Hi Willy,
Thanks for pointing that out. I thought the optional qualifier was meant for submodels, but I was wrong

One question: Do I need to finish the other submodels before this one will be uploaded?
In this particular case, I want to finish the other submodels anyway, but I am just wondering because for some set the submodels can't really bother me.
I am a bit confused by the fact that "for playsets or other sets where there are multiple models that are part of an integral whole, all of the submodels will be contained in one MPD." If I look at the existing models, the submodels are always seperate files, e.g.,
http://omr.ldraw.org/set/850-1/. Is it just that for uploading, all the submodels are part of one MPD file, while they might appear on the website as different MPD files?
Best regards!