13:18)Paweł Turalski Wrote: Ah yes, my mistake! But does it change anything?
Also thank you for this link, it was really helpful, I used the inverted 1-4ndis in one corner, because it is in two colours. That was fun to experiment with different primitive  Smile

But the 1-4disc works too, and feels easier to control. Of course if it technically changes something, I can use 1-4chrd instead

Now I have another question - how to make the pattern smaller? When you look at the exported preview, it sticks to the edges. The sticker is always smaller than the part, so in this case it should be smaller too. I cropped the sticker from full sticker sheet and used it as background image. I cropped it o the edges of the real sticker you apply, without that margins that are left on the sheet. So the pattern is made correctly, but needs to be scaled. How?

* The 1-4ndis.dat is not needed. Check out for example this sticker:

You'll see that the corner is cut out. If there are two colors try using 2x 1-8chrd.dat. If it doesn't fit just use simple triangles.

* 1-4chrd does the same job as a 1-4disc but requires less room. It is easier to fit in in cramped areas.

To scale:

* Vertex Mode
* Edit -> Select all
* Scale [4] - Move your mouse

However note that neither ref lines nor prims will be affected you'll have to reposition them. I would consider drawing a pattern and scale afterwards bad style: Opens margins for error.
You should measure it first with a caliper and convert to LDU. LDPE comes with an inbuild calculator or you could use this stand-alone:

Once you've got the LDUs right draw a quadrilateral with those values and start from there.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch

I'll pick up where I left for the oval.

* Primitive Mode
* Select your distorted circle
* Rotate [3]
* Rotate Snap (Degree) limits the angle. Select 1 (degree) for total freedom
* Note how the values in the Transformation Matrix change. That's why I scale a prim only when it is horizontal or vertical. Working on the values will distort your prim and I never managed to scale via the matrix whitout distortion. You might still scale via Scale [4] but only unifomrly.
* There is a Copy icon at the bottom of the Transformation Matrix dialog. Click it, once you're happy with the position and rotation of your white circle. This will copy the matrix to the clipboard
* Add a 4-4ndis.dat with the same center. It will be horizontal and square
* Presuming your ndis is still selected click the Paste icon in the Transformation Matrix. Your ndis should perfectly match your disc
* Join all 8 vertices of the ndis with the surrounding vertices.

* Your pattern should be ready for export.

Do some quality control:

* Edit -> Detect Triangle Overlaps
* Select BFC
* Hit Preview. Everything must be green.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Got it! The scale was easy to calculate, with grid size 1 the little square is 0,4mm so now the sticker is 15,2mm which is correct. And it looks really nice

Everything must be green? Check

Exported file looks great, even as a print

I think it is ready to be converted into sticker Smile
RE: Making stickers from scratch
* There is a dotted area. I presume it's your template. It should be removed prior export.
* Please post your pattern file here so we are all on the same page.

* Read:

and post what do you think your header based on the sticker sheet:

[Image: 42151stk01.png]

looks like?

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
After reading the ldraw literature (which is crazy), I think I can name the sticker:

sticker 15,2 x 15,2 with Bugatti track map

15,2 is the real size of the sticker, the plate 2x2 is 16x16 milimeters. That dotted area is 0,4mm per side to get the real sticker size.

Copied syntax with my changes:

0 sticker 15,2 x 15,2 with Bugatti track map
0 Name: 6415918u.dat
0 Author: Paweł Turalski [C3technic]      I use this nickname
0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part| Unofficial_Subpart| Unofficial_Primitive| Unofficial_8_Primitive| Unofficial_48_Primitive| Unofficial_Shortcut (optional qualifier(s)) what?
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt
0 !LICENSE Not redistributable : see NonCAreadme.txt  which one?

0 !HELP Optional free text description of file usage ?
0 !HELP Second row after user's line break to simulate paragraph ?


0 !KEYWORDS Map, Bugatti, Bolide, 42151

0 !CMDLINE LDraw run-time command(s) ?

0 !HISTORY 2023-03-21 {Paweł Turalski} new file not good as comment?

0 // Comments ?

1 <colour> x y z a b c d e f g h i <file> there is more than one

This literature is so hard to understand, but I am proud I tried something in that.
And here is the lpc file:

.lpc   42151st21.lpc (Size: 304.79 KB / Downloads: 3)
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-21, 18:22)Paweł Turalski Wrote: After reading the ldraw literature (which is crazy)

I'd like some feedback from a new author regarding the documentation.  Can you either PM me or start a new topic on this?
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-21, 18:22)Paweł Turalski Wrote: And here is the lpc file:

Thanks for posting.


* You should avoid where possible long, stretched triangles (yellow) as those give renderer a hard time. You should flip them prior export.
* The vertex in the middle of nowhere should be merged with nearby vertices:

    * Select the vertex.
    * CTRL and select the nearby vertex. Both vertices are selected
    * Merge/Split -> Merge to last selected CTRL+E
    * There are some other superfluous vertices on the right side. Do the same with them

* All the dotted area is not needed:

   * File -> Unload Template Data
   * Select all the vertices at the border and delete them

* Options -> Advanced Options

   * Enter your Real Name
   * Enter your Username
   * Select Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt.

At this point you should affirm the Contributor Agreement

The above will build a stump of a header for you.

* File -> Export as DAT -> Project on XZ Plane (-Y Top) - You should have learned from the specs that this is the only possible projection plane for a sticker.
* Name it 6415918u.dat
* Open the Dat-File in LDView and screenshot.

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
It works! As flat sticker, not a printed tile. Now removing dotted area makes sense


I tried it in Ldcad and it works too, but there are problems that are not in other stickers:

It does not "snap" to the plate. The Y position of sticker is -1 and 0 for tile. If the sticker position is on 0 then it is inside the tile and not clearly visible. Other stickers snap perfectly

The pattern is visible on the oppoiste side too, but mirrored. Not on other stickers

Please note that all 3 parts are on Y=0 position
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-23, 19:44)Paweł Turalski Wrote: It works! As flat sticker, not a printed tile. Now removing dotted area makes sense

I tried it in Ldcad and it works too, but there are problems that are not in other stickers:

It does not "snap" to the plate. The Y position of sticker is -1 and 0 for tile. If the sticker position is on 0 then it is inside the tile and not clearly visible. Other stickers snap perfectly

The pattern is visible on the oppoiste side too, but mirrored. Not on other stickers

Please note that all 3 parts are on Y=0 position

Do you have a "sticker body"? Normally all stickers are 0,25 LDU thick (the print is at -0,25).

That means you need a base (at Y=0) and sides to get a solid body (everything except the printed side has color 16).

Watch out for BFC and use prims (1-4 cyli and 1-4chrd to get the rounded edges).
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-23, 20:15)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: Do you have a "sticker body"? Normally all stickers are 0,25 LDU thick (the print is at -0,25).

That means you need a base (at Y=0) and sides to get a solid body (everything except the printed side has color 16).

Watch out for BFC and use prims (1-4 cyli and 1-4chrd to get the rounded edges).

What is sticker body? I exported the file from Pattern Creator and tested in Ldcad. I thinks not, but I'm not sure

How to make that base? And there is no colour 16 anymore, I removed it

I used the prims

So as Willy said, I exported the project to the ldr file and it works in Ldview, but if I noticed something else, I posted it here too. I guess this is not the end and the sticker is not ready to share yet
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Hello Pawel, look at this sticker:

-has rounded edges (r=1)
-bottom (first block) at y=0 and color 16
-sides (second block), heigth from y=0 to -0.25, also color 16
-no edge lines
-uses prims
-printed top at -0.25
-origin centered

this is just an example, maybe copy the first two blocks and fit it to your sticker.
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-23, 20:47)Paweł Turalski Wrote: What is sticker body?

All stickers are actually very thin boxes, only 0.25 ldu thick. Yours is missing the "bottom" of that box.
When making a sticker it's a good idea to start on a template. This will generate a sticker backside in you file.


But this box has a square shape, not rounded corners. But it will place your surface on the correct level, in your sticker.

You keep refering to the exported file as an "ldr". That's wrong. You export and create a dat file.
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Nobody said we are done.


* Start LDPE
* First thing we do is fixing the header
* Create a new distance meter - and draw a line left/right, top/bottom
* The important figure is the "Dst" which stands for Distance Stud. The size of a sticker is measured in "Studs" not "LDU"
* The header with the information already inserted in LDPC should be almost complete
* You'll have to add the name and the size. Note the Z x X convention and the TWO blanks in front of the figures:

* You don't need a CATEGORY. Read:

and try to understand why.

* However you need KEYWORDS. From the KEYWORDS you posted above only "Bolide, 42151" fit as the other two are part of the description. You actually have to add the set number but as "set 42151". Other possible KEYWORDS are:

0 !KEYWORDS Bricklink 42151stk01, Rebrickable 10101053, Brickowl 1167942
0 !KEYWORDS race care, EB, W16.4

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
I created the new distance meters in Part Editor, and I have the same values. But I do not understand what was the purpose to create these two, and how to use it in other parts later. Anyway, it works

The header is (or looks) fixed

.jpg   Clipboard02.jpg (Size: 73.28 KB / Downloads: 264)

Now I have a question - in KEYWORDS you added "Bricklink 42151stk0121, Rebrickable 10101053, Brickowl 1167942" (this is sticker 21)
How to get these numbers? Does the sticker has its own code? I only understand the rule of the sticker sheet number + letter, like "6415918u" here
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-23, 21:29)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: When making a sticker it's a good idea to start on a template. This will generate a sticker backside in you file.

But this box has a square shape, not rounded corners. But it will place your surface on the correct level, in your sticker.

You keep refering to the exported file as an "ldr". That's wrong. You export and create a dat file.

I did not know how to get the size to make a template, so I took the part which was already available in the program, in File>Load Template.
Exactly like Philio showed in his video, so I started from the flat sticker on simple tile, not formed on a technic panel

And that ldr and dat format - I know, my bad, I understand the difference between them, I just use ldr files more and I got used to it, so forgive me if sometimes I still write ldr  Big Grin
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Hello, for the number 6415918u:

if you look some posts up, there is the whole sticker sheet, it has its own part number in the lower right corner: 10101053/6415918

and u is the 21. letter of the alphabet

so this means "Sticker 21 of the Sheet 6415918" because here all parts are numbered like the reallife part (as long it has a number).
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-24, 19:19)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: Hello, for the number 6415918u:

if you look some posts up, there is the whole sticker sheet, it has its own part number in the lower right corner: 10101053/6415918

and u is the 21. letter of the alphabet

so this means "Sticker 21 of the Sheet 6415918" because here all parts are numbered like the reallife part (as long it has a number).

And this is what I understand. But why there is Brickowl 1167942? Where this number is from?
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-24, 19:25)Paweł Turalski Wrote: And this is what I understand. But why there is Brickowl 1167942? Where this number is from?

The different inventory sites assign different numbers. Rebrickable generally uses the first number on the sticker sheet, we use the second, and Brickowl/Bricklink make up their own number. The reason for the keywords is to easily find stickers when searching for them. This is also the reason a set keyword is required.
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-24, 19:03)Paweł Turalski Wrote: I created the new distance meters in Part Editor, and I have the same values. But I do not understand what was the purpose to create these two, and how to use it in other parts later. Anyway, it works

The header is (or looks) fixed

Now I have a question - in KEYWORDS you added "Bricklink 42151stk0121, Rebrickable 10101053, Brickowl 1167942" (this is sticker 21)
How to get these numbers? Does the sticker has its own code? I only understand the rule of the sticker sheet number + letter, like "6415918u" here


* The Distance meter is the easiest way to calculate the size of a sticker in stud. You are however free to sum you LDUs and use LDPE's calculator (on the left) to convert your LDUs into "Studs"

* The KEYWORDS work as cross reference to other numbering systems. If you know the sticker sheet number or Rebrickable's inventory number or Brickowl's own number for the sticker sheet (NOT the number of the single sticker as they look only on the sheet and not the single stickers as we do) there is a good chance to find the stickers in the LDraw Parts Library by search. Below the links to the different inventories:

* Your KEYWORDS are misplaced. The header has to follow exactly this order:

0 Sticker  1.9 x  1.9 with Bugatti Track Map
0 Name: 6415918u.dat
0 Author: Paweł Turalski [C3technic]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt


0 !KEYWORDS Bricklink 42151stk01, Rebrickable 10101053, Brickowl 1167942
0 !KEYWORDS race care, EB, W16.4

Indeed looking a the pan named "Problems" you'll see a:

"The BFC infomation is misplaced"

* Scrolling down in the Problems pane you'll further see:

Collinear vertices   line 310 

This type of error qualifies for a HOLD vote on the Parts Tracker. Some errors and warnings can by fixed by hitting the "Quick fix" button. Click it.

* For the second error I want you to doubleclick on the error itself.
* The Text Editor will jump to the line in question and highlight it grey
* Click on the line number and the line will be highlighted blue
* Select "Show Selection in 3D View" from the icon bar in the Text Editor
* The triangle (which in this case is just a line causing the error) will be highlighted at the border in the top right-hand section.
* Click the "Delete" icon in either the 3D Editor or Text Editor

Your Problems should now be free of error. Screenshot.
LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Fixed, no more errors. Quick fix button works. The only unofficial commands are the distances LPE, at the bottom of editor. Now it looks like this

Of course I changed the order to put the BFC between, and it works. I understand to look at all the blanks and lines and order. And  I added the keyword "set 42151" if its's ok
RE: Making stickers from scratch

* The distant meters are no longer needed. Delete them
* The white spot is still build of triangles instead of a primitive
* Select the Surface Mode (F3) in the 3D editor
* Select all white triangles of the oval by holding the CTRL key
* Delete 'em

* Select the Subpart Mode (F5) in the 3D Editor
* Select the dark grey ndis.dat prim in the 3D Editor
* Select Show Selection in Text Editor in the 3D Editor
* The corresponding line in the Text Editor will be highlighted
* Copy the line 1 72 -12.3874 0 1.9697 0.5084634 0 0.2552473 0 1 0 -0.1362423 0 0.952596 4-4ndis.dat in the Text Editor
* Past the line just below
* The "Problems" pane will prompt a "Duplicated lines?"
* In the Text Editor change one of the two "4-4ndis.dat" to "4-4disc.dat"
* The error in the "Problems" pane disapears
* Color the new prim white either via the color icon bar or by changing the color number 72 (Dark Bluish Grey) to 15 (white)

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Done! After removing the distant meters, both warnings were gone, so that was the problem. But I changed the white oval from triangles to primitives, everything works. The only question is - why?
Really, why? In previous replies I noticed a lot about primitives. Technically does it change something if I use trianges instead? Or if I understand it correctly, the goal is to use as much primitives as possible instead of triangles, right? 

This is the final result

And the new line (line 17) in text editor. No errors or warnings
RE: Making stickers from scratch
maybe round a bit, no one needs 15 decimal places...

there is the option "round" next to "Select..." which rounds them to a normal amount (maybe you have to close minigaps from roteted prims afterwards).
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-27, 11:40)Paweł Turalski Wrote: Done! After removing the distant meters, both warnings were gone, so that was the problem. But I changed the white oval from triangles to primitives, everything works. The only question is - why?
Really, why? In previous replies I noticed a lot about primitives. Technically does it change something if I use trianges instead? Or if I understand it correctly, the goal is to use as much primitives as possible instead of triangles, right? 

This is the final result

And the new line (line 17) in text editor. No errors or warnings

The round prims like rings, discs, chrds will be substituted by a higher resolution on some renderers which results in a smoother surface.

RE: Making stickers from scratch

The prim in the bottom left-hand corner is all distorted.

* Delete that prim
* Select the disc in the bottom right-hand corner:

1 0 17.5 0 -17.5 1.5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.5 1-4disc.dat

* Copy and paste
* To distinguish it from the original prim color it
* Manipulating the matrix it will be mirrored and moved to -X
* Furthermore change 1-4disc.dat to 1-4chrd.dat. A chord requires less room as I told you above.

1 14 -17.5 0 -17.5 -1.5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.5 1-4chrd.dat

Compare the two codes and read my tutorial at:

to get a least a bit of an insight

* Color your chord
* There will be room left by the deleted disc prim
* Click Create a new quad (7)
* Make sure you have selected "Black" in the color bar of the 3D editor
* Select the four vertices to create a quad
* It is not important to respect a clockwise or counterclockwise order or go for a bowtie. LDPE will do all the magic for you
* Your quad will be place at the very bottom of the text editor and should have this figures:

4 0 -17.5 0 -18 -19 0 -17 -19 0 -17.5 -17.5 0 -19

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Disc prim fixed. Here is the result

Quick prim view

And the new quad

.jpg   Clipboard03.jpg (Size: 31.12 KB / Downloads: 213)

This is not exactly "4 0 -17.5 0 -18 -19 0 -17 -19 0 -17.5 -17.5 0 -19" like in your text editor, but I understand that it shows the positions of the four connected points from XYZ values where Y=0 because it is not 3d part but flat sticker

X=-17,5  Z=-18
X=-19    Z=-17
X=-19    Z=-17,5
X=-17,5  Z=-19
Same points but clicked in different order Smile

Extra question: I see the quad works like added the 'surface', in Pattern Creator made from trangles, here quadrangle. Editing the pattern. So, excepting the background image, is it technically possible to make a full sticker using only Part Editor?
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-28, 21:12)Paweł Turalski Wrote: Extra question: I see the quad works like added the 'surface', in Pattern Creator made from trangles, here quadrangle. Editing the pattern. So, excepting the background image, is it technically possible to make a full sticker using only Part Editor?

You can even load a background image into LDPE but you would miss a lot of things:

* No transparency unless you use trans colors during authoring
* Splines
* Detect overlap

and your 2D view, say from top, cannot be locked and as soon as you rotate your working plane things get messy

Time to make the thin box required for stickers:

* Click Move the Manipulator to Origin - in the 3D Editor
* Select -> All - in the 3D Editor
* Actions -> Set X/Y/Z  - in the 3D Editor
* Tick Y in the dialog and enter -0.25 - The entire pattern will be rosen by 0.25 LDU. All Y values in the Text Editor should be -.25
* Select the three black prims in the corners - in the 3D Editor
* Copy and past - in the 3D editor
* The copies will pop up at the bottom of the Text Editor and the "Problems" pane will complain
* Change all three prims to 1-4cyli.dat
* Change their hight from 1 LDU to 0.25 LDU by working on the Matrix. Note that there is no difference between 0.25 and .25. Your final code looks like this:

1 0 17.5 -.25 -17.5 1.5 0 0 0 .25 0 0 0 -1.5 1-4cyli.dat
1 0 -17.5 -.25 17.5 -1.5 0 0 0 .25 0 0 0 1.5 1-4cyli.dat
1 0 -17.5 -.25 -17.5 -1.5 0 0 0 .25 0 0 0 -1.5 1-4cyli.dat

* Cut the ndis.dat from the top of the Text Editor

1 16 17.5 -.25 17.5 1.5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1.5 1-4ndis.dat

and insert it at the bottom.

* You have to do some copy and past and editing the matrix 'til you get these two prims:

1 16 17.5 -.25 17.5 1.5 0 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 1.5 1-4cyli.dat
1 16 17.5 0 17.5 1.5 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1.5 1-4chrd.dat

Play with the values and understand what you have done.

* Select these two lines in the Text Editor
* Click Inline selection recursively (partial BFC confomity, no comments, no whitespace) - your two prims become this:

0 // Inlined: 1 16 17.5 -.25 17.5 1.5 0 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 1.5 1-4cyli.dat
4 16 19 0 17.5 18.88585 0 18.07405 18.88585 -.25 18.07405 19 -.25 17.5
5 24 19 -.25 17.5 19 0 17.5 18.88585 -.25 18.07405 19 -.25 16
4 16 18.88585 0 18.07405 18.56065 0 18.56065 18.56065 -.25 18.56065 18.88585 -.25 18.07405
5 24 18.88585 -.25 18.07405 18.88585 0 18.07405 18.56065 -.25 18.56065 19 -.25 17.5
4 16 18.56065 0 18.56065 18.07405 0 18.88585 18.07405 -.25 18.88585 18.56065 -.25 18.56065
5 24 18.56065 -.25 18.56065 18.56065 0 18.56065 18.07405 -.25 18.88585 18.88585 -.25 18.07405
4 16 18.07405 0 18.88585 17.5 0 19 17.5 -.25 19 18.07405 -.25 18.88585
5 24 18.07405 -.25 18.88585 18.07405 0 18.88585 17.5 -.25 19 18.56065 -.25 18.56065
5 24 17.5 -.25 19 17.5 0 19 18.07405 -.25 18.88585 16 -.25 19

0 // Inlined: 1 16 17.5 0 17.5 1.5 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1.5 1-4chrd.dat
4 16 18.88585 0 18.07405 19 0 17.5 17.5 0 19 18.07405 0 18.88585
3 16 18.07405 0 18.88585 18.56065 0 18.56065 18.88585 0 18.07405

LEGO ergo sum
RE: Making stickers from scratch
Perfect, all 3 corners looks like that

Only the top right corner is different, but I know that is because of different prim. But I have no idea what is this hmm, black cylinder?
In text editor it is in lines 833, 835, 837, 839, 840

I see it on different points, depending on my camera view

.jpg   Clipboard03.jpg (Size: 23.21 KB / Downloads: 202)

Now text preview
Without ndis on the top

And the bottom inline result
RE: Making stickers from scratch
(2023-03-29, 18:48)Paweł Turalski Wrote: Only the top right corner is different, but I know that is because of different prim. But I have no idea what is this hmm, black cylinder?

Nothing to worry about, this is a conditional line, there are four of them as you mentioned in the lines 833, 835 etc.

If you move the part one or the other will appear, creating an edge.

Visibility in the editor for the thickness of the lines can be set here

.png   LDPE_LineThickness.PNG (Size: 7.78 KB / Downloads: 200)
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