Mesh from Lego games

Mesh from Lego games
Hi all. I found way how to extract mesh from Lego Star Wars. I have this *.obj file, but i have questions. Is there any way to convert it to dat format, and find right scale. If we find solution, we can extract a lot of meshes( mostly minifigs and creatures) and convert them to ldraw( than clean up ,add conditional lines and edges)

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.zip (Size: 25.83 KB / Downloads: 7)
Re: Mesh from Lego games
You have to convert the .obj to .stl (eg. using Meshlab then convert .stl to .dat with stl2dat ( or included to LETGUI As for scaling... depends on units in source file, so I can't say for sure. The antistud base of Jabba is 80 x 100 ldu.
Re: Mesh from Lego games
probably i am doing something wrong, but when i convert from stl to dat, i get few trialngles and thats all.
I convert *.obj to *.stl
I use stl to dat tool.
But dat appears to be almost empty

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.zip (Size: 45.79 KB / Downloads: 1)
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Ah - a classical one. You must export to stl ascii format. stl2dat import of stl binary format is buggy, that's what you experiment
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Oh, thats help, but still, mesh i got grom it very veird, it looks not nice, can you please advice me, what paremeters should i check

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.zip (Size: 105.81 KB / Downloads: 0)
Re: Mesh from Lego games
I founs solution, i sacle up original mesh 50 times, than convert, and get great looking result
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Yes, stl2dat condlines generation is not very good on tiny polygons, so it gets better when scaled up first. Otherwise, you may also use "raw" mode that only extract triangles without any further processing, then generate condlines/edge lines with Edger2.
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Still need few advices:

1. I want to make bottom part using primitives, but i don't know what i have to use for rounded corners, and rounded side, can someone help me.
2. I dont know, if his arm and hand are movable, or they jast static.

Attached Files
.zip   44361c01(Jabba).zip (Size: 21.11 KB / Downloads: 2)
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Looks like the arms are movable.
And your part is mirrored left/right.
Re: Mesh from Lego games
I confirm that the arms are moveable. The rounded corners should be made from a BFC invertnext 1-4cylo radius 6, a 1-4cylo radius 10, a 1-4ring3 radius 2 and a 1-4ring4 radius 2. The sharp corners are done with two box2-7 (one invertnext) and a bunch of quads.
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Thank you a lot. Almost done. Left 2 things.
1. I dont know what ID i have to give to arm, but if it movable it has to be separate part.
2. Edges and condlines( it is my curse, i always have problem with them in camplicated meshes)

Attached Files
.zip   44361c01(Jabba).zip (Size: 24.66 KB / Downloads: 5)
Re: Mesh from Lego games
ups, o forgot to add tail connector

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.dat   44361s02.dat (Size: 9.86 KB / Downloads: 10)
Re: Mesh from Lego games
I would be interested in how to extract minifig bones and walking/running/other animations into Blender.
Re: Mesh from Lego games
try to look here
Re: Mesh from Lego games
I played around with few other parts, and fiigured out that they differs a lot from original. So it is sensless to convert them(
Re: Mesh from Lego games
Already Jabba's was wrong (traight instead of curved), fortunately the head was OK.
Re: Mesh from Lego games
The program that I used for converting .OBJ to .DAT was one called 3Dto3D that was command line driven. Though to run it in windows 7 or later may require using an emulator like DosBox.
RE: Mesh from Lego games
(2015-12-23, 20:48)Stan Isachenko Wrote: Hi all. I found way how to extract mesh from Lego Star Wars. I have this *.obj file, but i have questions. Is there any way to convert it to dat format, and find right scale. If we find solution, we can extract a lot of meshes( mostly minifigs and creatures) and convert them to ldraw( than clean up ,add conditional lines and edges)

It would be interesting if you could extract the bones and animations too.
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