Roland Melkert Wrote:6126: I'm not sure about the hole in the 'flame', shoudn't it be a clip and if so doesn't it need one on the other side too? I also moved this info to the subfile.Ah, I missed there is a subfile, sorry for that. I need better glasses

The hole should be a hole, not a clip. I tried it with the real part and it's near to impossible to use that as a clip - you can break the part this way. And about the other side (of the flame shape, you mean, right?): the shape is too open there so it cannot handle the pin. The only place working as "a snap point" is the one I marked.
BTW: While working on this I've found that holes in caps and hair parts fit to flower stem and vice versa: hair/helmet decoration pins fit to the hole in the middle of flower, and sausage ends fit there as well. Interesting. Maybe I use that fact in my next models

Roland Melkert Wrote:I redid both flower parts as the perfectionist in me couldn't help be bothered by the tiny offsets. There are some tricks you can use in the editor to obtain orientations from primitive usage (4-4cyli.dat in this case), maybe I'll should make a tutorial for this.
Thanks for your empathy

And can you also add a possibility to create a grid with step lesser than 1?